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Systems Committee Active Assisted Living ( SyC AAL )

Systems Committee Active Assisted Living ( SyC AAL ). Ageing Europe – How can AAL-Technologies deliver solutions to demographic trends? 2019-06-12, Frankfurt. Ulrike Haltrich SyC AAL Chair. Active Assisted Living ( AAL).

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Systems Committee Active Assisted Living ( SyC AAL )

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  1. Systems Committee Active Assisted Living (SyC AAL) Ageing Europe – How can AAL-Technologies deliver solutions to demographic trends? 2019-06-12, Frankfurt Ulrike HaltrichSyC AAL Chair

  2. Active Assisted Living (AAL) The Vision of the AAL System Committee (SyC AAL) is to foster standardisation of AAL products, services and systems to enhance the quality of life and to enable independent living for AAL users of all ages. Its Scope is to create an understanding of AAL that takes account of evolution of technology and of the market in order to benefit all AAL users. 第三届老年服务科学与创新国际论坛 INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON SENIOR CARE SCIENCE AND INNOVATION 1

  3. WhatAAL can do • For the well, AAL can provide an increase in: • Convenience • Time-saving • Self-reliance • Ability to monitor my own health • Enjoyment of life • For the vulnerable, AAL can reduce • Fear – of falls, of adverse events, of dying and no-one knowing • Frustration - the loss of ability to do ordinary tasks • Forgetfulness – medication, appointments, cooking, location… • Social isolation 2

  4. SyC AAL Active Assisted Living (Ch:U. Haltrich, DE/Sc: M. Siket, C.O.) Key TCs: Many TCs • SyC AAL 3

  5. SyC AAL activities • The systems approach requires theidentification of all the system elements,their context and their relationships • Several working groups have been set up covering: • Terminology • User focus (WG 1) • System reference architecture (WG 2) • Conformity assessment (WG 3) • Regulatory matters (WG 4) • Connected homes (WG 5) • adG 1 ethical considerations for autonomous systems in the AAL environment • Extensive liaison network set up, with expansion foreseen 4

  6. Work programme • SEG 3 to SyC AAL: 2015 • Plenaries: 9 (CN, DE x3, JPx2, NZ, US, KR) • Workshops: 2016 NZ, 2017 CN & US, 2018 JP & KR, 2019 DE • Support documents: standards inventory and regulatory framework • IEC TS 63234-1 ED 1 (SRD) Economic evaluation of AAL services – Part 1: Framework • IEC TS 63234-2 ED1 (SRD) Economic evaluation of AAL services Part 2: Example use of the framework for evaluation of an AAL service for monitoring patients with chronic diseases • IEC TS 63134 Active Assisted Living (AAL) use cases • Upcoming SRDs: • Korea Design Considerations for AAL Connected Home Environment • China: Qualification of AAL Personnel • China: Social robots (IS) IEC 60050-871: 2018 International electrotechnical vocabulary- Part 871: Active assisted living (AAL) IEC 63168 ED 1Cooperative multiple systems in connected home environments - Functional safety of electrical/electronic safety-related systems - AAL aspects (currently NP) IEC 63240-1 ED 1 AAL reference architecture IEC 63240-2 ED 2 AAL architecture model 5

  7. AAL ecosystem involves a broad range of old and new actors Developers, manufacturers and suppliers ▪ Researchers ▪ Medical device and pharma companies ▪ Tech companies (many new entrants) End-users ▪ Healthy persons ▪ AAL users ▪ Health service providers Interface’ actors influencing interactions between other groups ▪ Payers ▪ Policy-makers ▪ Regulators EU Commission Workshop Smart Health April 2019

  8. XXXXX Liaison established XXXXX Xxxxxx* Liaison request pending confirmation XXXXXLiaison not yet established Information and communication technologiesIEC TC 65 Industrial-process measurement, control and automation* ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information technology* ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 Interconnection of information technology equipment* ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 IT security techniques ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 Internet of things and related technologies ISO TC 215 Health informatics (ahG ageing communities) ETSI TC SmartBANSmart Body Area Networks ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial Intelligence Active assisted livingISO/IEC JTC1/SC 35 SG Accessibility aspects of AAL use cases ISO TC 215 ahG ageing communities ISO TC 314 Ageing Societies AALiance2 Continua Impaired hearingIEC TC 29Electroacoustics IEC TC 100/TA 16 Active Assisted Living (AAL), accessibility and user interfaces ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 User Interfaces (SG Accessibility Aspects of AAL use cases) Data privacyIEC SC 62A/JWG 7 Safe, effective and secure software for medical equipment ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 IT security techniques Accessibility and ergonomicsIEC TC 100/TA 10 Multimedia e-publishing and e-book technologies IEC TC 100/TA 16 Active Assisted Living (AAL), accessibility and user interfaces ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 User Interfaces ISO TC 159 Ergonomics ITU-T/JCA-AHF ITU Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF) Assistive robots and devicesIEC TC 23 Electrical accessories* IEC SC 47E Discrete semiconductor devices IEC SC 62A/JWG 9 Medical electrical equipment and systems using robotic technology linked to ISO/TC 299/JWG 5 IEC TC 110 Electronic display devices ISO TC 173 Assistive products for persons with disability Smart homesIEC TC 59 Performance of household and similar electrical appliances IEC TC 61 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances IEC TC 79 Alarm and electronic security systems IEC SEG 8 Communication Technologies and Architectures of ElectrotechnicalSystems IEC SEG 9 Smart Home/Office Building Systems IEC SyC Smart Cities Electrotechnical aspects of Smart Cities WearablesIEC TC 21 Secondary cells and batteries | IEC TC 47 Semiconductor devices IEC TC 62 Electrical equipment in medical practice | IEC SC 62C Equipment for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry IEC TC 113 Nanotechnology for electrotechnical products and systems IEC TC 124 Wearable electronic devices and technologies IEC TC 100/TA 16 Active Assisted Living (AAL), accessibility and user interfaces 7

  9. Big picture challenges Society 5.0 • Interoperability and interconnectivitythrough international standards • Privacy • Safety and security (incl. cybersecurity) • Trustworthiness, reliability and resiliance • AI (artificial intelligence) • IoT (internet of things) • Robotics Worldwide marketacceptance Diverse needs of people of all ages Human-centric society Well-being of people

  10. Thankyou! Ageing Europe – How can AAL-Technologies deliver solutions to demographic trends? 2019-06-12, Frankfurt Ulrike HaltrichSyC AAL Chair

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