Course: English Writing 1 Problemsof Sejong University andSolutions EW1-024Chi-hyungYoo EW1-024Eun-juBang EW1-024An-naSeo EW1-048 Hye-won Shin EW1-078 Won-junChoi
Main Theme Solving several problems of Sejong University would lead students to achieve success.
Problems in Bio-convergence Engineering Information Security Management Volunteer Work Simulated TOEIC
Management 1 Too Many Students in a Class There are too many students in a class. It makes students hard to concentrate.
Management 1 Increasing the Number of Classes Management department should add at least 2 classes for each subject.
Bio-convergence Engineering 2 Curriculum bio chemistry organic chemistry Although knowledge of organic-chemistry is needed to study bio-chemistry, bio-chemistry course is offered prior to organic-chemistry.
Bio-convergence Engineering 2 Curriculum Revision Bio-convergence engineering department should revise the curriculum problem.
Information Security 3 Lack of Hacking Practicing Courses < Lectures the information security department offered in the first semester in 2015 > - Captured from uis.sejong.ac.kr If you look at the picture above, you can know the fact that not until students are senior can they practice hacking skills.
Information Security 3 The Addition of Hacking Practicing Courses Information security department should offer many hackingpracticing courses to improve students’ understanding of hacking process.
Volunteer Work 4 Compulsory Volunteer Work 1st Semester 2nd Semester All students in Sejong Univ. must passSejong Social Vonlunteer Work1 course in order to graduate. Most students consider volunteer work annoying.
Volunteer Work 4 Not Compulsion but Encouragement Volunteer Work will have a positive effect on students’ emotions only when they participate voluntarily. Sejong Univ. should not force students to volunteer, but encourage them to do voluntarily.
Simulated TOEIC 5 Unstability In order to pass EPP1 & EPP2 courses, students have to take 3 simulated TOEIC tests. But the system is unstable because of lack of seats and server errors especially during 1st semester.
Simulated TOEIC 5 Make the system stable Sejong Univ. should make the system stable and increase the number of tests.
Conclusion # Solving these problems of Sejong University would help students to achieve their success.
References # http://geptest.sejong.ac.kr/ http://uis.sejong.ac.kr http://volunteer.sejong.ac.kr/main.do http://www.sejong.ac.kr/unilife/global.html?menu_id=2.1 http://www.sejong.ac.kr/unilife/overseasservice.html?menu_id=2.2 Thank you