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Back to School Night in Ms. Small’s Second Grade Class. Please… Read your child’s note to you, and write a note to your child on the letter writing paper. Feel free to look around the room and take a look at our hallway bulletin board!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Back to School Night in Ms. Small’s Second Grade Class Please… Read your child’s note to you, and write a note to your child on the letter writing paper. Feel free to look around the room and take a look at our hallway bulletin board! Sign up for November Conferences at the back table. PLEASE RESERVE THE NIGHT TIME SPOTS FOR PARENTS THAT BOTH WORK! The index card is for you to write down any questions that I may not answer during the presentation. Leave on the desk. The folder is for you to take home as well as the letter your child wrote to you.

  2. 2-Sm 2014-2015

  3. About Ms. Small • 1999 graduate of Loyola University in Maryland • Elementary K-5 and Teacher of Students with Disabilities Certification • Masters in Education-College of St. Elizabeth in 2009 • 2nd year at AWR. Taught in Millburn for 2 years and in Mountainside for almost 10 years. • Live in Mendham, have 2 sons (3rd and 5th grade)

  4. My Goals for the Class Responsibility/Independence Follow Oral directions Learn Organizational skills Writing HW down Returning work on time *If your child forgets HW, please use this opportunity as a learning tool.

  5. What every 2nd grader needs to know! • A phone number to contact a parent (cell, home or work) • Their home address • How to tie their shoes • How to pack their backpack (remembering to place their folder, agenda pad, lunch, snack, etc. into their backpack) • Allow your child to choose and pack an appropriate snack

  6. Language Arts Morning Routine *Responsive Classroom Spelling (word study) routines Just Right Books Reader’s Workshop “Smart thinking with easy just right books.” * comprehension strategies * making connections *analyze characters, genres Flexible Reading Groups Writer’s Workshop DEAR Time

  7. Mathematics We are in the 2nd year of using a new math program titled Go Math!, which encompasses the Common Core State Standards • Chapter 1: Number Concepts • Chapter 2: Numbers to 1,000 • Chapter 3: Basic Facts and Relationship • Chapter 4: 2-Digit Addition • Chapter 5: 2-Digit Subtraction • Chapter 6: 3-Digit Addition and Subtraction • Chapter 7: Money and Time • Chapter 8: Length and Customary Units • Chapter 9: Length in Metric Units • Chapter 10: Data • Chapter 11: Geometry and Fraction Concepts

  8. Science • Our science program focuses on three major areas of science: Life: Insects and animal classifications, Physical: Solids and Liquids, Earth: Air, Weather and basic concepts of space. Currently, we are conducting a Monarch study. • Communities, Geography, History, Economics, and Government • We also discuss current events Social Studies

  9. Handwriting Handwriting Without Tears- Review of all manuscript skills Health • Variety of lessons regarding health and well-being Character Education At AWR we are full of P.R.I.D.E. Putting Respect and Responsibility in Daily Events! Mrs. Conlan

  10. Integrated Technology • Whole class Instruction • Independent Application • Small Group Activities Technology Available 6 Laptops in classroom 7 IPads in Library to borrow

  11. Important Points Home/school folder and binder Homework Healthy Snacks-no peanuts/ tree nuts in room Birthday Posters (no treats to send in) Management System in the Classroom Reading Log-fill out and sign each night Scholastic book order

  12. Classroom Rules & Management Positive Reinforcement: “Shining Stars” system in back of room. • Students will receive a star for good behavior, well done work, helping others, following rules. When a rule is broken: • Moving their clothespin on chart • Verbal Warning • Move to “Think about It” • Teacher choice (consequence is fit for activity) • Parent Contact

  13. Housekeeping Items • Please check your e-mails from the school. Important news and information regarding what is going on at Roberts will be primarily sent through emails. • Please check your emails for your child’s progress from marking period to marking period. Report cards will be sent home via email. • Should your child forget something during the day, please place it on the front table near the office. I will make sure that they will get their missing item.

  14. How to Contact Ms. Small • Send a written note with your child in their home/school folder • E-mail- lsmall@npsdnj.orgBEST WAY TO REACH ME • Leave a message with one of the secretaries with your name, number, and the best time to reach you. It is my goal to give your child the best education I know how! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

  15. Thank you for coming. It is going to be a Wonderful Year!! I look forward to working with you in order for your child to move in the right direction!

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