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CompTIA A+ Certification Exam (902) CompTIA 220-902 dumps Click here for more information: https://www.dumpsforsure.com/comptia/220-902-dumps.html
Sample Question:1 Which of the following Windows features would be used to encrypt a single file or folder? A. EFS B. NTFS C. BitLocker D. Security Answer: A https://www.dumpsforsure.com/comptia/220-902-dumps.html
Sample Question:2 A user reports several technicians have been unable to solve a problem and requests that the technician on the phone comes out to fix the problem because the user is unable to work. After the technician has effectively communicated a willingness to help, which of the following is the NEXT step? A. Allow the user to speak with a supervisor. B. Identify the problem. C. Establish a theory. D. Immediately go to the user’s office. Answer: B https://www.dumpsforsure.com/comptia/220-902-dumps.html
Sample Question:3 Which of the following encryption standards is found on older wireless devices and provides minimal security? A. WPA B. WPA2 C. WEP D. AES Answer: C https://www.dumpsforsure.com/comptia/220-902-dumps.html
Sample Question:4 A modern gaming graphics card is showing pixilation on screen and is occasionally rebooting a PC without prior notice. Which of the following symptoms is MOST likely being experienced? A. Old drivers B. Card overheating C. Improper slot installation D. Resolution mismatch Answer: B https://www.dumpsforsure.com/comptia/220-902-dumps.html
Sample Question:5 A user reports that the laptop’s screen flickers and then goes black. When connecting to an external monitor the operating system desktop is displayed. Which of the following is the cause of the problem? A. Monitor function key B. Resolution is set too low C. Inverter board D. Display adapter drivers Answer: C https://www.dumpsforsure.com/comptia/220-902-dumps.html
CompTIA A+ Certification Exam (902) CompTIA 220-902 dumps Click here for more information: https://www.dumpsforsure.com/comptia/220-902-dumps.html