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What should you not keep in a self storage unit

If you are searching for self storage in San Antonio, then choose none less than Storage 4U. They are professionals in storage facilities and will keep your goods with utmost security.For more info https://storage-4u.com/self-storage-san-antonio/

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What should you not keep in a self storage unit

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  1. WhatShould YouNot Keepina SelfStorage Unit? http://extra-spaces.blogspot.com/2018/02/what-should-you-not-keep-in-self.html

  2. Perishable Items Youwouldnotbedoingthat,but,itisworth emphasizing.Storageunitsarenotspecialized forstoringfooditemsbecausefoodcanspoil theairoftheunitandinviterodentsand insects.

  3. Flammableor ToxicItems It'sabignoforthestorageofpotentiallyhazardous goodsandtoxicmaterials.Aerosols,cleaningfluids, thinners,fuels,gasesorpaintvarnishesareafew examples.

  4. StolenItems Itisillegaltokeepunauthorizeditemseveninyour personalspace.Ifthestorageunitmanagersenses anysuspiciousorunlawfulactivity,thenhe/shemay notwastetimeincallingthepoliceforinvestigation.

  5. SelfStorageinSan Antonio,TX IfyouaresearchingforselfstorageinSanAntonio, thenchoosenonelessthanStorage4U.Theyare professionalsinstoragefacilitiesandwillkeepyour goodswithutmostsecurity.

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