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The Fusion Simulation Program. presented at the SWIM meeting on October 28, 2010 JR Cary Tech-X on behalf of the FSP Team Terminology The Fusion Simulation Program is expected to start in FY12 We are currently in the FSP Definition Project What will FSP be? How will it be run?.
The Fusion Simulation Program presented at the SWIM meeting on October 28, 2010 JR Cary Tech-X on behalf of the FSP Team Terminology The Fusion Simulation Program is expected to start in FY12 We are currently in the FSP Definition Project What will FSP be? How will it be run?
The purpose of this meeting is to • Provide a status report for the FSP Definition Project, which is about 2/3 through its two-year life • Engage the community for feedback • Most information can be found starting from www.pppl.gov/fsp.
Where for information? • Input welcome, a purpose of this meeting • FAQ: http://www.pppl.gov/fsp/FAQS/FSP_FAQ_Jan8_2010.pdf • Science Drivers: http://fspscidri.web.lehigh.edu/index.php/Main_Page • Components http://fspcomp.web.lehigh.edu/index.php/Main_Page • Frameworks: https://ice.txcorp.com/trac/fspfrmwrkplan/wiki • Validation: http://www.psfc.mit.edu/FSP-Validation/index.php/Main_Page
Where do you go with questions? • FSP PLANNING TEAM: *W. Tang (PPPL/PU). D. Batchelor (ORNL), H. Berk (IFS), J. Brooks (Purdue U.), J. Cary (Tech-X/U. Colorado), V. Chan (GA), C.S. Chang (NYU), P. Colella (LBNL), L. Diachin (LLNL), P. Diamond (UCSD), M. Greenwald (MIT), D. Keyes (Columbia U.), D. Kothe (ORNL), A. Kritz (Lehigh U.), W. Nevins (LLNL), A. Siegel (ANL/U.Chicago), X. Tang (LANL), G. Tynan (UCSD) • FSP MANAGEMENT TEAM: Director (W. Tang, PPPL), Deputy Director for Plasma Science (M. Greenwald, MIT) , Deputy Director for Advanced Computing (D. Kothe, ORNL) • Science Drivers (Lead, A. Kritz, Lehigh U.) with Supporting Team • Frameworks/Physics Integration (Lead, J. Cary, Tech-X) with Supporting Team • Experimental Validation (Lead, M. Greenwald, MIT, co-Lead, V. Chan, GA) with Supporting Team • Advanced Physics Modules (Lead, X. Tang, LANL, Verification Lead, L. Diachin, LLNL) with Supporting Team • Project Management (D. Hudson, ORNL, R.Strykowsky, PPPL)
The FSP is envisioned to go for 15 years, so needs • Planning • Management • Governance • Continuation with members coming and going
Our place in the time line • PAC review (Sep 10) highly favorable • Science driver reports in • http://fspscidri.web.lehigh.edu/index.php/Main_Page (final reports) • Next step: comment, improve, prioritize. Management team to start discussing in November. • Possible management plans presented to PAC • Next steps: • Comment, improve • Select persons for management positions • Present to community (Feb 7-11) • Select IA heads and teams
Current view of responsibilities Science Drivers Boundary Layer Pedestal Director Core Profiles Wave -Particle Interactions Disruptions Dep Dir for Physics Dep Dir for Architecture Whole Device Modeling Operational Support Integ Science Apps Advanced components Software Integration Quality Assurance UQ, methodologies Developer support Software and tools IA 1 Testing User support Workflow tools IA 2 Validators Systems support? IA 3 On-HPC integration QA, OS support all other areas and users. Decisions which boxes have technical managers? How large are the teams? Does there need to be an IA head?
First assignments Science Drivers Boundary Layer Pedestal Director Filling by Jan Core Profiles Wave -Particle Interactions Disruptions Dep Dir for Physics Dep Dir for Architecture Whole Device Modeling Operational Support Integ Science Apps Advanced components Software Integration Quality Assurance UQ, methodologies Developer support Software and tools IA 1 Testing User support Workflow tools IA 2 Validators Systems support? IA 3 On-HPC integration QA, OS support all other areas and users. Decisions which boxes have technical managers? How large are the teams? Does there need to be an IA head?
Presentation to Community, Feb 7-11 • Working out what we want out of this • Informative of decisions to date • Notification of openings for IA heads and teams • What else?
Integrated application team heads/teams selected in March/April • Proposals to FSP Definition Team • Evaluation based on • Credibility to deliver on Science Driver • Team making use of those in community
Must be a balance between early deliverables and common infrastructure • Further development of common infrastructure goes under DD for Architecture (examples: monitoring, tools) • IA teams should bring to the party whatever they need for early deliverables • As FSP proceeds, Integration should be pulling out commonly useful software from ISAs and providing it in generally useful form
How will Software Integration work with other teams? • Short term success will be made by modifying existing community software to address science drivers. This is likely to be less invasive on legacy software and more one-offs. • Software integration liaisons will study the efforts, extract common tools, and make them more broadly applicable and available • Software Integration will also be identifying and developing tools for tighter couplings, such as common data structures • All of this will be maintained for public download
Development of robust, integrated apps on long term will require continuous interaction Integ Science Apps Advanced components Software Integration Software and tools Workflow tools On-HPC integration Integration ideas flow from integrated apps to the Integration team Integration team creates robust, reusable integration software
Timeline for all teams 2016 2012 2014 2019 Developer support User support System support? Quality assurance Mission refine, hiring Maintenance Integrated Science Application 1 Integrated Science Application 2 Integrated Science Application 3 First release Tightly integrated app release Software integration Second release (tight coupling infrastructure) First release (ext tools, viz, …)
Charge 1) FSP Science Goals -- Regarding the current set of science drivers and associated science program plans, please comment on the current vision and plans for: a) development of the integrated software products that flow from the science goals in the nearer-term (<5 years) and the longer term time frames (5-15 years); In the first five years, integrated software products will come from stripped, augmented, and reorg'd protoFSPs. After first release of tight-integration products, new integrated applications will come from refactoring to make use of common infrastructure b) prioritizing and scheduling the program elements identified in the individual science program plans; and c) the cross-disciplinary engagement of communities representing FES theory/computations & experiments and ASCR computer science and applied math. New integration products will make heavy use of AppMath libs and development will be with joint teams involving ASCR personnel.