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Explore the essence of personal worship mirroring the methods of the Master, investing in disciples, and equipping disciple-makers. Unveil the significance of worship, learn Hebrew and Greek words, study biblical justifications, and transition your worship journey through duty, pupil, partner, to sonship with insightful quotes and practical strategies. Unearth the importance of journaling, repentance, Scripture reading, application, Holy Spirit engagement, and targeted prayer in strengthening your relationship with Jesus.
12/16 Personal Worship Mirroring the Methods of the Master Investing in Disciples Equipping Disciple Makers
PERSONAL WORSHIP Personal Worship “The Super Glue”
PERSONAL WORSHIP Worship Greek = Proskuneo “Pros” – Toward or destination of relationship “Kuon” – Dog or hound
PERSONAL WORSHIP • Dog lives for the affection of the master • To move toward without distraction • Dog doesn’t treat guests the same way
PERSONAL WORSHIP 7 Hebrew Words for “Worship” Barak: To kneel or bow as an act of worship
PERSONAL WORSHIP Halal: Show or rave about in extravagance Shachah: To prostrate in loyalty to God, to fall flat Tehillah: To sing spontaneous praise
PERSONAL WORSHIP Todah: Time of thanksgiving Yadah: Extended hands of revering worship Zamar: To use musical instruments
PERSONAL WORSHIP Exodus 33:4-11 Verse 6 - Consecrate yourselves Verse 8 - Prayer closet Verse 10 - Worship the Lord Verse 11 - The Lord speaks
PERSONAL WORSHIP Exodus 29:38-39 Verse 38 - Each day Verse 39 - AM/PM Act of worship
PERSONAL WORSHIP How do you have a relationship with Jesus? Biblical justification: Mark 1:35 Daniel 9:1-19 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Psalm 55 Joshua 1:8 Psalm 119
PERSONAL WORSHIP “God’s relations will not be made by pop-calls” by E. M. Bounds “If you want to have a devotional, you’ll find a way.If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” by Howard Hendricks “What are the consequences of not teaching personal Worship?by Dr. John Musselman
PERSONAL WORSHIP Transitions of Personal Worship: Duty Pupil Partner Sonship “The one priority is time together with the eternal Father to receive His love and transformation. The bottom line is withdrawing and being fully present with Jesus.” by Pastor Steve Wood
PERSONAL WORSHIP The glue of discipleship is deploying six spiritual disciplines on a daily basis through Personal Worship: • Journaling • Repentance • Scripture Reading • Scripture Application • Engaging the Holy Spirit • Thoughtful Targeted Prayer
PERSONAL WORSHIP Journaling Exodus 17:14 Habakkuk 2:2 Proverbs 3:3 Proverbs 7:2 Revelation 19:9
PERSONAL WORSHIP Repentance Luke 24:47 Acts 26:20 2 Peter 3:9 James 5:16 1 John 1:9
PERSONAL WORSHIP Scripture Reading Psalm 1:2 Psalm 119:11 Psalm 119:97 Acts 18:24 Romans 4:3
PERSONAL WORSHIP Scripture Application Deuteronomy 11:18 Matthew 13:23 Philippians 4:9 James 1:22 Daniel 9:2-3
PERSONAL WORSHIP Emmaus Walk Prayer to the Holy Spirit Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy your consolations. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
PERSONAL WORSHIP Thoughtful, Targeted Prayer Luke 11:1-4Matthew 6:9-13 • Prayer as a model and not a liturgy • Noted for brevity, simplicity, comprehensiveness • All prayer willingly submits to God’s purpose, plans, glory
THE LORD’S PRAYER • 7 Petitions • To God • Praise • His Kingdom • His Will • To Human Needs • Daily Provision • Forgiveness • Temptation • Intercessory
PERSONAL WORSHIP Build a Personal Relationship With Jesus By: Journaling Repentance Scripture Reading Scripture Application Engaging the Holy Spirit Thoughtful, targeted prayer