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UNFCCC Eighteen Conference of Parties Doha, Qatar NAPA Project - Niger « Building resilience and adaptive capacity of the agriculture and water sectors to climate change » December 02 2012 Mrs Bako Safi Solange Project Director Secrétariat Exécutif du CNEDD.
UNFCCC Eighteen Conference of Parties Doha, Qatar NAPA Project - Niger « Building resilience and adaptive capacity of the agriculture and water sectors to climate change » December 02 2012 Mrs Bako Safi Solange Project Director SecrétariatExécutif du CNEDD
Objective and intervention sites Objective « Enhance adaptive capacity of the agricultural sector to address the additional risks posed by climate change”. Expected results : Resilience of food production systems and/or food insecure communities enhanced in the face of climate change; Institutional capacity of the agricultural and water sector enhanced, including information and extension services to respond to climate change, including variability. Lessons learned and knowledge management component established. .
RESULTS AT MID TERM 1. Drought tolerant varieties with high yields made available to producers Test and vulgarisation of03 types of seeds (millet, sorghum, cowpeas) that are more resistant to droughts and with yield estimated to be 800-1200 kg vs 300-400kg for traditional seeds More than 5,000 farmers areusing adapted seeds in the 8 project municipalities (vs1000 planned by the project) 8 seed banks et 11 agricultural and fodder input banks created to conserve and store productions
RESULTS AT MID TERM 2- Land Recuperation for Pastoral Use 1350 Km fire-breaks opened to secure phytomass registered in 2010 and 2011 ; • 555 ha of degraded areas in pastoral areas restored by the construction of SCW/SDR, tree plantation and seeding of fodder species; • 251,748 direct beneficiaries of SCW/SDR (90% of women). Average income per woman is 15.000 to 20,000 FCFA • 250 community fire fighters trained
RESULTS AT MID TERM :3. Income Generating Activities for vulnerable communities 30 small-projects implemented to support vegetables and fruits gardening 1500 beneficiaries, mostly women, supported on: • training in farming techniques, phyto-sanitary treatments and associative life; • seeds (tomato, onion, corn, garlic, peppers, squash, cassava, lettuce, cabbage, watermelon, squash, potato, sweet potato and sorrel); • fertilizers (Urea, NPK) and pesticides (pesticides); • Small equipment: wheelbarrow, watering cans, rakes, hoes, scales, shovels, etc.. ;
RESULTS AT MID TERM :3. Income Generating Activities for vulnerable communities 8 microprojets for the creation of sewing centers • 143 girls and women received: • hundred and thirty seven (137) machines with one hundred and twenty eight (128) simple machines, five (5) embroidery, two (2) knitting and two (2) Zig Zag; • support materials for sewing and embroidery metal chairs, scissors, fabric, thread and plain nylon embroidery, tape measures, needles, irons, tables, elastic rolls, machine oil, etc.. ; • 6 solar kits installed for the operation of embroidery machines at six (6) sites namely: Issari, Tamalolo, Aderbissanat, Sakabal, Kao and Tondimiwind
RESULTS AT MID TERM :Use of meteorological & Agrometeorological Information 280 instant read rain gauges (SPIEA) installed in the municipalities to strengthen the data collection and meteorological information mechanism
LESSONS LEARNED • Adoption of adaptation technologies realised through training of beneficiaries, dialogue and adaptive management / greater participation of beneficiaries in the selection and implemention; • Conditions of sustainability of the project underway with greater involvement of seed multipliers, integration of Climate Changes issues into local development plans and capacity building of producer groups; • Greater consideration of vulnerable communities needs, particularly women, with the development of Income Generating Activities
CONTACTS • Mrs Bako Safi Solange, Coordonnatrice du projet, • email: safimod07@yahoo.fr • Phone : +227-20722559 • Website : www. Cnedd.ne