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Transforming the Learning, Teaching, and Leadership Environment

Explore the journey of education reform, focusing on transforming learning, teaching, and school leadership. This conference discusses methods to engage parents and the community, harness technology, create a safe learning environment, and coordinate a research agenda.

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Transforming the Learning, Teaching, and Leadership Environment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Day 2 2001 Summer Institutes Transforming the Learning, Teaching, and Leadership Environment Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction/Association of Washington School Principals

  2. OSPI Conference Explore Evaluate Legislative Session Budget Calendar $$ Annual Performance Reviewing Improvement Results District Planning District implementation January February December March November Development Research October April September May Explore Learn Evaluate August June OSPI / ESD/ District Training July

  3. Learning Living Working GOAL 4 GOAL 3 GOAL 1 GOAL 2 Communications Reading Writing Math Science Social Studies Arts Health / Fitness Reasoning Representing Relating

  4. Assessment System State Level Assessment Classroom Based Evidence of Student Learning Professional Development System Indicators

  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Making the diploma meaningful Transforming the teaching profession Transforming school leadership Engaging parents and the community Harnessing the power of technology Creating a safe, civil and healthy learning environment Coordinating a research agenda

  6. + Parent Involvement and community support Conditions: Learning Environment Outputs Processes Kids Skilled educators Learning goals/EALRs Graduation requirements Curriculum Technology Transformed Learning, All kids with 21st century diplomas Inputs Teaching and Leadership Classroom Assessments WASL/ITBS Alternate Assessments Research Agenda Feedback for Accountability Building a High Performance Education System:

  7. The Journey of Education Reform. . . . . . . A major culture change

  8. Essential Academic Learning Requirements Support , Funding +Flexibility Assessment system Components of Ed Reform Accountability State Learning Goals

  9. Accountability = Shared Responsibility • Professional development • School improvement plans • Focused assistance to struggling schools • Partnership between OSPI, the ESDs, and districts

  10. Leaders Principals Parents Teachers Learners

  11. Education Leadership Functions • Information Possibilities • Organization Possibilities • Human Possibilities

  12. School Leadership Functions • Instructional Leadership • Aligning Resources • Processing Systems

  13. Classroom Leadership Functions • Instructional Delivery • Learner Diagnosis • Curriculum and Lesson Development

  14. Teacher Living Working Learning Content Essential Learning Requirements

  15. Home Leadership Functions • Supporting Teacher • Supervising Child • Developing Self

  16. Student Leadership Functions • S-P-R Generative • S-O-R Discriminating • S-R Conditioned Responding

  17. + Strong Parent and Community Involvement Supportive Learning Environment Conditions: Inputs Outputs Processes - High Expectations for all Achievement of a Clear and Shared Vision Learning,Teaming and Professional Development - Strong Leadership - Collaborative Staff • Aligned Curriculum and • Time for Instruction Frequent Monitoring (recognition and support) Feedback Building a High Performance School:

  18. Effective instructional & administrative leadership Prerequisite to school change Leadership come in many forms (principal, school & district staff) Characteristics of High Performing Schools • Clear and shared vision/purpose • Everybody knows where they are going and why • All staff participate in developing the common focus 1 • High standards and expectations • Get all students to do better • Positive attitudes, no excuses • Realize continuous improvement needed over the long haul 2 3

  19. Characteristics of High Performing Schools (cont.) • High levels of teamwork • Everybody is involved • Collaboration and communications among all staff 4 • Changes in curriculum & instruction • Alignment with state standards and assessments • More time found for instruction 5 • Frequent monitoring of teaching and learning • Constantly determining who does well and who need help • Recognize success, support those in need. 6

  20. Characteristics of High Performing Schools (cont.) • Emphasis on professional development • Focus, extensive, ongoing • Never comfortable or satisfied with status quo 7 • Supportive learning environment • Safe, civil, healthy atmosphere where respect is the norm • Personalized instruction 8 9 • Increased Parent and Community involvement • Strong partnerships with parents, businesses, community groups • and higher education

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