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Library Library lessons occur every week. 5/6K on Monday 5/6C on Friday Please encourage children to borrow regularly with a library bag. ENGLISH Reading In class novel study – Chinese Cinderella and Mao's Last Dancer to compliment our HSIE topic
Library Library lessons occur every week. 5/6K on Monday 5/6C on Friday Please encourage children to borrow regularly with a library bag. ENGLISH Reading In class novel study – Chinese Cinderella and Mao's Last Dancer to compliment our HSIE topic Writing- Information Reportsand Poetry, including electronic texts. Spelling Students will participate in spelling activities that examine phonemes, prefixes and suffixes, spelling rules, and theme words. Grammar ,Punctuation and vocabulary will be taught as part of the writing program Multimodal Meanings As part of the new National English curriculum, students learn how image and text work together to make meaning. Handwriting – Formal handwriting lessons weekly and text book focusing on NSW Foundation style handwriting. Stage 3 Term 3 Overview 2014 Students will be engaged in…. EXCURSIONS & ENRICHMENT Weeks 2 and 3 Mon and Tuesday 10 Year 5 girls visit Canterbury Girls for enrichment program Week 2- ATYP visit for video conferencing Week 3 – All Sports all Stage 2 and 3 Week 5 – Monty Pryor ACU Free event – 30 students only Enrichment activities occur every Thursday from 2.40 – 3.25 pm HSIE Bali- A Study of a Cultural Group-This unit provides opportunities for students to develop understanding and appreciation of traditional Balinese culture and how it has changed as a result of interactions with other cultures. Balinese culture is used as an example only. Students will study another cultural group in Indonesia or from another country in the Asia–Pacific region for their research projects. MATHEMATICS- Working Mathematically – Communicating, Problem Solving and Reasoning uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas. Checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used. Number and Algebra 2 – Whole Numbers, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions and Decimals, Patterns and Algebra. Measurement and Geometry 2 – Length, Volume and Capacity, Time Statistics and Probability 2 – Data – selects appropriate methods to collect data, and constructs, compares, interprets and evaluates data displays, including tables, picture graphs and column graphs. CREATIVE AND PRACTICAL ARTS Students will participate in activities guided by a visiting artist to contribute to ‘Sculpture by the School’ event. Children will undertake a variety of visual and dramatic arts activities in class as well as dance, choir and recorder lessons. The Barber of Seville- Opera Australia will perform for the school on August 12th. PD/HEALTH/PE Yoga/Healthy Skills for Life/Sport/PSSA/Child Protection During these lessons the children will be focusing on strength, balance and endurance. They will also be further developing their listening and concentration. As part of personal development, students will be participating in the ‘Child Protection’ program which will focus on ‘no go tell’ and identifying safe and unsafe situations. COMPUTERS/ TECHNOLOGY Interactive classroom will be an important focus for learning this year and will occur as a companion to in class literacy and mathematics activities. All students are given opportunities to use technology for research, presentations and other multimedia projects. HOMEWORK Will reinforce concepts taught in the classroom and will include a variety of task including reading, spelling, comprehension and maths. Extension homework is available from class teachers. LOTE: Happens every Thursday at 12.15- 2.15 pm. The LOTE teachers integrate their lessons with that of the class teacher. The teachers expect that all students bring their books and equipment to each lesson, as they would normally to other classes. Overviews of LOTE lessons found under LOTE in school years on website.