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HACCP HAZARD ANALYSIS CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS. is a proactive, preventative system which identifies, evaluates and controls food safety hazards. HAZARDS. Anything that could contaminate food or cause harm to the consumer. SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF HACCP
HACCPHAZARD ANALYSIS CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS is a proactive, preventative system which identifies, evaluates and controls food safety hazards.
HAZARDS • Anything that could contaminate food or cause harm to the consumer.
SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF HACCP 1. Conduct a hazard analysis. i.e. Prepare a list of steps in the food production and identify what hazards may occur e.g. contamination by bacteria 2. Determine the critical control points (CCPs) or steps at which control can be applied and are essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard e.g. delivery of meat 3. Establish critical limit(s), which are the maximum or minimum value(s) to which a hazard must be controlled at a CCP to prevent, eliminate the food safety hazard e.g. a minimum temperature.
4 Establish monitoring procedures to assess whether a CCP is under control and to produce an accurate record for future use in verification e.g. written document signed by employee when temperature is checked 5 Establish corrective actions to be followed when a deviation occurs, which is a failure to meet a critical limit e.g. get a fridge fixed if temp is incorrect 6 Establish verification procedures to determine if the HACCP plan is operating as intended, e.g. check records and staff 7 Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures and review the process
SETTING UP HACCP • Set up trained team. • Draw up flow chart showing all aspects of production (from raw materials to consumer). • Identify potential hazards. • Assess risks (high, medium, low). • Establish control measures (critical control points)(CCP). • For each CCP decide: (a) What’s to be done. (b) When is it to be done. (c) Who is to do it.
BENEFITS OF THE HACCP SYSTEM • Focuses attention of management on food safety issues. • Hazards identified and controls put in place therefore reducing risk of problems. • Makes workers more aware of safety & hygiene. • HACCP records can be used as evidence (in court) that food safety laws are being followed. • HACCP records allow food safety officers get an overview of food hygiene within a business.
ISO 9000 ISO = InternationalStandardisation Organisation • An association of National Standard bodies that set standards for industry. • ISO 9000 most commonly used standard. • When a business gets the ISO9000 certificate, it means its quality control system is up to international standards.
National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) • Publishes a quality scheme for food companies (IS 343). • Companies that have a high standard of hygiene get the quality mark. • Companies that get the mark are checked to make sure they keep up the standard.
FSAI role = Protect consumer health by making sure food is safe. • FSAI are involved in implementing food laws in Ireland. • An independent body established in 1998 under Dept. of Health & Children. • Aims to provide a continuous inspection of the food industry by co-ordinating the activities of organisations involved in food safety. • The work is done for FSAI by staff in Dept. of Agriculture , Fisheries & Food, Dept. Of Health, HSE Public Analyst Laboratories, Office of Director of Consumer Affairs, Local Authorities.
Relevant Exam Questions • 2012 long Q. 3- Food Safety • 2010 short Q. 8- HACCP • 2009 long Q. 3- Food Spoilage • 2008 long Q. 3- HACCP • 2004 long Q. 3- HACCP