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SPPP Protocol

SPPP Protocol. Session Peering Provisioning Protocol draft-ietf-drinks-spprov-01. Public Identity. Abstract. Route Group. Destination Group. Public Identity. RN. TN. Email. TN. Route Record. Abstract. Route Group. Route Record. NAPTR. NS. URI. Usage Scenario. sbe3.ssp2.com.

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SPPP Protocol

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SPPP Protocol Session Peering Provisioning Protocol draft-ietf-drinks-spprov-01

  2. Public Identity Abstract Route Group Destination Group Public Identity RN TN Email TN

  3. Route Record Abstract Route Group Route Record NAPTR NS URI

  4. Usage Scenario sbe3.ssp2.com sbe1.ssp1.com SSP1 SSP2 sbe4.ssp2.com sbe2.ssp1.com

  5. SPPP provisioning example SSP1 SSP2 Registry Add Dest Group Add Route Group Activate TN Range Initiate Peering with SSP1 Accept Peering Offer from SSP2 Create Egress Route

  6. Add Destination Group Request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <spppRequestxmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:sppp:base:1”
xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance transaction=“true”>
 <addDestGroupsRqst> <clientTransId>ssp2_tx_id_6666</clientTransId><destGrp>
 </addDestGroupsRqst> </spppRequest>

  7. Add Destination Group Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <spppResponsexmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:sppp:base:1"
 <addDestGroupsRspns> <clientTransId>ssp2_tx_id_6666</clientTransId><serverTransId>tx_id_12345</serverTransId>
 <resMsg>Request succeeded</resMsg>
 </addDestGroupsRspns> </spppResponse>

  8. Add Route Group <addRteGrpsRqst>
 <rteGrp> …
 <rteRecxmlns:ns1="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:sppp:base:1” xsi:type="ns1:NAPTRType”> …
 </rteRec> ….

  9. Activate Public Identity <addPubIdsRqst> …
 <pi xsi:type="ns1:TNRType">
 <endTn>+15712229999</endTn> ….
 <corClaim>true</ns1:corClaim> ….

  10. Get Public Identity <spppRequestxmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:sppp:base:1"xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”> <getPubIdsRqst> <clientTransId>ssp2_tx_id_6666</clientTransId> <pi xmlns:ns1="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:sppp:base:1"xsi:type="ns1:TNType"> …. <tn>+15712223333</tn> </pi> </getPubIdsRqst></spppRequest>

  11. Get PI Response <getPubIdsRspns> <clientTransId>ssp2_tx_id_6666</clientTransId> <serverTransId>tx_id_12345</serverTransId> <resCode>1000</resCode> <resMsg>Success</resMsg> <pi xmlns:ns1="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:sppp:base:1"xsi:type="ns1:TNType"> …. <dgName>DEST_GRP_SSP2_1</dgName> <tn>+15712223333</tn> <cor>true</cor> </pi> </getPubIdsRspns></spppResponse>

  12. Peering Offer <addRteGrpOffersRqst>

  13. Peering Offer Response <acceptRteGrpOffersRqst> …

  14. Add Egress Route <addEgrRtesRqst> <egrRte> … <egrRteName>EGR_RTE_01</egrRteName> <pref>50</pref> <svcs>E2U+sip</svcs> <regxRewriteRule> <ere>^(.*)$</ere> <repl>sip:\1@sbe1.ssp1.com</repl> </regxRewriteRule> <ingressRte> <rantId>ssp2</rantId> <name>RTE_GRP_SSP2_1</name> </ingressRte> </egrRte></addEgrRtesRqst>

  15. gSPID Coverage • An opaque identifier for service providers • Expressed as a URN • No special considerations for the SPPP protocol

  16. Questions, comments, suggestions, …

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