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Coraline. Hero’s Journey. BY: Jamillah Boswell Hanna Labrenz. The Departure. The Mundane World. Coraline just moved into a new home and has nothing fun to do Her parents ignore her and she wants to go on an adventure. The Call to Adventure. The jumping mice come to find Coraline

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Coraline Hero’s Journey BY: Jamillah Boswell Hanna Labrenz

  2. The Departure

  3. The Mundane World • Coraline just moved into a new home and has nothing fun to do • Her parents ignore her and she wants to go on an adventure

  4. The Call to Adventure • The jumping mice come to find Coraline • The mice lead her to a small door that she found earlier

  5. Refusal of the Call • Coraline asks to go home after she witnesses what goes on in the other world

  6. Supernatural Aid • The black cat guides Coraline throughout her journey • He tells Coraline that the other mother is evil and helps defeat her

  7. Crossing the Threshold • Coraline follows the mice to the door and goes through the tunnel • She waits for the mice to return and once again follows them into the tunnel

  8. Belly of the Whale • Coraline defies her other mother and she traps her in her room and she can’t get out • She is overwhelmed and is caught between two worlds

  9. The Initiation

  10. The Road of Trials • Coraline must find the ghost children’s eyes • She must find her parents before it’s too late and they are trapped • Coraline is challenged because she has to defeat her other mother before she gets trapped inside of her world forever

  11. Meeting with the Goddess • When she brings her parents back, she feels accepted • She realizes that even though her parents aren’t always attentive, they still love her

  12. The Temptation • Mr. Bobinski convinces Coraline that if she stays, she can have whatever she wants, but if she leaves she will just be neglected

  13. Atonement • Coraline stands up to the other mother and tells her that she knows where her parents are • She convinces her other mother that she isn’t finished with her game just yet

  14. Apotheosis • Coraline is willing to give up her life with the chance that she can find her parents and save them

  15. The Ultimate Boon • Coraline gets her parents back and is able to live in the regular world with them

  16. The Return

  17. The Magic Flight • Coraline quickly flies through the tunnel • She has both eyes and she has defeated her evil mother

  18. Rescue from Without • Wybie saves Coraline unexpectedly • He stops the hand from taking the key by crushing it with his motorcycle

  19. Crossing the Return Threshold • Coraline comes back through the door • The door is shut forever

  20. Master of Two Worlds • Coraline is the master of both worlds • She has experienced the effects of the other mother and realizes that she would rather live with her real parents

  21. Freedom to Live • Coraline can live in her regular world without having her other mother trying to take her soul

  22. Coralinemoves to an old house, she feels bored and neglected by her parents. She finds a hidden door with a bricked up passage. During the night, she crosses the passage and finds a parallel world where everybody has buttons instead of eyes, with caring parents and all her dreams coming true. When the Other Mother invites Coraline to stay in her world forever, she refuses and finds that she is trapped and it’s only a trick to lure her.

  23. The End

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