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Get important information about your child's 4th grade class, including forms to fill out, teacher introductions, attendance policy, safety procedures, and homework expectations.
Things to do: • Please fill out the four forms on the left pocket of your child’s folder and turn into me by the time you leave today. The other forms you can fill out tonight and put in your child’s folder to bring back tomorrow. • Sign up for class parties and parent conferences on the horseshoe table in the back. • Bring in school supplies tomorrow if you did not today. • Sign up for the Remind 101 App
Meet the other teachers that will be in our classroom: The following adults will also be in and out of our classroom throughout the day. They are all so friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. Please feel free to get in contact with them if you have any questions. • Mrs. Brown: Special Education Teacher • Mrs. Gourgley: Paraprofessional
Attendance: • There is a new state regulated attendance policy that started last year. We are required to monitor what the students are learning and for how long each day. • Therefore there will be tardy slips, early leave slips and absence slips that are required to be filled out to help us keep track. • Attendance is important to ensure learning and helping the students prepare so they can meet the expectations that they are being asked to perform at.
Safety for the school: • Everybody in the building must sign in at the front desk and be given a visitors name tag. • Classroom doors will be locked at all times. • We have various safety procedures that we will go over and practice with students throughout the year.
Common Core Standards • Georgia State Standard is the standards in which we follow. Our state has improved standards in which our students need to be able to perform at. • Our curriculum is designedto better fit the expectations for the students on the state tests.
6 Shifts in Math • Focus: learn more about fewer, key topics • Build skills within and across grades • Develop speed and accuracy • Really know it, Really do it • Use it in the real world • Think fast AND solve problems
6 Shifts in ELA • Read as much non-fiction as fiction • Learn about the world by reading • Read more challenging material closely • Discuss reading using evidence • Write non-fiction using evidence • Increase academic vocabulary
Homework: • I will be giving homework Monday – Thursday. Most of the time, they will have time to start their homework at school. The new standards require us to teach in ways that most of us did not learn ourselves. Please write me a note in their agenda if they are struggling with a concept at home or if you would like a detailed explanation on how the concept works. • I know everybody’s schedule is unique and busy so reading homework is assigned on a weekly basis, I expect students to read 100 minutes a week. They will have a calendar in their folders to fill out. In order for their books to count they must write a book repot or take a quiz on the book. Our goal this year is to each read 25 books. We can do it! • Homework will always be written in their agenda. • I would like a parent or adult signature on their agenda every night so that I know somebody looked at their agenda and is aware of what is going on in the classroom and what is coming up. We also will be recording their behavior color each day.
School Wide Expectations: Students will follow our district expectations of showing respect, responsibility and being ready at all times. • Show respect for other students and adults in the building and on the bus. • Be responsible for actions, words, materials, belongings and learning. • Always come ready to learn and have fun!
Behavior Management: • Each day everybody will start on green, and will achieve to make good choices which allow them to stay on green. • If students make great choices they can move up to purple. Moving to purple is setting the bar even higher and will be exceptional if they achieve. • If students are not following our 3 R’s of “Respect, Responsibility and visit their cards to determine what color behavior they are exemplifying. They would first move down to yellow. • If students are having continuous behavior problems, they will be given a warning when on yellow and then will be asked to visit their card and determine what color behavior they are exemplifying. If they end the day on red they will have to fill out a checking my behavior sheet in order to reflect on their behavior that day and how they can change it. This will be stapled into their agendas.
Behavior Management continued: • We will mark their agendas at the end of each day so you will know how your child did that day. This is also another reason why it is important that you are checking their agenda each day and signing off on it. • During our day we will have free play. If anybody ends up on yellow that day, they will miss out for 5 minutes. If they end up on red they will miss out completely and have to fill out the “Checking my behavior form.” A copy of this form will also be sent home with your child that day. • If students have 2 reds or 3 yellows at the end of the week they will not be able to participate in Fun Friday that week. • BONUS: If I catch a student making good choices, or their table working extra hard there always is a chance to earn extra tickets. • Tickets will be worth different prizes, that they can exchange in at anytime. Some examples being: earning ranks, my prize box, free homework passes, green tickets, eating lunch in the classroom and more.
Bullying: • I have a 0 tolerance policy for bullying. Consequences will take place if it occurs. This includes actions that take place in my classroom, specials, lunch room, bus and outside of school. • We as a class will spend time in the first few days as well as throughout the year learning what bullying looks like and how to prevent it. • I have an open door policy, students and parents/guardians can always talk to me if you see this happening so we can do something about this ASAP. • I will be recording any incidences that happen. The link below is a confidential report sheet on the school website that anybody can fill out if they are being bullied or witnessed it happening.
Team Work: • I believe team work is essential for success in my classroom. On top of students managing their own behaviors with the colored system we will also have a goal as a class. • We will decide on a prize as a class to work towards. Examples: extra free time, popcorn party, lunch in the classroom, ice cream party, silly sock day etc. • When the class gets a compliment from another teacher – they will receive 2 marbles in our jar. If I see that everybody is working hard and on task, I will put marbles in our jar as well.
Field Trips: • There are many learning experiences that we participate in throughout the year: virtual field trips, school functions and field trips that we need to travel to. • 4th Grade travels to: Will Be Announced!!!
Parent volunteers needed: • I would love to have any parent volunteers come in throughout the year. Some of the opportunities to help: • In the classroom on a weekly or monthly basis helping with centers, reading, extra practice or anything else you feel comfortable doing. • Field trips • Classroom parties
Snacks: • We will have a time designated to have a snack each day. I encourage kids to often bring in a healthy snack. I have a fridge in my room to keep snacks that need to be kept cold such as yogurt, fruits and vegetables. • We do have peanut, tree-nut and dairy allergies in our classroom. So please be very mindful of not packing foods with those products in them. • Celebration snacks are more than welcome, just be sure to make enough for the whole class to enjoy.
Please feel free to contact me at anytime. I believe in strong parent/guardian and teacher communication. • There are so many things that affect students inside and outside of school. The more everybody is on the same page, the greater success we will have all together. • I check my email before school, during my lunch break, after school and at home – please limit calls during the actual school day unless it is an emergency. I am more than willing to talk on the phone or meet before or after school. Class Dojo is the best way to communicate with me.
Thank you for coming in today! I am highly looking forward to a great year on this new adventure together in 4th Grade!