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Optical spectroscopy of a semi-insulating GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well system near double exciton-polariton and Bragg resonance. V.V. Chaldyshev , A.S. Shkolnik, V.P. Evtikhiev, Ioffe Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia, T. Holden Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, USA.
Optical spectroscopy of a semi-insulating GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well system near double exciton-polariton and Bragg resonance V.V. Chaldyshev, A.S. Shkolnik, V.P. Evtikhiev, Ioffe Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia, T. Holden Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, USA
Outline • Introduction • Periodic systems of quantum wells (QWs) • Theory • Optical reflection from resonant Bragg structures • Structure design • Experiment • Optical reflection spectra • Contactless electroreflection spectroscopy • Conclusions • Materials issue
Short-period system of QWs Tunneling between QWs. Minibands. Conduction. Long-period system of QWs Probability of tunneling is low. QWs are insulated from each other.
d e(x) = e(x+d) e1 e2 e1 e2 e1 e2 e1 e2 e1 e2 e1 e2 Resonant Bragg structures upper polariton branch Photons Excitons lower polariton branch w band gap 0 π/d Textbooks: Joannopoulos et al.; Cardona and Yu;
Optical reflection spectra for different numbers of QWs: Impact of damping Schematic representation of light reflection from anN-QW structure. Spectral dependence of the reflection coefficient RNfrom N-QW structure with the matched dielectric constants of compositional materials A and B. The calculation is performed for the background refractive index nb = 3.45, the exciton resonance frequency and radiative damping rate defined by ћω0 = 1.533 eV, ћΓ0 = 50 μeV, b′ = (a/2) + b and the nonradiative damping rate ћΓ = 0 (a) and ћΓ = 100 μeV (b).
Optical reflection spectra for different numbers of QWs: Impact of dielectric contrast Reflection spectra from Bragg QW structureswith the dielectric contrast between the compositional materialsA and B. The calculation is performed for ћΓ = 100μeV, a = 120 Ǻ, na = 3.59 and nb= 3.45. Curves are calculatedfor six structures containing different number, N, ofwells indicated at each curve. The symbol ∞ corresponds tothe structure with infinite N.
Structure design 36x Bragg resonance Exciton-polariton resonance Double resonance
Structure design 32x 4x Bragg resonance Exciton-polariton resonance Double resonance
AlGaAs QW-GaAs AlGaAs 36 periods AlGaAs QW-GaAs AlGaAs QW-GaAs AlGaAs GaAs (001) buffer and substrate Experimental Bragg structure(AlGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs)36 Period = 119 nm, QW = 15 nm, DQW = 20 nm 32xQW 4xDQW AlGaAs = SPSL (3ML-AlAs/7ML-GaAs)n
photodetector Lightsource sample inrefrigerator Optical reflection spectra for different angles of incidence θ = var, Т = const θ Т Reflection spectra recorded with s-polarization at temperatureof 7К for GaAs/AlGaAs MQW with 36 periods. Angles of incidence are 70o и 0o. Arrows indicate photonic band gaps due to dielectric contrast between the well and barrier materials. Inset shows the excitonic features.
photodetector Lightsource sample inrefrigerator Optical reflection spectra at different temperatures θ = const, Т = var θ Т Reflection spectra for s-polarization and the light incidence angle of 43°. Arrows mark the features originating from exciton-polaritons in QWs. Spectra recorded at 80К, 50К и 17К are shifted up for better view.
photodetector Lightsource sample inrefrigerator Spectra of contactless electroreflection (CER) at different temperatures ~300 V Angle of incidenceis 43°, s-polarization. Arrows mark the features originating from exciton-polaritons in QWs and in bulk GaAs..
Line shape analysis for CER at 17 K 3 2 1 4 5
Line shape analysis for CER at 50 K 3 2 1 5 4
Line shape analysis for CER at 80 K 1 3 2 5 4
Conclusions • We have designed and grown a periodic GaAs/GaAlAs QW structure, in which the electromagnetic Bragg resonance coincides with the exciton-polariton resonance. • Different contribution to the optical reflection spectra were revealed and separated by using contactless electroreflection technique. • Quantitative analysis of the CER line shapes accompanied by theoretical calculations allowed us to determine the energies and broadening parameters of the exciton-polaritons in the periodic QW system. • Roughness of the GaAs/AlAs interfaces seems to be the main source of inhomogeneous broadening. Acknowledgement We appreciate discussions and collaboration with E.L.Ivchenko, A.N.Poddubny, A.B.Pevtsov, and A.V.Selkin (the Ioffe Institute); A.A.Lisyansky, L.I.Deich (Queens College of CUNY) and financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Russian Academy of Sciences.