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SCG chartered accountant are among one of the top rated accounting firms in Ghana which brings you an array of amazing services for every business. they are specialized in services like payroll, tax compliance, audit and more. SCG believes in efficient and effective functioning and so it implements xero cloud software to enhance the productivity of the process. www.scg.com.gh
Objectives Educate on GRA's initiatives to ease tax compliance by the introduction of technology Demonstrate the use of Integrated Tax Application Preparation Systems (iTAPS). Discuss impact on business
What is iTaPs? Why iTaPs? Educate iTaPs Overview of iTaPs (Phase 1) e- Services portal
Commissioner may establish and operate an electronic document system for; • Electronic filing of documents • Electronic service of documents • Electronic payments by persons • Issuance of TCC by electronic means Prescribe rules for: • Registration of persons required to participate in e- document system; • Types of documents to be transmitted through the e- document system; • Resolution of difficulties; • Secrecy to be maintained by users; • Accessibility of e- tax clearance certificates to the public bodies; e.g. Lands Commission, GRA (Customs Division), Government agencies etc. Legal Legal Basis Basis- - sect. 26, RAA 26, RAA sect.
Modules Modules Personal Income Tax Returns E-Withholding Tax Exemption Annual Tax Return (Companies, Partnership) What is What is iTaPS iTaPS? ? integrated Tax Application integrated Tax Application and Preparation System and Preparation System e e- -services platform services platform enable taxpayers Prepare, enable taxpayers Prepare, Apply and Receive Apply and Receive GRA services GRA services online online Monthly & Annual PAYE(Overtime, Bonus, PAYE Calculator) Tax Clearance Certificate (e-TCC) Personal Tax Reliefs Withholding Tax Credit Certificate (e-Tax Credit) Decision Support System for Self-Assessment Estimate VAT Withholding Tax Credit Certificate (e- VAT Withholding Tax Credit) Business Records Manager(Electronic Bookkeeping)
CONVENIENT AND SIMPLE provide a convenient, simple and accurate meansto compute your tax returns and liabilities RECORD KEEPING to assist you keep the records required to fulfil your tax obligations Why Why iTaPs iTaPs? ? COST AND TIME reduce cost and time required to comply with tax laws EASE ACCESS GRA services @ door step of the taxpayer (ease access of gra services)
Sign-up PIT Overview of Overview of iTaPs iTaPs (Phase 1) (Phase 1) Annual Tax Return e-Registration This module will enable Individuals to prepare their Self Assessment Estimate and file their Final Annual Tax Return This module will enable Individuals & Companies to register and have access to GRA eServices platform
iTaPS e-Services Portal
Impact on business: • Minimize risk of late filing and payments • Able to know Tax position always • GRA able to detect non- compliance which may trigger audit Role of clients: • Register on the portal and appoint SCG as their tax consultants • Send data and payment on time • Keep proper records of transactions Impact & Impact & Role on Role on client client business business
Education and training of clients Role of SCG Enrolling of clients on the portal TIN Registrations Updating clients on developments on iTaPs Review of returns or computations File and make payments for clients online
Questions /Comments / Suggestions Questions /Comments / Suggestions