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Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management. MODUL 12 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT. Satu set ORGANISASI saling bergantung yang memudahkan pemindahan kepemilikan sebagaimana produk bergerak dari produsen ke pengguna bisnis atau konsumen. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Saluran Pemasaran ?.
Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management MODUL 12 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT
Satu set ORGANISASI saling bergantung yang memudahkan pemindahan kepemilikan sebagaimana produk bergerak dari produsen ke pengguna bisnis atau konsumen. Apa yang dimaksuddenganSaluranPemasaran? Marketing Channels
Rantai terhubung dari semua badan usaha, baik internal maupun eksternal perusahaan, yang melakukan atau mendukung fungsi LOGISTICS. Apa yang dimaksuddenganSaluranPemasaran? Supply Chain
Spesialisasidanpembagiankerja Mengatasiperbedaan Memberikanefisiensikontak ApafungsidalamPemasaranSaluran?
SpesialisasidanPembagianTugas • Menciptakan efisiensi yang lebih besar • Menyediakan biaya yang lebih rendah • Mencapai skala ekonomi • Produsen Aids yang kekurangan sumber daya untuk pasar secara langsung • Membangun hubungan yang baik dengan pelanggan
Perantara Saluran Siapa perantara saluran dan nilai apa yang mereka berikan?
Pengecer Sebuahperantarasaluran yang menjualterutamauntuk PENGGUNA FINAL. Pedagang Grosir SebuahLembaga Yang MEMBELI barang Dari PRODUSEN, mengambilBarang, menyimpannya di gudang Dan Menjualnya kemudian mengirimkannya. Agents and Brokers Grosirperantara yang memfasilitasipenjualanprodukdengan REPRESENTING anggotasaluran. Perantara Saluran
Retailers Merchant Wholesalers Agents and Brokers Channel Intermediaries
karakteristikproduk pertimbanganpembeli Karakteristik pasar FAKTOR- FAKTOR MENYARANKAN JENIS GROSIR YANG DISARANKAN
CHANNELINTERMEDIARIES CHANNELFUNCTIONS Retailers Wholesalers Agents and Brokers Perform Transactional Logistical Facilitating Channel Intermediaries and Functions
Retailer Channel Wholesaler Channel Direct Channel Agent/Broker Channel Producer Producer Producer Producer Agents orBrokers Wholesalers Wholesalers Retailers Retailers Retailers Consumers Consumers Consumers Consumers Channels for Consumer Products
Agent/Broker IndustrialChannel Direct Channel Direct Channel IndustrialDistributor Agent/Broker Channel Producer Producer Producer Producer Producer Agents or Brokers Agents or Brokers IndustrialDistributor IndustrialDistributor Govt.Buyer IndustrialUser IndustrialUser IndustrialUser IndustrialUser Channels for Business Products
CONSUMERCHANNELS BUSINESSCHANNELS ALTERNATIVECHANNELS • Direct • Retail • Wholesaler • Agent/broker • Direct • Industrial • Agent/broker • Agent/brokerindustrial • Multiple • Nontraditional • Strategicalliances Channel Structures
Factors Affecting Channel CHOICE Level ofDistributionINTENSITY Market Factors Intensive Distribution Product Factors Selective Distribution Producer Factors Exclusive Distribution Channel Strategy Decisions
Market FactorsThat Affect ChannelChoices Customer profiles Consumer or Industrial Customer Size of market Geographic location Market Factors
Product Complexity Product FactorsThat Affect ChannelChoices Product Price Product Standardization Product Life Cycle Product Delicacy Product Factors
Market FactorsThat Affect ChannelChoices Customer profiles Consumer or Industrial Customer Size of market Geographic location Market Factors
Product Complexity Product FactorsThat Affect ChannelChoices Product Price Product Standardization Product Life Cycle Product Delicacy Product Factors
Producer FactorsThat Affect ChannelChoices Producer Resources Number of Product Lines Desire for Channel Control Product Factors
Managing Channel Relationships Apa isu-isu pengaruh yang strategi saluran?
Power Control Leadership Conflict Partnering Social Dimensions of Channels
Channel Conflict Conflicts may occur if channel members: • Have CONFLICTING goals • Fail to fulfill EXPECTATIONS of other channel members • Have IDEOLOGICAL differences • Have different PERCEPTIONS of reality
Sourcing & Procurement Production Scheduling SupplyChainTeam Order Processing Logistics Information System Inventory Control Warehouse & Materials Handling Transportation Logistical Components of the Supply Chain
Sourcing and Procurement • Plan purchasing strategies • Develop specifications • Select suppliers • Negotiate price and service levels • Reduce costs The Role of Purchasing: