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Strengthening Civil Society in Norway and Beyond

Learn about the dynamic Norwegian civil society sector, trends in involvement, political influence, and partnerships for promoting active citizenship. Discover how to engage, advocate, and contribute to societal issues.

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Strengthening Civil Society in Norway and Beyond

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  1. Norwegian CivilSocietySector and the Active Citizens Fund Csilla Czimbalmos November 2018

  2. Norwegian Helsinki Committee

  3. Contactpointcoordinating information-sharing and promoting bilateral cooperation between civil society organisations in Norway and the beneficiary countries. NHC’srole

  4. Civilsociety in Norway • 115 000 NGOs • Large, dynamic and innovative sector • 80 % of Norwegians are members of one or more organisations(s)

  5. Recognizedroleofcivilsociety • Establish channels of political influence • Evaluate and criticise the work of the government • Engage and educate the public • Train members to understand democracy and its rules • Provide a wide range of services • Represent the interests of different groups in the society

  6. Tendencies • Decrease in the overall numberoflocalorganizations • Increase in thenumberoforganizationswithnationaloutreach

  7. Tendencies • On locallevel: increase in organizationsinvolved in culturalactivities and sports as well as in organizedlocalcommunities • On nationallevel: dominated by professionalassociations (business, employment, unions) with an increase in organizationsworkingwithsocial and societalissues, cultre and leisure

  8. Tendencies The national and locallevelare more or less independentofeachother. • Localorganizationsarrangeactivities for theirownmembers • National outreachorganizationsorganizeactivities for a wider target group

  9. Tendencies • Membership in organizations is in slightdecline (service provision for public and volunteers have become more importantthanmembership) • Increase in amountofvolunteering (over 142 000 man years in 2014 from about 115 000 in 2009).

  10. Politicalinvolvment and outreach • Regularcontactwithdecisionmakingbodies has decreased, butthenumberofcontacts has increased • Contactwithparliament and ministries • Decrease in traditionalcorporativerepresentationoforganizations in decision-makingbodies, but at the same time widerspectreofstrategies to influencedecision-making • Lobby • Advocacy • Campaignsaddressingspecificcauses

  11. Areas of most interest

  12. Competencies and contribution • Advocacy, awareness raising and outreach to citizens • Citizen activism, volunteering and civic participation • Capacity building of civil sector, including sustainability, networking and accountability • Partnership between NGOs, public and private sector entities • Participation in policy and decision-making processes, including promoting an enabling environment for civil society  

  13. Why a Norwegian partner?

  14. Key elements ofsuccess • Common understanding of important values • Common understanding of content and strategy • Developing the project together • Good project planning • Building good and sustainable relations • Long-term perspective • Agreement of financial framework

  15. Tools for partnershipswww.ngonorway.org

  16. NGO database


  18. NGOPartnershipPortal www.ngonorway.org www.eeagrants.org acf@nhc.no More information

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