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Rick Birnbaum - Sales Manager - Oil and Gas

CANSOLV SO 2 and CO 2 Scrubbing Systems for CO 2 Capture and Sequestration Projects Presented to: Canadian Gas Processors Association Quarterly Meeting - May 29, 2007. Rick Birnbaum - Sales Manager - Oil and Gas. Cansolv Technologies at a Glance. Founded in 1997 (spin-off UCC SO 2 program

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Rick Birnbaum - Sales Manager - Oil and Gas

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  1. CANSOLV SO2 and CO2 Scrubbing Systems for CO2 Capture and Sequestration ProjectsPresented to:Canadian Gas Processors AssociationQuarterly Meeting - May 29, 2007 Rick Birnbaum - Sales Manager - Oil and Gas

  2. Cansolv Technologies at a Glance • Founded in 1997 (spin-off UCC SO2 program • 24 employees, 10 professional • Seven SO2 plants commissioned in 2002 and 2007 (Europe, US, Canada, India) • Two SO2 scrubbers under construction (Canada, China), four in design (South America,China, US) • R&D focused on Multipollutant and CO2 Programs. • Winner of 2003 CNRC-CME Sustainable Development Technology Award • Coalsolv LLC joint venture formed in 2003: Turnkey and Build-Own-Operate projects

  3. Cansolv Commercial Units

  4. Excerpt from OilGas 24 Scandinavian Oil and Gas Magazine Statoil, Shell assemble carbon frontrunners courtesy Statoil A mobile carbon-scrubbing construction will be tested in May at the Shell-Statoil carbon-dioxide project at Risavika, just outside Stavanger, it was learned Tuesday. Canadian supplier Cansolv is one of three suppliers to the full-scale Halten CO2 project at Tjeldbergodden central Norway. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Fluor are the other carbon sequestration companies employed in the tests. The companies are vying for a contract to stop 2.5 million tonnes a year from flowing into the atmosphere at a future 850 Megawatt gas-plant on the Tjeldbergodden site…. … Cansolv is dwarfed by the two industrial giants, but “sits on solid knowledge on the separating of carbon from natural gas”, although the plan is to separate 85 percent of the C02 from the power plant’s exhaust passages. • http://www.oilgas24.com/bm/Gas/statoil-shell-assemble-carbon-frontrunners.shtml

  5. Technology Focus • Core platform process is CANSOLV SO2 Scrubbing – Selective amine scrubbing in an oxidative environment • The Cansolv breakthrough in operating costs: • low salt formation • low amine degradation • low heat of regeneration • R&D Focus in 2000-2007 on developing high performance solvents for NOx, Hg & CO2 absorption • Commercialization Focus in 2005-2007: optimizing processes: • CO2 - SO2

  6. UN International Panel on Climate Change • Changes in Global Temperature and Climate are due to anthropogenic sources of green house gas - Working Group 1 - Feb. 2007 • Changes in Global climate have non-uniform local impact • on ecosystems and area weather, climate and populations • - Working Group 2 - April, 2007 IPCC Website - http://www.ipcc.ch/

  7. Kyoto Protocol • Entered into force February, 2005 • Mandates a 5.2% reduction in GHG emissions in • comparison to 1990 levels between 2005 and 2010 • inclusive of economic growth. • Factoring in economic growth, Kyoto represents a • 29% reduction

  8. World Energy Demand World Energy Demand is Expected to double by 2030. Oil and gas consumption Expected to increase by 60% by 2030 Source - IEA Website - http://www.iea.org/

  9. The Power Industry is the World’s Greatest Producer of CO2 • Greatest potential for CO2 Capture is from power plants • Current EOR CO2 injected is 50 MMtpy • Required CO2 capture by 2030 is 7,000 MMtpy

  10. Geological Storage Reservoirs Have the Greatest Capacity for Captured CO2 For Example: • In North America, the top 500 sources emit 3.3 Gt/yr • 3.1 Gt CO2/yr can be stored in formations within 150 km of each source Total storage capacity Is much greater Source; IEAGreenhouse

  11. History of PCOR* in the US IllustratesHow a CCS Program can be Executed The United States DOE established the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) to manage seven partnerships • Phase 1 studies identified sources and sinks 2003 - 2005 • Phase 2 studies executed research programs to • study key sequestration strategies - 2005 to present *Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership

  12. PCOR Partnership - Sources of CO2 • PCOR’s data base maps 1,360 sources by industry type and volume of CO2 emitted annually Source www.undeerc.org/pcor

  13. PCOR Partnership - Sinks for CO2 • Area reservoir structures, and oil reserves are carefully evaluated Source www.undeerc.org/pcor

  14. Testing Phase Projects • Weyburn injection project • Pinnacle reef injection project • Wetland carbon sequestration study • Deepwell injection project • Unminable coal reserve sequestration Reservoir evaluation Can take 2+ years.

  15. 50 Mt CO2 Injected 24/7 hrs/day 365 day/yr 25 years Combustion And Fuel Compression Technology Injection Transport And Boosting Capture Technology Power Engineer Power Culture Process Engineer Processing Culture Mechanical Engineer Compression Specialists Reservoir Engineer Reservoir Simulations CO2 Value Chain Requires firm Links Between Specialists Basis - 300 MW Power Plant Flue Gas Characteristics 1.2 MM Nm3/hr Flue Gas; 11% CO2; Target Capture Rate: 6 kt/day - 2.0 Mt/year

  16. Combustion And Fuel Power Engineer Power Culture Combustion Concerns • Type and quality of fuel available • Size of generation device required • Type of generating device considered • Disposition of combustion products - syn gas, gas turbine, combined cycle, power only. • Combustion turbine choice • Integration of power and chemical production (Gasification vs combustion) • Environmental requirements for flue gas treatment • Cost and regulatory environment

  17. Combustion And Fuel Capture Technology Power Engineer Power Culture Process Engineer Processing Culture Capture Concerns • Maturity of capture technology • Integration of capture system with combustor (Oxycombustion vs amine capture) • Contaminants in the fuel • Cost of energy • Availability of utilities • Cost and regulatory environment

  18. Combustion And Fuel Compression Technology Capture Technology Power Engineer Power Culture Process Engineer Processing Culture Mechanical Engineer Compression Specialists Compression Concerns • Integration of compression system with capture and power system • Discharge pressure for CO2 required at the capture plant • Non condensibles in the CO2 • Cost and regulatory environment

  19. Combustion And Fuel Compression Technology Transport And Boosting Capture Technology Power Engineer Power Culture Process Engineer Processing Culture Mechanical Engineer Compression Specialists Transportation Concerns • Safety • Pipeline corrosion protection • Booster requirements • Line length • Cost and regulatory environment

  20. Combustion And Fuel Compression Technology Injection Transport And Boosting Capture Technology Power Engineer Power Culture Process Engineer Processing Culture Mechanical Engineer Compression Specialists Sequestration Concerns • Reservoir pressure vs injection pressure • Condition of injection/production wells • Response of reservoir to miscible flood • Degree of containment of injected CO2 • Safety and monitoring • Cost and regulatory environment • Reservoir capacities for CO2 • Time to breakthrough for CO2 • Caprock integrity • The type, size and shape of the formation, • Permeability and porosity of the reservoir geology Reservoir Engineer Reservoir Simulations

  21. Combustion And Fuel Compression Technology Injection Transport And Boosting Capture Technology Regulatory and Legal Framework Power Engineer Power Culture Process Engineer Processing Culture Mechanical Engineer Compression Specialists Reservoir Engineer Reservoir Simulations Regulatory and Legal Concerns • Ownership of the reservoir rights • Cost allocation structure • Revenue allocation structure • Ownership of the carbon • Ownership of the liability • Ownership of the pore volume • Provincial and federal legal regulations • Ownership of CO2 credits

  22. Capture and Compression USD 25 - 35/t • Transmission USD 5 - 10 • Storage USD 5 - 10 • Total Cost Range USD 35 - 55/t Source - IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Costs are highly Project Specific Costs for CO2 Project Vary Project to Project • Capture and Compression USD 15 - 75/t • Transmission USD 1 - 8/t • Storage USD 0.5 - 8/t • Total Cost Range USD 16.5 - 91/t Source - IPCC

  23. CO2 Capture • Kyoto protocol – uncertain market conditions for stationary source capture • Sequestration issue: • Best economy in EOR applications • Candidate Sources of CO2: • Reduced gases - NH3; Nat. Gas; Gasification; Cement • Oxygen rich environment capture: • Natural Gas combustion: clean but high humidity, low concentr. • Heavy fuel combustion: sulfur content, acidity issues • Special combustion: landfill gas, CO boilers (SMR heater) • Proximity to sequestration site is critical

  24. CO2 CAPTURE BACKGROUND • Amine scrubbing is the consensus benchmark process for CO2 capture • The deficiencies of the current processes are high energy • consumption, amine degradation by oxygen and inability • to tolerate SO2 in the feed gas • The CANSOLV DeSOx process has very low energy use and amine degradation by O2

  25. CO2 Capture CANSOLV Technology • Cansolv Absorbents are designed to exhibit • Fast kinetics -- similar to primary amines • Very low degradation -- similar to tertiary amines • High resistance against oxidation & free radical attack • Lowest possible regeneration energy -- similar to formulated amines

  26. Cansolv CO2 Capture Flowsheet

  27. CANSOLV CO2 Cost Basis Utility Costs • Steam (3.5 barg) $5.56/t • Electricity $0.06/t • Cooling Water $0.04/t • Cost of Capital 12%; 25 years • 300 MW Power Plant Feed Basis • Inlet CO2 Content - 11% • CO2 Removal 90% • CO2 Captured (t/day) 5,600 • Flue Gas Flow 1.2 MM Nm3/hr

  28. CANSOLV Costs - 2.0 MMt/yr CO2300 MW Plant - US Gulf Coast Basis • Capital Cost USD 180 MM • Cost of Capital @ 12%, 25 years USD 12.30/t • Operating Cost • Maintenance and Labor USD 1.2 MM • Steam USD 12.2 MM • Cooling Water USD 2.5 MM • Electricity USD 2.1 MM • Solvent and Chemicals USD 1.0 MM • Total Op Cost USD 19.0 MM • Sum of Capital and Op Cost USD 22.3/t • Compression Cost USD 7.0/t

  29. CO2 Readiness to Commercialize • Identification of solvent classes -- Start 2000 • Piloting on site --March - April & Nov. 2004; July & Aug, 2006 • Demo Plant Design 2007 • Demo Plant Build-up & Start-up 2008 • Full Commercial Project Engineering Start 2007

  30. CANSOLV Integrated SO2 and CO2 • Technology developed for fuel value based projects • Takes advantage of cost differential between premium fuels and low value, high sulfur fuels • Integrates absorbers into one vessel • Integrates SO2 regeneration with CO2 regeneration

  31. CANSOLV CO2 and SO2 Capture With Regen Steam Integration

  32. Cansolv Multipollutant Pilot Plant • Commissioned in November, 2004 • Is a useful tool to prove technology prior to large scale application

  33. Conclusions • Cansolv Scrubbing Technologies are ready for application • Experienced in regenerable amine flue gas treatment for SO2 • Developed more stable and energy efficient solvents for CO2 • Demonstrated at rates up to 700,000 Nm3/hr - equivalent to 165 Mwe • Piloting for specific CO2 capture applications continues

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