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IEEE 802.15.5 WPAN Portability Proposal

This proposal discusses the portability issue arising in IEEE 802.15.5 WPAN Mesh networks and provides a solution for automatic portability detection and compatibility with current address and routing schemes.

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IEEE 802.15.5 WPAN Portability Proposal

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  1. Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [IEEE 802.15.5 WPAN Mesh Networks] Date Submitted: [July, 2007] Source: [Rui Zhang*, Hakyung Jung**, Eunjoo Lee ***, Myung Lee*] Company [*CUNY, ** SNU, *** ETRI] Address [Electrical Engineering, Steinman Hall, 140th St & Convent Ave, New York, NY 10031, USA] Voice:[+1-212-650-7260], FAX: [+1-212-650-8249], E-Mail:[lee@ccny.cuny.edu] Re: [] Abstract: [This proposal discusses Portability issue arising inIEEE 802.15.5 WPAN Mesh] Purpose: [This proposal is provided for the discussion for IEEE 802.15.5 WPAN Mesh] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  2. IEEE 802.15.5 WPAN Portability Proposal Rui Zhang*, Hakyung Jung**, Eunjoo. Lee***, Myung Lee* * CUNY, ** SNU, *** ETRI R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  3. Objectives • To propose a leaf node portability based on the current IEEE 802.15.5 draft. • Proposed leaf node portability includes following features: • Automatic portability detection • Compatible with current IEEE802.15.5 address scheme • Compatible with current IEEE802.15.5 routing scheme R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  4. Proposal Outline • Step1: Detect the problem • Step2: Carry out the MESH rejoin procedure • Step2-1: Active scanning • Step2-2: Select new parent & Association request (Portable DEV) • Step2-3: Address allocation & Association response (Potential Parent) • Step3: Inform relevant nodes of the portable node’s movement • Step4: Update the link-state table R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  5. Step1: Detect the problem R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  6. Step1: Detect the problem Detection by leaf node Data No Ack Ack X Data • Detection the link failure by ACK missing • Optionally, use of absence of periodic Hello exchanges • depending on the frequency of Hello interval R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  7. Step1: Detect the problem No Ack Detection by parent Data Data X Ack • The same detection method as before. • Note: If the parents detect the problem, it will trigger the link • failure process (probe). • - The parent broadcasts link failure and relevant nodes change NB list and connectivity matrix • - If any node sends packet to the portable node before it report its new address, relevant nodes will send back route error message to the sender. R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  8. Step 2: Carry out the MESH rejoin procedure R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  9. Step 2: Carry out the MESH rejoin procedure • Step2-1: Active scanning • - Initiates the MESH rejoin procedure. • - Performs ‘active scanning’ • - Beacon frame contain coordinator status. R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  10. Step 2: Carry out the MESH rejoin procedure Potential parent with insufficient capability Beacon(w/ incapable status) Beacon(w/ capable status) Potential parent with sufficient capability Portable device Additional information in beacon payload can prevent the portable device from selecting an incapable device as a suitable parent R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  11. Step 2: Carry out the MESH rejoin procedure • Step2-2: Select new parent & Association request • (Portable DEV) • - Choose the suitable parent address • Note: “suitable parent” is regarded as implementation issue • Rejoining to previously joined parent can be advantageous • - Initiate MAC association procedure. R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  12. Step 2: Carry out the MESH rejoin procedure • Step2-3: Address allocation & Association response • -The MDEV that received MAC Association Request command • determines whether it has knowledge of requesting device • If yes, allocate the previously assigned short address • If no, assign new short address • - Association Response with new short address for portable device. • - If the attempt to rejoin was unsuccessful, trigger the rejoin procedure • with the second best potential parents from step2-2. R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  13. Step 2: Carry out the MESH rejoin procedure Potential parent with insufficient capability Beacon(w/ incapable status) Beacon(w/ capable status) Potential parent with sufficient capability Associate Response (Rejoin) Portable device Associate Request (Rejoin) The Associate response will contain the short address for the portable device R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  14. Step 3: Inform relevant nodes of the node’s movement • Note: We have two different approaches to inform the portability. • Centralized: we should inform old parents and network • coordinator(NC) of the portable device rejoin. • Distributed: we only need to inform old parents of the portable • device rejoin. R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  15. Step 3: Centralized: Inform the old parent and NC of the rejoin • Unicast Rejoin-Notifyto the old parent and NC • ① Portable device IEEE address • ② Portable device new short address • ③ Portable device previous short address • NC updates the AddressMapping Table • NC shall maintain Address Mapping Table, which stores a mapping between IEEE address and short address of devices R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  16. Step 3: Centralized: Inform the old parent and NC of the rejoin • On receipt of Rejoin-Notify, the old parent will broadcast Move Notify containing the old and new short address. • On receipt of Move-Notify, the devices change the status of corresponding entry in neighbor list to “Moved” state and update the connectivity matrix R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  17. Step 3: Centralized: Inform the old parent and NC of the rejoin • After that, Once there is a packet for the portable device. • Any device having information of “moved node” will indicate this error by replying Route Error to the originating sender • On receipt of RouteError, the originating sender will query NC about new short address • On receipt of query, the NC will respond the new short address to the originating sender Zheng, Liu, Zhu, Wong, Lee

  18. Step 3: Centralized: Inform the old parent and NC of the rejoin Addr Request and response Data 3. Update Address Mapping Table Route Error 4. Move Notify 2.Rejoin Notify X Data Associate exchange 4. Move Notify Pan Coordinator Portable device 1.Move Data Sender R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  19. Step 3: Distributed: Inform the old parent rejoin • Compared with centralized approach, the distributed approach has several differences as follows: • Do not use network coordinator for keeping the address • mapping table. • The move notify contain both the new/old short address of • portable device. • Data will be re-routing when it arrives at nodes which receive the move-notify. R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  20. Step 3: Distributed: Inform the old parent rejoin Data Addr Resp 3. Move Notify 2.Rejoin Notify X Data Associate exchange 3. Move Notify Pan Coordinator Portable device 1.Move Data Sender R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  21. Step 4: Update the link-state table R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  22. Step 4: Update the link-state table Update the link-state table : New parent broadcasts Hello message to notify the neighbors of its link-state change R. Zhang, H. Jung, E. Lee, M. Lee

  23. Right now the implementation is in progress. Thanks Q & A Zheng, Liu, Zhu, Wong, Lee

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