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Beneficial Pond Bacteria Treatment by SmithCreekFishFarm

Beneficial Bacteria will reduce fish waste, organic plant material, sludge, pond scum, and excess nutrients in your pond or water feature. Available in dry and liquid formulas.BUY HERE!<br><br>https://www.smithcreekfishfarm.com/blog/pond-bacteria-treatment/

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Beneficial Pond Bacteria Treatment by SmithCreekFishFarm

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  1. www.smithcreekfishfarm.com Smith Creek Fish Farm. NY Beneficial Pond Bacteria Treatment PHONE    :  5853227805 5540ROUTE362BLISS, NY14024 INFO@SMITHCREEKFISHFARM.COM

  2. PRO-SERIES SMALL POND KIT Eliminatethetimeandguess workofassemblingapond package, everythingyouneed isincluded. Allcomponents aretopqualityandlong lasting — providingyearsof enjoymenttotheowner! KitsInclude: Pro-SeriessmallAquaFalls filter/waterfallbase Pro-Seriesskimmerwithfilter brushes Energyefficientsubmersible pump 45milEPDMrubberliner Linerunderlayment Beneficialbacteria 25' of11 /2" flexPVCpipe Checkvalveassembly, fittings andinstructions ThreeminiLEDlightswith45 watttransformer Waterfallinstallationkit (pvc glue, primer, silicone, black foam)

  3. PRO-SERIES MEDIUM POND KIT Allmediumpondkitsinclude ourmediumAquaFallsfilter andPS1FBskimmerfor increasedfilteringcapacity overthesmallpondkits above. KitsInclude: 45milEPDMrubberliner Linerunderlayment MediumAquaFallsfilter/ waterfallbase PS1FBskimmer EasyProTHpumpwithtwo yearwarranty Beneficialbacteria 2" flexiblePVCpipe Checkvalveassembly ThreeminiLEDlightswith45 watttransformer Installationkitwhichincludes PVCprimer, glue, linerpatch, siliconeandblackfoam

  4. PRO-SERIES LARGE POND KIT Duetotheuniquenatureoflarge pondandwaterfallapplicationsmost ofthesejobsarecustomdesignedto fityourexactneeds. Pleasefaxusa drawingofyourprojectandletus helpyoudesignyourwaterfeature. Followingareafewexamplesoflarge pondkits, keepinmindtheycanbe alteredtoyourexactneeds! KitsInclude: 45milEPDMrubberliner Linerunderlayment LargePro-Seriesskimmer (PS2FB) LargePro-SeriesAquaFalls filter/waterfallbase (AL) 9,000gphorlargersubmersiblepump 3" checkvalveassembly 3" flexiblePVCpipe Onegallonbeneficialpondbacteria (ASB128) Fourunderwaterlightswith transformer WIK2installationkitwhichincludes PVCprimer, glue, linerpatch, black foamandtwotubesofsilicone

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