Chapters One-Two Vocabulary Directions: For each vocabulary term, write the sentence from the book that uses the word, write your guess of what the word means, and then write the actual definition from the dictionary. Be sure to use the definition that matches the way it was used in the sentence. Ironic (2)- the opposite of intended or expected meaning Palpable (3)- noticeable; intense; obvious Wheedle (5)- to influence someone through flattery or trickery Disposition (7)-personality; attitude Transgression (9)- breaking a law or rule Awed (12)- brought up feelings of amazement or fear Technically (13)- strictly; based on legal interpretation Aptitude (15)- natural ability
Chapters Three- Four Vocabulary Directions: For each vocabulary term, write the sentence from the book that uses the word, write your guess of what the word means, and then write the actual definition from the dictionary. Be sure to use the definition that matches the way it was used in the sentence. chastise- to correct or punish Petulantly- in a touchy, sullen, or grumpy manner Remorse- a strong feeling of guilt or regret Conviction- belief Hasten- move or act quickly Tabulated- calculated Nuisance- annoying or irritating; unpleasant Chortled- laughed; giggled
Chapter One Terminology Landing field- runway where airplanes land.