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Nutrition in Dyslipidemia

Nutrition in Dyslipidemia. Yenni Zuhairini Nutrition Department. Lipid metabolism disorders marked by an increase or decrease in plasma lipid fractions. Dyslipidemia. R isk for CHD incidence. Blood lipid profile H igh total cholesterol High LDL cholesterol High triglyceride

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Nutrition in Dyslipidemia

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  1. Nutrition in Dyslipidemia Yenni Zuhairini Nutrition Department

  2. Lipid metabolism disorders marked by an increase or decrease in plasma lipid fractions Dyslipidemia

  3. Risk for CHD incidence Blood lipid profile • High total cholesterol • High LDL cholesterol • High triglyceride • With or without low HDL

  4. Cholesterol

  5. Principles of nutritional therapy for lowering cholesterol • Reduce consumption of dietary cholesterol • Inhibit the production of cholesterol in the body • Inhibits absorption and increase excretion of cholesterol by the intestine

  6. Reduce consumption of dietary cholesterol • By avoiding high cholesterol foods, such as: • Brain, marrow, organ meats • Egg yolk (wheat) • Cheese, butter (wheat) • Animal skin(kikil, krecek) • Shrimp (shrimp paste, terasi)

  7. The Content of Cholesterol per 100 gof Food

  8. The Content of Cholesterol per 100 gof Food

  9. Reduce Consumption Of Dietary Cholesterol • Cholesterol intake <300 mg / day can be achieved with the menu without high cholesterol foods • Cholesterol intake <200 mg / day can be achieved with the menu without animal foods, except lean meat or fish weighing 200 g / day

  10. Exogenous Pathway Food particles Liver Bile Acids Intestines Chylomicrons Chylomicron Remnants Bloodstream Breakdown of Triglyceride Free Fatty Acids

  11. Endogenous Pathway LDL HDL Liver Body Tissues Bloodstream IDL VLDL Breakdown of Triglyceride Free Fatty Acids

  12. Inhibit the manufacture of cholesterol in the body • Avoid excess of energy in body • Lose weight for people with excess body fat

  13. Classification of weight status according to BMI in Asian Adults • Source: WHO/IASO/IOTF (2000) BMI=(Body weight in kg) /(Body height in cm)2

  14. Increase the consumption of fiber,especially water-soluble (pectin, guar gum, gum) which are abundant in : • Apple, orange, guava, pear • Passion fruit, papaya, dll • Red bean, soy, tofu,tempe, etc. Increase excretion and inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol

  15. Food Menu for lowering LDLcholesterol level • Low cholesterol <200 mg / day • Low fat (+30% of calories) • lipid composition • SFA <7% of total calories • PUFA to 10% of total calories • MUFA and 20% of total calories • Avoid trans fat

  16. Raising HDL cholesterol Research shows that: • Weight loss in obese people • Stop smoking in smokers • More active in the less active will lower LDL levels and increaseplasma HDL levels

  17. Normal HDL cholesterol Regular exercise or eat enough fiber

  18. triglyceride

  19. Terapinutrisiuntukmenurunkantrigliserida • Mengurangikonsumsitrigliserida (lemak) • Mengurangipembuatantrigliseridaolehtubuh • Menambahpengunaantrigliseridaolehtubuh

  20. Reduce consumption of triglyceride • Avoid fatty meats: satay, gule, oxtail soup, stew legs, pig, etc. • Fried thin shape food, such as dendeng, crackers, chips, etc.

  21. Reducing triglyceride synthesis by the body • By creating energy deficit, that are: • Reduce consumption of foods • Raisingenergy use • Reduce consumption of foods for only the excessive food

  22. If excess carbohydrates, reduce simple carbohydrates (starch and sugar) so that fiber is not reduced

  23. When excess fat, reduceanimal fats so that the ratio of polyunsaturated / saturated fatty acid increases and dietary cholesterol intakedecreases

  24. Increasing use of triglycerides • Changing inactivity becomes more active • Doing aerobic exercise of moderate intensity and long duration such as walking

  25. Terima kasih

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