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A Talk on Listening and Speaking Skills By Dr. K. Ratna Shiela Mani. The Syllable Monosyllabic Words: - I, cat, dog, owl, harm, pen, cream, crisp, sheet, stream, spray, texts, tempts, jumps, blades, splash. Disyllabic Words:
A Talk on Listening and Speaking Skills By Dr. K. Ratna Shiela Mani
The Syllable Monosyllabic Words: -I, cat, dog, owl, harm, pen, cream, crisp, sheet, stream, spray, texts, tempts, jumps, blades, splash.
Disyllabic Words: -'pencil, 'tailor, 'market, be'hind, re'ceive, 'message, 'crisis, 'order, a'pply, 'under, mis'take, 'beauty, 'colour, 'artist, de'fend, 'butter.
Three syllables: -ciga'rette, 'anything, 'beautiful, 'customer, 'eagerly, con'nection, di'rector, after'noon, des'tructive.
Four syllables: 'absolutely, 'comfortable, a'bility, for'getfulness, in'tentional, accidental, circu'lation, diplo'matic, unim'portant.
More than four syllables: alffili'ation, lagri'cultural, lnationali'zation, lau'thoritative, inlferi'ority, elxami'nation, loppor'tunity, perlsonifi'cation, ildentifi'cation.
Stress Shift 'advertise / 'ædvətaiz / ad'vertisement / æd'və:tizmənt / e'xamine / ig'zæmin / exami'nee / igzæmi'ni: / in'ferior / in'fiəriə / inferiority / inlfiəri'rəti / res'ponsible / ris'pnsəbl / responsibility / rislpnsə'biləti /
Stress on first element: 'air-raid 'lifeboat 'tea-party 'bookshelf 'pickpocket 'school-bus 'cardboard 'postman ''hairbrush 'footprint 'rain-coat 'crossword Primary Stress on 2nd element: lAfter-'noon lpost-'graduate lbad-'tempered lVice-'chancellor
Functional Stress Stress change according to the function of the word Noun / AdjectiveVerb /'conduct / 'kndәkt con'duct / kәn'dkt / /'contrast / 'k ntrast con'trast / kәn'tra:st / / 'convict / 'k nvikt con'vict / kәn'vikt / / 'desert / 'dezet de'sert / di'zә:t/ / 'export / 'eksp:t ex'port / iks'p:t/ / 'import / 'imp:t im'port / im'p:t / / 'object / 'bdikt ob'ject / әb'd ekt/ / 'permit / 'pә:mit per'mit / pә'mit / / 'present / 'preznt pre'sent / pri'zent / exceptions a'ccount, 'limit, 'order, 'promise, re'mark, 'visit
Word Stress – Some RulesRule 1: Words with weak prefixes always take the accent on the root. For example, A'head, a'lone, a'cross, be'cause, be'come, bet'ween, be'neath
Rule 2: The inflexional suffices –ed, -es and –ing do not affect the accent.For example, -ed recom 'mend recom 'mended re 'late re 'lated -es com 'pose com 'poses -ing ad 'vance ad 'vancing com 'mit com 'mitting
Rule 3: The derivational suffixes –age, -ance, -en, -er, -ess, - ful, -hood, -ice, -ish, -ive, -less, -ly, -ment, -ness, -or, - ship, -ter, -ure and –zen do not normally affect the accent. For example, -age 'carry 'carriage -ance an 'noy an 'noyance ap 'pear ap 'pearance -er at 'tend at 'tender per 'form per 'former -ess 'actor 'actress -ful 'beauty 'beautiful 'colour 'colourful -hood 'brother 'brotherhood -ice 'coward 'cowardice -ish 'fever 'feverish
-ive a 'buse a 'busive -less 'colour 'colourless -ly 'certain 'certainly -ment a 'chieve a 'chievement -ness 'bitter 'bitterness -or col 'lect col 'lector -ship 'scholar 'scholarship -ter 'laugh 'laughter -zen 'city 'citizen
Rule 4: Words ending in –ion take the primary accent on the penultimate syllable. admi'ration, appli'cation, combi'nation, deco'ration, exami'nation, 'question.
Rule 5: Words ending in –ic, ical, ically, -ious, -ial and –ially take the primary accent on the syllable preceding the suffix. -ic me'chanic, apolo'getic, pa'thetic -ical me'chanical, bio'logical, e'lectrical -ically me'chanically, 'chemically, eco'nomically -ious cere'monius, no'torious -ial com'mercial, confi'dential , me'morial -iallly com'mercially, dra'matically
Rule 6: Words ending in –ity take the accent on the ante-penultimate syllable, or the third syllable from the end. a'bility, ca'pacity, elec'tricity, gene'rosity
WORD STRESS - Practice 1. Functional Stress noun/adj – Verb 'conduct - Con'duct 'object - Ob'ject
2. Words with weak prefixes: (Stress in the root Word) a'bout - a'rise 3. Words with prefixes with meening: (stress on both the prefix and the root word) lDis'loyal - lin sin'cere
Some disyllabic words (Stress on the second syllable) • Mis'tress - dis'til - dis'band • di'sease - dis'turb
5. - ate nar'rate mi'grate de'bate lo'cate pul'sate vi'brate
5. - ise 'chastise 'comprise 5. - ize 'capsize 'baptize
5. - ct at'tract con'nect de'pict in'fect in'ject se'lect pro'tect
6. - ate 'complicate 'separate 'educate 'cultivate ar'ticulate
6. - ise, - ize 'colonise 'enterprise 'brutalise 'realize 'recognise mo'nopolise 'jeopardise
6. - ify 'justify 'classify 'beautify 'certify 'gratify 'modify 'nullify 'satisfy
7. - ion lappli'cation lcivili'zation lcompo'sition lconver'sation lculti'vation exami'nation lqualifi'cation intro’duction imagi'nation 'question sug'gestion con'gestion indi'gestion
8. - ity a'bility elec'tricity possi'bility ac'tivity e'quality proba'bility curi'osity gene'rosity
9. - ic apolo'getic e'lectric sympa'thetic patri'otic scien'tific
9. - ical - icallyapolo'getically-ial
9. -ially me'morial o'ffical presi'dential in'dustrial 'special resi'dential cere'monial e'ssential super'ficial
9. -ian vic'torian lib'rarian elec'trician mu'sician poli'tician discipli'narian
10. -ious 'anxious in'dustrious in'jurious la'borious re'bellious
10. -eous 'piteous 'courageous 'gorgeous 'hideous 'righteous simul'taneous 'spontaneous advan'tageous
11. - cracy au'tocracy de'mocracy tech'nocracy plu'tocracy aris'tocracy bu'reaucracy
11. - crat 'autocrat 'democrat 'technocrat 'plutocrat 'bureaucrat
12. - graph 'autograph 'paragraph 'photograph 'spectrograph