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UNCRPD –HRD OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES. Dr. L. Govinda Rao, PG Mgt(XLRI), Ph.D., Chief Mentor, Matrix Institute of Development Studies. Email: drgovindarao@gmail.com Mobile: +91 99 63 01 99 93. Back to Basics. RIGHTS. Current status. Key players. Key Attributes. Constitutional.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UNCRPD –HRD OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES Dr. L. Govinda Rao, PG Mgt(XLRI), Ph.D., Chief Mentor, Matrix Institute of Development Studies. Email: drgovindarao@gmail.com Mobile: +91 99 63 01 99 93

  2. Back to Basics


  4. Current status

  5. Key players

  6. Key Attributes

  7. Constitutional

  8. Policies

  9. Policies Cont’d

  10. Programs

  11. Process

  12. Process Stakeholders Panchayat Parents People Rights Peers PWDs DPOs

  13. HRD Process

  14. HRD Model needs

  15. The 4-D model D1: Define the project D2: Design the project process D4: Develop the process D3: Deliver the project

  16. 4 D Model (continued…)

  17. Proactive, Interactive, Active and Reactive Model REACTIVE ACTIVE INTERACTIVE PROACTIVE

  18. Development of Plan for a Project

  19. Opportunities & Challenges

  20. Articles 5 to 7 • Equality and nondiscrimination (Disability Law; Disability Development Studies) • Women with disabilities (Disability – Women issues) • Children with disabilities (Disability – Children)

  21. Articles 8 to 11. • Awareness raising – ( Social Marketing, Communication and branding in Disability) • Accessibility (Courses – Diploma/Certificate) • Right to life (Disability Rights Redressal) • Situations of risk & humanitarian emergencies (Emergency & Disaster Mgt)

  22. Articles 12 to 15 • Equal recognition before the law (Legal Capacity) • Access to justice (Structure/Institution) • Liberty and security of the person • Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

  23. Article16 to 18 • Freedom from exploitation, violence & abuse • Protecting the integrity of the person • Liberty of movement & nationality

  24. Articles 19 to 28 • Living independently and being included in the community. • Personal mobility • Freedom of expression and opinion and access to information • Respect for privacy • Respect for home and the family

  25. Articles 24 and 25 • Education • Health • Habilitation & Rehabilitation • Work & Employment • Adequate Standard of living & social protection

  26. Article 29 & 30 • Participation in political & public life. • Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport.

  27. Article 31, 32 & 33 • Statistics and data collection • International cooperation • National implementation and monitoring

  28. Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Second session Geneva, 19–23 October 2009 • Guidelines on treaty-specific document to be submitted by states parties under article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities • Distr.:General • 18th November 2009.

  29. HR Role

  30. Thank you!

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