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Research and innovation in fisheries and aquaculture : Priorities in science , industry and society in the context of the IMP in the Mediterranean Sea.
Research and innovation in fisheries and aquaculture: Prioritiesin science, industry and society in thecontext of the IMP in theMediterranean Sea Maribel Rodriguez, European Fisheries Technology Platform (EFTP) and Spanish Technology Platform for Fisheries and Aquaculture (PTEPA), Spain
Setting the context- What is a Technology Platform? Technology Platforms (TPs) are industry-led stakeholder for a charged with defining research priorities in a broad range of technological areas. ETPs foster effective public-private partnerships, contributing significantly to the development of a European Research Area of knowledge for growth. Public-private partnerships can address technological challenges that could be key for sustainable development, for the improved delivery of public services and for the restructuring of traditional industrial sectors.
¿WhobelongstoTechnologyPlatforms? Companies (whichmust lead theplatform) Science and Technological Centers Universities Foundations and others Government WorkingGroups
Setting the context- What is a Technology Platform? European Fisheries Technology Platform Launched in 2009 101 members Road Map, Vision, SRIA under development Strong connection with Spanish TP Contact with DG Mare, DG Research, DG Regio. Spanish Fisheries and aquaculture Technology Platform Launched in 2007 267 members Has already defined the Spanish Strategy of R&DI, Road Map and Vision Document Boost Spanish participation in R&DI projects More than 131 projects supported F&A Network to connect with the European sector.
RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN Fisheries and Aquaculture. Whichistheeuropeancontex? The fisheries sector in the EU is affected by several interrelated problems. • Fish stocks are overfishing • The economic situation of some segments of the fleet is fragile despite the high levels of subsidy, • Sector jobs are not attractive • The situation of many coastal communities dependent on fisheries is precarious.
Fisheries and Aquaculture ECOSYSTEM APROACH • Integrated governance and sustainable management of marine and maritime activities in the Mediterranean. • Sustainable management of fisheries in the Mediterranean and strategic plan for aquaculture development • Management and protection of marine space • Plans regeneration and recovery of ecosystems REDUCE CARBON FOOTPRINT • Sustainable (energy efficiency measures and technologies for water management Smart, exterior lighting, etc.). THREATS AND EMERGENCIES • Strategic vision of maritime risk prevention in conjunction with maritime safety INTEGRATED SOCIAL GROWTH • Fostering entrepreneurship in maritime activities • Fishing tourism/ recreative aquaculture. • Promoting local employment environment to tourism. • Cluster, TP Networking
Key actions needed • 1. Avoid fragmentation: • Cross sector Tech Cooperation • Boost cooperatives, associations • Boost the aquaculture • Diversification (fishing-tourism) • Integration of value chain and socioeconomic factors • 2. Partnership approach: • Boost TP and clustering (Stakeholder participation) • Career attractiveness, job security (risk prevention) • Training and professionalization • Coordination with administrations • Simplify administrative procedures • 3. Investments/infrastructure • Energy efficiency fishing vessels • Port infrastructures • Reduce the Carbon Footprint • 4. Increase the technology level of the industry • Automation • Friendly technology and sustainable fishing gears • Maritime safety and surveillance • Labor on board safety • Resistant species to parasites, biohazards • Technology Transfer and dissemination • Avoid of discards • 5. Consumer information and quality • Traceability and ICT • Creating certifications / quality brands • Promotional campaigns or public fairs • Development of CSR • Boost social area return • Improve and increase inspections • Standardizing the legislation • Rapid diagnostic procedures
Marine living Resources • PRIORITY 1.Evaluation of Fishery Resources • Procedures, technologies, equipment and measurement campaigns populations • PRIORITY 2. Fisheries Management • Catch and fishing effort, fisheries optimization, marine productivity • Ecosystem approach • Regulated Areas Marine Resource Management • Discards • PRIORITY 3. Animal Health • Parasitism • Toxic heavy metals, PCBs, hydrocarbons • PRIORITY 4. Sustainability and Environmental • Impact • Terrestrial and marine activities Interactions • in the coastal strip • PRIORITY 5. Diversification • Diversity • Conservation of marine and coastal Teamwork !!
Improve the robustness and minimize the uncertainty in the scientific assessment on stocks; • Improve the exploitation patterns of fisheries • Make progress in the application of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management. • Create a collaborative link between the European fishing industry and society and project a positive image of the sector. SUSTAINABILITY AND MANAGEMENT OF EU FISHERIES AlignedtoSustainable growth Horizon 2020 targets
Improve the data acquisition and control /audit systems on energy consumption 2. Explore alternative energy sources • Propulsion train optimization • Promote Efficient steering and navigation • Optimization of on board energy use • Study vessel design and modifications • Reduce fishing vessel energy • consumption at port facilities. • Reduce gas emissions (CO2…) reduce the energy consumption throughout the entire value chain in the fisheries, “from the ship to the shop”. Alignedto 20/20/20” climate/energyResource efficient Europe Horizon 2020 targets
Evaluate consequences and suitability of technical parameters to be used in regulation of fishing fleet • Improve hydrodynamics and stability for fishing vessels • Deck arrangement and fishing gear handling. • Design/suitability of technologies for improvement of onboard processes • Health, environment and safety for fishermen. Improvement of working conditions, ergonomics, living conditions on board • Improve navigation and • Communication equipment Contribute to increase the effectiveness and improve the economic results for the future fishing fleets. AlignedInclusive growth To modernise labour markets Horizon 2020 targets
Promoteselectivity of fishinggears • Improve catch monitoringsystems • Minimizingthedamageonproductsproducedbycatchingsystems • Researchto reduce theimpact of gearsontheenvironment • Evaluate the Impact of fishing gear in the maneuvers • Improve the process of fishing gear design and development New designs and technological developments applied to fishing gears and fishing behavior are considered relevant to maintain both sea habitats healthy and a safe spawning-stock biomass abundance, to ensure, the yearly annual recruitment and thus, to keep stable stocks and profitable long-term fisheries. AlignedtoSustainable growth Horizon 2020 targets
Aquaculture 1. Eco aquaculture 2. Farming of rapid growth species and better economic use. Investigate in farming new species of interest to consumer and entrepreneurs 3. Use of closed circuits of water and improvement of its energy efficiency. Integrationwithrenewablesystems. 4. To put in value the R&D made about proteins and fish oils replacement with other ingredients (with animal / vegetal origin). Area: Nourishment / nutrition Topic: Formulation of new ingredients for feed Motives: Much R&D has been made about this topic but there are not clear results about current alternatives.
Promoteautomatinghandlingprocesses • Introducingsystemsthatallowforgentleboarding of the catch. • Adaptation of basic onshore technologies onboard and upskilling crew • Use of electronicsystems • By-productutilization,discards. • ItisnecessarythatproductsproducedwithinEurope can bedifferentiatedbydemonstratingexcellencewithregardtoquality and theenvironment • Explore methods for onboard storage and preservation to ensure the required specifications are met. • Energy efficiency Regarding to FISH AND SEAFOOD TECHNOLOGY AlignedInclusive growth To modernise labour markets Horizon 2020 targets
Buildingontransferable and valuableinformationfrom catch toconsumer. • Supplychainmanagement, supportedby new informationsystems. • Quality and safety relatedchallenges (valuechainapproach and attentiontoemergingmatters). BUILDING TRUST FROM CATCH TO CONSUMERAttributes such as quality, sustainability of fisheries, accurate consumer information on nutritional aspects of the product, origin etc. can be some of the targets to address. This requires, among other things, a joint effort of the entire value chain of the fisheries sector to guarantee transparency and efficient traceability systems. AlignedInclusive growth To modernise labour markets facilitate the entry of young people to the labour market Horizon 2020 targets
Thankyouforyourattention Maribel Rodriguez, maribel.rodriguez@ariema.com European Fisheries Technology Platform (EFTP) www.eftp.eu Spanish Technology Platform for Fisheries and Aquaculture (PTEPA), www.ptepa.org