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Modeling Practices in Digital Learning Environment for Secondary School Students

This study explores modeling practices of secondary school students in a digital learning environment, focusing on the design of the environment and the process of constructing and modifying models. It also compares the modeling practices of scientists, non-scientists, and high school students.

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Modeling Practices in Digital Learning Environment for Secondary School Students

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  1. 中學生在數位學習環境中的建模實務APoME and Modeling Practices 吳心楷 副教授 國立臺灣師範大學 科學教育研究所 2009/4/8 中山大學教育所

  2. 研究夥伴 國立師範大學 理學院 許瑛玿 教授 黃福坤 教授 林麗芬 助理 李岱螢 助理 黃媛萍 助理 陳俐陵 助理 高志芳 助理

  3. Outline • 什麼是模式或模型? What is a model? • 模型的種類 A Typology of Models • 模型、建模與科學知識發展 • 建模學習環境的設計理念 • 研究一:科學家如何建構模型? • 研究二:數位學習環境 APoME 的建置 • 研究三:中學生在APoME 中的建模實務

  4. What is a model?

  5. What is a model?

  6. F = ma PV = nRT What is a model?

  7. What is a model?

  8. What is a model?

  9. What is a model? • A model is a simplified representation of a system or phenomenon. • Models serve particular purposes and focus attention on specific aspects of a system or a process. These aspects can be either complex or on a different scale to that which is normally perceived. • Models can reveal the hidden structures or processes that are fundamental to an understanding of a system or a phenomenon. (Gilbert, 1991; Glynn, Britton, Semrud-Clikeman, & Muth, 1989).

  10. A Typology of Models • Scale models • Analogical models • Iconic and symbolic models • Mathematical models • Theoretical/conceptual models (Harrison & Treagust, 2000)

  11. 模型、建模與科學知識發展 • 現象 > 資料收集 > 建構模型 > 收集更多資料 > 用已知資料檢驗模型 > 修改或推翻先前模型 > 建構新模型 > 累積更多資料… • 建模:計畫、建構、檢驗、修改模型的過程 • 建模過程提供學生多樣的學習機會:觀察現象、提出假說、設計實驗、資料收集與分析、多變數分析。 • 但大多數學生並沒有機會經歷這樣的建模過程。

  12. 建模學習環境的設計理念 為提供學生建模的學習機會,本研究群以學生熟悉的現象切入,設計科技導入的數位學習環境。 • Supporting a systematic view of air quality • Developing students’ modeling practices • Integrating technology into a model-based Learning Environment

  13. Supporting a systematic view • 空氣污染課程通常忽略系統觀點:Concepts covered: the composition of unpolluted air, the nature of air pollution, the biological consequences of air pollution, and the particulate nature of matter. • 但大氣是個複雜系統:Air quality is the result of interactions of numerous individual factors such as atmospheric stability, weather conditions, and topographic effects.

  14. Supporting a systematic view • 當大氣穩定時(沒有垂直方向的流動),由煙囪排放出的污染物可以飄到數百公尺外才落下地面。 • 但當大氣不穩定時,污染物在地面的濃度會發生怎樣的改變? • 與風向和風速又有何關連?

  15. Supporting a systematic view p. 24

  16. Developing modeling practices • 建模活動的學習效益:The modeling process engages students in desired pedagogical activities and allows students to demonstrate learning practices such as planning, building, testing, analyzing, and critiquing. • 建模亦有助於多變數推理,提供真實科學活動的機會:controlling variables, identifying causal relationships, and explaining the simultaneous effects of multiple variables. (Sins, Savelsbergh, & Van Joolingen, 2005; Stratford, Krajcik, & Soloway, 1998).

  17. Developing modeling practices • 但學生的困難在於:unable to relate their models to the phenomenon being modeled; do not recognize mismatches between modeled outcomes and expected behaviors of the system represented in a model; not to take into consideration the effects of all causal variables. (de Jong & van Joolingen, 1998; Hogan & Thomas, 2001; Kuhn, 2007)

  18. Integrating technology • 藉助科技延伸學生能力:Advanced technologies expand human capabilities for understanding complex interactions. • AERMOD, a professional modeling system used by atmospheric scientists to simulate the flow of air pollution in the atmosphere and to estimate the concentration of air pollutant. • A need for a simplified version of a modeling tool

  19. 研究一:科學家如何建構模型 • 研究背景:在強調要讓學生經歷科學活動之前,先了解科學家到底如何思考空氣污染物傳播的問題。 • 研究目的:比較大氣科學家 (4 名)、非大氣科學家(3 名) 、高中地科專題生(3 名) 、高一生(8 名)的建模實務。 • 進行 40-60 分鐘的半結構性晤談,主要問題為:大台北地區的空氣品質如何隨著季節變化?

  20. Category 1: Research Plan 1.1 Justified plan 1.2 Define variables 1.3 Identify possible errors Category 2: Research Variables 2.1 List all major variables 2.2 Impact on dispersion 2.3 Variable interactions Category 3: Research Design 3.1 Theory-driven design 3.2 Feasible design 3.3 Manipulate variables Category 4: Anticipated Findings 4.1 Model-based reasoning 4.2 Connect to the research question 4.3 Generalization 研究一:科學家如何建構模型

  21. 研究一:科學家如何建構模型

  22. 研究一:科學家如何建構模型

  23. 研究二:數位學習環境 APoME 的建置 Taylor’s approach (1994) entailed nine steps for instructional design: (1) specify the domain-specific cognitive performances as the terminal objectives of instruction (學習目標) (2) analyze the declarative, relational, and strategic knowledge bases of experts in the field of study (3) use experts’ knowledge framework to measure the knowledge bases of the target student population

  24. 研究二:數位學習環境 APoME 的建置 研究二: (4) design an advance organizer in the light of knowledge bases of both experts and students (建模工具) (5) use graphic organizers and strategic heuristics to present the structure and source of the experts’ knowledge base (建模工具與課程內容) (6) design a range of learning activities that require students to develop and use declarative, relational, and strategic knowledge (課程內容)

  25. 研究二:數位學習環境 APoME 的建置 研究三: (7) apply the instructional treatment to the students (8) provide performance related feedback to students (9) evaluate students’ levels of expertise

  26. 研究二:數位學習環境 APoME 的建置 • The learning environment, APoME, contains two parts: a modeling tool and 5-7 learning lessons.

  27. Learning Lessons Lesson 7 Lesson 1 Evaluation Engagement Lessons 2, 3, 4 Lesson 6 Exploration Elaboration Lessons 4, 5 Explanation

  28. Learning Lesson 1:投入 • 由新聞事件引入:Teachers present news about air pollution and ask questions about air quality to stimulate students’ thinking. • 分組活動:Students then work in groups and engage in online searching to explore ideas such as PSI (Pollutant Standards Index), air quality reporting systems, and air quality testing.

  29. Ozone 以台北縣板橋市2006年3月7日07:00的觀測數據為例

  30. Learning Lessons 2, 3: 探索 • 介紹變數及相關概念:Teachers introduce variables that influence air pollutant dispersion such as atmospheric stability, wind speed, and topographic features. • 利用動畫等視覺化工具:Student groups are encouraged to use animations to explore the relationships between the variables and the concentration of air pollutant.

  31. km Tz 1.0 Tp 0.5 0 15 20 ℃ km Tp為空氣塊溫度 Tz為周圍大氣溫度 Tp 1.0 Tz 0.7 0.5 0 15 20 ℃ Tp為空氣塊溫度 Tz為周圍大氣溫度

  32. Learning Lesson 4 • Students learn to make transformation between graphs. • 變數測試:Students apply knowledge learned to explain why in some locations or under certain weather conditions, the air quality is getting better or worse.

  33. Learning Lesson 5: 解釋 • 多變數測試:Students use the modeling tool to visualize how different factors (wind speed, stack height, atmospheric stability) affect pollutant dispersion. • Students elaborate their ideas about how pollutants are distributed in the environment.

  34. Input data

  35. Learning Lessons 6,7: 檢驗 • 應用所學於新的案例:Students apply what they learned in new cases and decide where will be the best location to build a thermal power plant. • 檢驗模型的有效性:Through the cases, students evaluate the effectiveness of their model and identify the limitation of their model.

  36. 應在何處設置火力發電廠? 協合發電廠 二高交流道附近 台北盆地 二高交流道附近 台塑發電廠 北投焚化爐

  37. APoMT • 建構 Build mode • 檢驗 Test mode • 應用 Apply mode • 案例 Case mode

  38. 研究三:中學生在APoME 中的建模實務 研究問題: • What conceptual understandings do students build after engaging in the APoME activities? • How do students develop their modeling practices during the APoME lessons?

  39. 研究方法 • 台北某女中的班級,資深教師與29位學生 • 概念測驗: 10 題事實性知識 ,20 題理解分析與解釋,共 30 題 (KR-20 = 0.98)。 • 教室與電腦活動錄影 (14 名焦點學生) • 焦點學生晤談,每名約 40 分鐘。

  40. 研究結果 概念理解: • 總體而言,前後測具顯著差異 (t (28) = 3.32, p < .01 ) • 事實性知識 (t (28) = 1.29, p > .05 ) • 理解分析與解釋 (t (28) = 2.76, p < .05)

  41. Making a Plan

  42. Making a Plan • 與研究一的高中生相比:the tenth graders in this study provided plans that contained more detailed procedures, more accurate definitions of variables, and more descriptions about measurements. • 學生仍有困難在於:Students still had difficulties identifying limitations of their plans and none of them mentioned scientific theories or models in their plans.

  43. Making a Plan • 描述而非檢驗:Students’ plans were designed to provide a descriptive answer to their question rather than to verify scientific concepts. • 支持活動的需要:Although the tool bar could guide students through a modeling process, there might be a need for additional learning activities that not only support students’ planning processes but also help them reflect on how to identify the limitations and improve their plans.

  44. Identifying and Connecting Variables

  45. Identifying and Connecting Variables • 大氣穩定度是最困難的概念:A possible reason for the difficulty may be that compared with other weather variables (e.g., wind direction, temperature, and air pressure), “air stability” could not be directly observed or measured and involved new and abstract concepts such as lapse rate and solar radiation.

  46. Identifying and Connecting Variables • 不了解大氣穩定度的定義,但可說出其對空氣污染物傳播的影響:This might be because features in APoMT offered multiple opportunities for students to explore the relationship between air stability and air quality while none of the computer activities required students to define this variable. • Organizer 設計造成的問題:3 focus groups seemed frustrated when they tried more than 3 times but still could not appropriately connect all variables.

  47. Identifying and Connecting Variables • Data Explanation 功能的關鍵性:Without using the Data Explanation feature, only one pair of students engaged in discussions about how the variables affect the air pollutant dispersion. Data Explanation seemed a critical feature to encourage students to externalize their thoughts about casual relationships during the lessons.

  48. Identifying and Connecting Variables • 日常經驗對學生理解相關概念的助益與阻礙:Students brought their daily experiences about weather and air quality into classroom. These experiences supported their reasoning about the relationships between wind field, precipitation, and air quality; however, these daily observations could also be misleading and might become sources of inaccurate understandings about topology and air pressure.

  49. Designing and Examining a Model

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