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4º de ESO

4º de ESO. Today’s English. PRESENTATION. Who is Sol and what is she doing here ?. R espect your teacher and classmate E nglish is the language to communicate S ilence while hands raised P ay attention to the teacher’s explanations E ffort - always give your best

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4º de ESO

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 4º de ESO Today’sEnglish

  2. PRESENTATION Whois Sol and whatisshedoinghere?

  3. Respectyourteacher and classmate Englishisthelanguagetocommunicate Silencewhilehandsraised Payattentiontotheteacher’sexplanations Effort- alwaysgiveyourbest Collaboration and cooperation Tobepunctualeveryday First of all, let’sreadsome rules….

  4. What are wegoingtolearn? - Variations of theEnglishlanguge • To use reportedspeech • Vocabulary: Compoundnouns, reportingverbs and prefixes • Toeditwrittenwork • Thedifferencebetween/ɒ/ and /ɑ:/

  5. How are wegoingtolearn?

  6. We are goingtoworkonthesedifferentsectionsthroughenjoyableactivitieswhichwillneedfromyourcollaboration. Wewillwork in pairs, in groups and individually.

  7. Whatwillbeevaluated?

  8. …and howwillitbeevaluated? POSITIVE POINTS WILL BE GIVEN TO THOSE WHO…

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