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Promise Academy @ West Philadelphia HS. Welcome. Attendance & Punctuality School & Advisory* begins at 8: 0 0 am. First Day of School Friday, September 7 th , 2012 8 : 0 0 am until 12:00 Noon
Promise Academy @ West Philadelphia HS
Welcome • Attendance & Punctuality • School & Advisory* begins at 8:00 am. • First Day of School • Friday, September 7th, 2012 • 8:00 am until 12:00 Noon Advisory is an important start of all students’ day. Your class designation is dependent on your Advisory number (Book#). You receive all communication from all staff through your Advisory, you receive daily information in Advisory, you participate in voting on school policy that will affect you, and you elect class officers. BOOK #s are as follows: 400’s – 9th Grade; 300’s – 10th Grade, 200’s – 11th Grade; 100’s – 12th Grade You will receive your new advisory at the end of this presentation.
Cell Phone & Electronic Device Policy 1st Infraction – Confiscation of the device until the end of the school day and a call to parent/guardian. 2nd Infraction – Confiscation of the device, call home and device returned ONLY to parent/guardian (listed on SCN file). 3rd Infraction – Confiscation of the device, call home and device will be returned at the end of the school year. If a student should bring, cell phone or electronic device to school it will be confiscated and returned only to the parent or guardian of the student. However, upon a second violation or if the device is used during the commission of a crime the school will confiscate the device and it will not be returned. The principal may donate the item to charity or sell items with proceeds going to a school use.
School Uniforms are Mandatoryfor all students and staff Tops: • White Oxford Collared Shirts & Ties (tucked into skirts and pants) • Navy Blue Sweater or Vest (Navy Blue Cardigans/Promise Academy Jackets at special times) Bottoms: • Dress Khaki Pants or knee length Skirts • NO jeans, hats, doo rags, or hooded garments are ever allowed • Shoes: • Solid Black or Brown (Low heel) • No sneakers NO HOODIES ARE ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING
Identification Cards • Must be Worn and Visible at ALL times • Attendance will be monitored through ID Cards • Temporary ID Cards cost $1.00 per day • Replacement ID cards cost $5.00 per ID • Pictures for your ID’s (9th graders only) will be taken today.
Daily Entrance ProceduresAll Students will enter the building through the rear courtyard (girls) and Gym entrance (boys). • School Computer Network calls home for: • Lateness • Cutting • Absences
Leaving School Campus • Students are not permitted to leave school property for any reason during school hours. • Parents and/or guardians must escort students from the school during the school day. • Unsanctioned leaving of campus will result in disciplinary actions. • Only the parent or guardian registered with the high school main office will be allowed to escort students from the school for early dismissals.
Lockers • Students will be assigned a locker. • Lockers are NOT to be shared or switched with other students.
Lunch • Students MUST remain in building. • Students MUST be in the lunchroom or will be considered to be cutting. • You must use your school ID number for lunch. • OUTSIDE FOOD IS NOT ALLOWED!
Career and Technical Programs Our various career choices for grades 10th, 11th, & 12th • Auto Academy • Network and Telecommunication • Architectural Drafting and Design • Creative & Performing Arts & Multi-Media Design • 9th Grade Academy All 9th graders will do career exploration of all career pathways and will choose a career path later in the school year. (January, 2013)
Graduation & Promotion Guidelines A. Promotion Guidelines • Promotion from grade to grade is based on credits earned. Each class represents one (1) credit as follows: • Entering Grade 9 – students are assigned 7 required classes • Promotion to 10th grade – 5 credits • Promotion to 11th grade – 11 credits • Promotion to 12th grade – 17.5 credits or sufficient number of credits to reach 23.5 by the end of 12thgrade 2. A passing grade at the high school level is described as aD or higher (65) or higher). B. Graduation Guidelines A grade 12 student will graduate if he/she hasearned a total of 23.5 credits which includes: 4 – English 3 – Mathematics* 3 – Science* 3 – Social Studies 1 – African American History 2 – World Language 2 – Arts and Humanities 1 – Physical Education 0.5 – Health 4 – Electives* *One elective must be one of the following: Mathematics, Science, International Baccalaureate or Advanced Placement courses. Complete a Multidisciplinary Project or a Service Learning Project successfully (The Senior Project).
Promise Academy Code of Conduct for the Classrooms Respect Yourself • Come to class on time and with the required materials • Always follow the dress code • Always give your best effort and be ready to learn Respect Others • Always use appropriate language • Value the property of others • Refrain from bullying and harassing others
Classroom Conduct Continued Respect your School • Consume all food and drinks during lunch • Use all school equipment and supplies appropriately and only when instructed • Obtain teacher’s permission before leaving class
Code of Conduct for the Hallway/Stairwell Respect Yourself • Always wear your school ID • Always carry a valid hall pass during class time • Know your schedule and always be prepared Respect Others • Always use appropriate language • Keep your hands and feet to yourself • Refrain from bullying and harassing others
Hallway/Stairway Conduct Respect your school • Walk to class on time and go straight to your destination • Follow the instructions of all school personnel • Use appropriate tone and volume when speaking to others
Cafeteria Respect Yourself • Enter and exit in an orderly fashion • Keep your body and belongings to yourself • Keep all food on your tray Respect Others • Wait your turn in line • Value the property and rights of others • Refrain from bullying and harassing others
Cafeteria Conduct Respect Your School • Place all trash in trash cans • Follow the instruction of school personnel • Use appropriate tone and volume when speaking to others
THE SCHOOL DISTRICT PROHIBITS ALL FORMS OF BULLYING BY STUDENTS WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is characterized by the following three (3) criteria: • It is aggressive behavior or intentional harm doing. • It is carried out repeatedly over time. • It occurs within an interpersonal relationship where there is an imbalance of power (e.g. one (1) person is physically larger, stronger, mentally quicker or socially more powerful). Bullying, may be direct or indirect action, which may include (but is not limited to):Physical: hitting, kicking, pushing, shoving, getting another person to hurt someone; Verbal: racial slurs, name-calling, teasing, taunting, verbal or sexual harassment, gossiping, spreading rumor; or Non-Verbal: threatening, obscene gestures, isolation, exclusion, stalking, cyber- bullying (bullying that occurs by use of electronic or communication devices through means of email, instant messaging, text messages, blogs, photo and video sharing, chat rooms, dashboards, websites, etc.).
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO WHEN YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS BEING BULLIED? Reporting Bullying Incidents: Students or parents/guardians of students who have been bullied or witness bullying should immediately report such incidents to the school principal or designee, or to any other member of the school staff, including teachers, guidance counselors, coaches and administrators. Any staff member who receives such a report shall immediately notify the principal or designee. If the behavior continues or if the school does not take action, students or parents/guardians should report the incident to the district’s hotline at 215-400-SAFE.
WHAT HAPPENS TO STUDENTS WHO BULLY? Consequences for Violations: Students who violate the bullying policy will be subject to the following disciplinary procedures: First Offense: Documented warning and parent notification; Second Offense: Parent conference, loss of school privileges, exclusion from school-sponsored activities, detention, and/or counseling within the school; Third Offense: Suspension or transfer to another classroom, school building, or school bus If the first offense is notably severe, a student may immediately be disciplined in accordance to the Code of Student Conduct. This could result in a long-term suspension (4-10 days); a referral for placement in an alternative education program; or expulsion.
Infractions for violationsof the Student Code of Conduct 1st infraction: Verbal Warning 2nd infraction: Contact Parents or Guardians 3rd infraction: Detention (after-school) 4th infraction: Mandatory Parental or Guardian Conference & Behavior Contract 5th infraction: In-School Suspension 6th infraction: Out of School Suspension
What is a Promise • A promise means to make a commitment. • A promise is a declaration to do something in the future. • A promise sets the groundwork for hope. We are the Promise Academy.
What will be different? • Our school day is longer. 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) Why? To give all students more time to learn • To build a true sense of community through a full selection of learning activities
Purpose: Your future is waiting for you!!!