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The International Task Force on ‘Teachers for EFA’ and Update on the EFA Teacher Gap. “Providing teachers for EFA: quality matters” 6-7 July 2010 Amman, Jordan. Education For All (EFA) goals. Expanding and improving early childhood care and education,
The International Task Force on ‘Teachers for EFA’ and Update on the EFA Teacher Gap “Providing teachers for EFA: quality matters” 6-7 July 2010 Amman, Jordan
Education For All (EFA) goals Expanding and improving early childhood care and education, Achieving universal primary education, Meeting learning needs of youth and adults, Improving adult literacy by 50%, Achieving gender equality, and Ensuring quality in education.
WhyTeachers for EFA? Precondition to achieving each & every EFA goal Bridging Quantity (access) and Quality (learning outcomes) A daunting teacher gap if only for Universal Primary Education (UPE) in 2015: ► 10.3 million new teachers projected to be needed: 1.9 million in new posts + 8.4m as replacements
The Oslo recommendations « We urge national governments, with appropriate technical support to map out their short and medium-term needs for recruitment, deployment, training and retention of teachers. We call upon development partners to support national efforts in this area, working with governments, regional bodies, civil society and teacher organisations, to identify and meet the needs specified, and provide predictable support to cover the associated costs ».
The Oslo mandate Creation of the Task Force – A voluntary global alliance of EFA partners. Nature - The Task Force is not a funding mechanism rather it seeks to support and complement existing activities Action Plan – proposed developments of activities and program Principles - National ownership, South-South and North-South-South cooperation Focus particularly on those countries furthest away from reaching the EFA goals and those with the largest teacher gaps. Secretariat, supported by willing partners, to assist the Task Force
Membership & Governance Expanding membership: - 63 countries - 24 organisations Steering Committee: North and South; Governments & Organisations Co-chairs: Indonesia & European Commission Task Force meetings in March 2009 & June 2009
Funding and secretariat Committed funding: $4.5 million ($ 4.1 million received) Staff secondments Donors: European Commission, France, Germany, Indonesia, Norway Host & overall support: UNESCO A dedicated ‘Teachers for EFA’ secretariat constituted as an autonomous entity within UNESCO, following the model of the EFA Global Monitoring Report (GMR) team, and located in Paris Human resources: 6 staff
Developing an Action Plan Spelling out the Teacher challenge for EFA: A policy gap A capacity gap A financing gap Implementation timeframe 2009 – 2012 A 1-year workplan, calendar and budget
Advocacy activities Some high level events attended: 4th Commonwealth Teacher Research Symposium (March 2009) EFA Fast Track Initiative (FTI) Partnership Meeting (April 2009) 17th Conf. of Commonwealth Education Ministers (June 2009) Bamako + 5 meeting on contractual teachers (October 2009) High Level Group Meeting in Addis Ababa (February 2010) United Nations Girl Education Initiative (UNGEI) annual conference, Dakar, Senegal (May 2010) 23rd Standing Conference of Ministers of Education, Council of Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia (June 2010) E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting, Abuja, Nigeria (June 2010)
Knowledge Sharing and Policy Dialogue Broadening the knowledge base to inform policy dialogue: Global Monitoring Report (GMR) through a teacher lens Literature review on Teacher Attrition Policy Dialogue Forum on “Teachers, the financial crisis, and the EFA challenge of reaching the marginalized” (22 February 2010, Addis Ababa) Second Policy Dialogue Forum on “Providing Teachers for EFA; quality matters” (6-7 July 2010, Amman)
The Task Force website Contents of the Task Force website: Explanations on the Task Force A clickable world map with data on teachers Latest news regarding Task Force activities A resource base with research, information and documentations Pictures of teachers around the world a calendar of major events related to teachers A discussion forum (upcoming)
Coming up later in 2010… Conference on “Providing teachers for EFA”, building on the two Policy Dialogue For a and in cooperation with the African Union Commission Facilitation of North-South-South partnerships on teachers for EFA: stock-taking of ongoing activities by donors, technical agencies, and global organizations and relating to teachers for EFA to facilitate Advocacy at high level events: join us in advocating for teachers for EFA! Broadening the knowledge base, e.g. Review: “Efficiency and effectiveness of policies and their implementation to provide teachers for EFA in various contexts” Advocacy paper on the financing of recurrent teacher costs, aid predictability and aid dependency Launch of country-level support activities
Education for All =Teachers for All The first ever global platform to foster collaboration & support action on teacher provision for EFA A new teacher focus and impetus for EFA Protecting the gains in teacher provision since 2000 from the effects of the global crisis Ensuring quality in Education for All through teachers Asserting the right of every learner to a teacher