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The magic of organisational coaching Part I: Organisational burnout

The magic of organisational coaching Part I: Organisational burnout. International Coach Federation Zurich , 29th of February 2016 Michael Kres Dr. oec. HSG Partner ProMove TM www.promovetm.com michael.kres@promovetm.com Founding partner and Chapter Lead Switzerland

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The magic of organisational coaching Part I: Organisational burnout

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  1. Themagic of organisationalcoachingPart I: Organisationalburnout International Coach FederationZurich, 29th of February 2016 Michael Kres Dr. oec. HSG Partner ProMove TM www.promovetm.com michael.kres@promovetm.com Founding partner and Chapter Lead Switzerland www.coachbrokers.org michael.kres@coachbrokers.org Movingpeople...

  2. Whoweare 2

  3. Agenda Objectives of the workshop Why is the issue so important for a coach? What is an organisational burnout? Reasons for an organisational burnout How to detect an organisational burnout? Case study (part I)

  4. Objectivesoftheworkshop The participantsrealizethattheircoachingskillscouldhave a muchbroaderanddeeperimpact on the well-beingoforganisations. The participantscandistinguishbetween a crisisand an organisational burnout. Theyknowtheoriginsof an organisational burnout. The participantscandetect an organisational burnout. Theydevelopfirstmeasurestosupportthecompany.

  5. Why is the issue so important for a coach? Research showsthatorganisationsarelosingupto 30% oftheirproductivitydue tocorrosiveenergy. (Source: Bruch und Vogel, 2009) Genuinely, companiesaretryingtooptimizetheir potential efficiently, not effectively. But bymoreorthe same, theproblemsaggravate. The organisationcanburn out. Whenwearecoachingindividuals, wearereframing individual behaviour, but not corporatebeliefs. When, in contrary, coachesareextendingtheirskillstothecorporatelevel, theycouldleveragetheirimpactandhelpentireorganisationstoexcel. Effectiveness= Doing the rightthings Efficiency = Doing the thingsright

  6. What is an organisational burnout? An organisational burnoutexists, when a socialsystemfindsitself paralyzedandexhausted, realizestheunintentionalcondition but isnot abletopositively alter thesituationanymore. Source: Greve, 2015, 7.

  7. Reasonsfor an organisational burnoutIncreasingcorrosiveenergy + Corrosiveenergy Positive energy Intensityofcollaboration Uncomfortableidleness Comfortableidleness - Source:In dependence on Bruch and Vogel, 2009. - Quality ofcollaboration +

  8. Reasons for an organisational burnoutVUCA Velocity: Better, bigger, faster – companiesmoveupward at increasingspeed. Uncertainty: Figuresonlygive a distortedview on reality. Hence, decisionsaretakenbased on falsesecurity. Theirimpactismeasuredagainwithsymptomatickeyindicators… Complexity: Companies aresocialsystems, embedded in othersocialsystems. Ourmechanisticmanagementviewdoes not reflectthiscomplexityofhuman behaviour. Ambiguity: Complicated organisational structures do rarelyallowdisctinctactions.

  9. Reasons for an organisational burnoutDisheartening management beliefs The blackholesofmanagement - Power makes powerful - Figuresbuildupsecurity - Planningorchestratesthefuture - Costsinsteadofmargins - More isbetter: theskyisthelimit - Restructuringreducescomplexity - More ofthe same Hinderingbeliefs Deficitorientation Fulfilledexpectations The pressureofminimisingrisks stability < growth professionalism < dynamics Source:Kres, 2015.

  10. Reasons for an organisational burnoutComparison individual and organisational reasons Source:Greve, 2015, 22.

  11. Reasons for an organisational burnoutAge of the company + Pioneer  Growth Saturation  ? Increasedrisk of organisational burnout Relative growthrate - Time

  12. Reasons for an organisational burnoutChange instead of transition VisionStrategyGoals • Change processesmostlyfoster • on structures and strategy. • Transitionsenglobe also the culturalelementsof a socialsystem. Change Culture eatsstrategyforbreakfast. Peter Drucker Culture ValuesSense StructuresProcessesInstruments

  13. Reasons for an organisational burnoutFear of the unknown ConsciousCompetence  UnconciousIncompetence Knowledge ♥ UnconsciousCompetence ConsciousIncompetence Experience  Time

  14. How to detect an organisational burnoutThe four phases of an organisational burnout Latent burnout The marketdoesnot «pull» anymore.Productivityisdecreasingslowly.Internal requirementsarebecomingmoreimportant. Resources aregettingtight. Nobody reallyknowswhy. The companyactsincreasingly in spiteof the management. Acuteburnout Unsecurityistakingplace, dynamicsare lost.Internal expectationsrise.A cynicalmoodissetting out. Individual commitmentis not real, but simulated. Lack off innovations. Chronicalburnout Managers aresealingthemselves off fromdailybusiness.Sense ofpowerless-ness and absurdityon all layers.Unexpectedreplacements in management. Increasingfluctuation. Ritualisednewstarts. Lethalburnout Managers do not reach the employeesanymore. Loss ofcontrol.Diffuse desirefor«big bang». Despair. Inconsciousacceptanceofphase-out. Source:In dependence on Greve, 2015, 90.

  15. How to detect an organisational burnoutCase study Global concernwith 110’000 employeesworldwide ICT-business, fast movingmarkets National branch: 350 employees, 80 in thesalesforce Decrease in salesfrom 280 Mio. to 261 Mio. in 2015 – high unsecurityfor 2016 Localgrowthstrategy in 2015: Gatherlowhangingfruits, unfortunatelywithouttheexpectedresults International blueprintfromtheconcern in 2016: Mergeofsalesandservicemanagement

  16. Myownlearnings _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  17. Further reading Beisser, Arnold (1970): ParadoxicalTheoryof Change. In Fagan, J. & Shepherd I. (ed.): Gestalt therapynow. Paloalto: scienceand behaviourBooks. P. 77-80. Bruch, Heike and Vogel, Bernd (2009): Organisationale Energie: Wie Sie das Potenzial Ihres Unternehmens ausschöpfen. 2. Aufl. 2009. Gabler. Dueck, Gunter (2008): Abschied von Homo Oeconomicus. Warum wir eine neue ökonomische Vernunft brauchen. Eichborn. Goldsmith, Marshal (2006): WhatGotYouHereWon'tGetYouThere: HowSuccessful People Become Even More Successful. New York Times. Greve, Gustav (2015): OrganizationalBurnout. Das versteckte Phänomen ausgebrannter Organisationen. 3. Aufl. SpringerGabler. Kres, Michael (2015): Mutmacher– Unternehmen stärken durch mutige Führung. 2. Aufl. SpringerGabler. Schreyögg, Georg (2003): Organisation. Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung. 4. Aufl. Wiesbaden. Senge, Peter (1990): The FifthDiscipline: The Art and Practice ofthe Learning Organization. Random House. Simon, Fritz B. (2009): Gemeinsam sind wir blöd!? Die Intelligenz von Unternehmen, Managern und Märkten. 3. Aufl. Carl-Auer.

  18. We thank you for your interest. We are looking forward to exchanging with you. michael.kres@promovetm.com www.promovetm.com ++41 52 624 09 10 Movingpeople...

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