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Lafayette Dental Quality has been offering your community for over 20 years. Our caring personnel offers superb, contemporary, extensive, as well as preventative oral care for households in the area. All participants of the workplace are friendly and professional, doing our finest to make all of our individuals really feel welcome and comfortable. We have broadened our office hours to fit active families, with appointments readily available before and also after work, Monday through Friday. Our services vary from fundamental remediations to implants to aesthetic dentistry, as well as are supplied with focus to information and also incredible skill.
(303) 664-1001 COSMETIC DENTISTRYPROCEDURES LAFAYETTE,COCOSMETICDENTISTRYSERVICES Why is visiting our dental practice for whitening, veneers, and other cosmetic dentistry services so important? Having a great smile can make a huge difference in the way you look and feel. We offer a complete range of cosmetictreatmentsatourLafayette,COofficetocreatetheconfidentsmileyouhavealwayswanted. YouWillLoveOurConsultativeApproachtoCosmeticDentistry We begin with a detailed smile assessment, discussing with you which aspects you like anddislike about your smile. Next, we will discuss with you treatment options to help your smile look more natural, youthful, and healthier. DecadesofCosmeticDentistryExperience As a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Leo has enjoyed making a difference in people’s lives. By utilizing various restorative techniquessuchasveneers,ceramiccrownsanddentalimplantswecancompletelyrebuildyoursmilesoyoufeel good about yourself and how others see you. The cosmetic dentistry technology today is so advanced that we canachieveoptimalresultsforjustaboutanyonewhowishestoimprovetheirsmileandgeneralappearance. Smile MakeoverConsultation At our ofice, we know that your smile is important to you. A beautiful smile can increase your self-esteem,allow
youto feelmorecomfortableinsocialsituations&helpyoutobemoresuccessful.Withoursmilemakeovers,we can change yourlife! A smile makeover refers to any combination of cosmetic dental procedures that enhance the beauty & appearanceofthesmile,correctingalmostanyproblem: Crooked teeth can be straightened Chipped,brokenteethcanberepaired Missingteeth can be replaced Gaps between teeth can be closed Gummysmilescanberecontoured Stained,discoloredteethcanbewhitened&somuchmore. TeethWhitening Now you can whiten yellow teeth & virtually eliminate tobacco, tea & coffee stains. Both comfortable & affordable, teeth whitening can make your teeth up to six to eight shades lighter. It’s safe, effective & fast, & performed only by dentalprofessionals. SCHEDULE ANAPPOINTMENT ContactUs Rd&HWY287,behindKingSoopers. 0 LET'SGO SiteMap|©2016AllRightsReserved