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Learn about the importance of role modeling healthy nutrition behaviors for children, current obesity statistics and trends, and the components of the ABCs (Aim for a Healthy Weight, Build a Healthy Base, Choose Wisely). Take a quiz and get ideas for role modeling.
ABC's Role Modeling The of Nutrition Workshop
Overview • Current statistics and trends • Why is this important? • Components of ABCs • Quiz! • Ideas for role modeling
Obesity in U.S. Children, Ages 2-19 http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/obesity_child_07_08/obesity_child_07_08.htm
Obesity in Wisconsin Children, Ages 2-4 2007 Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Total Overweight in Wisconsin Children, Ages 2-4 2007 Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Should we be concerned about children’s weight? For children, physical complications and problems of being overweight include: • Respiratory problems such as asthma • Sleep apnea • Orthopedic problems • Type 2 Diabetes • Likelihood of adult overweight or obesity
Did You Know…Social and emotional effects of overweight may be most damaging? • Low self-esteem • Target of bullying • Behavior and learning problems • Depression
Did You Know…Weight status of children affects lifelong health? • 80% of children and adolescents diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are overweight • Overweight children --> obese adults • Overweight 6 year-olds have a 25% chance of being obese adults • Overweight 12 year-olds have a 75% chance of being obese adults
Long-term effects of overweight includes increased the risk for: • High blood pressure • Type 2 diabetes • Heart disease & stroke • Gall bladder disease • Osteoarthritis • Some types of cancer
What has happened with children & food? • Increased portion sizes • More high calorie foods & sugary snacks • Soft drinks and sweetened “fruit drinks” have replaced water and milk • 1970 - 1997: soft drink consumption rose 118%; milk consumption fell 23% • Advertising and promotion to children • Easy accessibility & low cost • More eating away from home
What has happened with children & physical activity? • Competition from sedentary activities – TV, video games, computers, movies • 2-18 year olds get an average of 4 hours daily of “screen time” • Modern community design discourages walking & biking • no sidewalks, schools not in neighborhoods. • Busy family schedules • Elimination or reduction of physical education at some schools. • Concerns about safety
A Aim for a Healthy Weight • Choose portions right for you. • Balance food & physical Activity
B Build a Healthy Base • Eat more fruits and vegetables. • Choose whole grains daily. • Choose nonfat or low-fat milk. • Keep food safe to eat
C Choose Wisely • Keep total fat between 20 to 35 % of calories, mostly unsaturated. • Choose & prepare foods with little added sugars or caloric sweeteners. • Consume less than 2,300 mg salt per day, include potassium-rich foods. • Be sensible, drink alcoholic beverages in moderation.
Who Are Role Models of Healthy Behaviors for Children? 1. Parents 2. Teachers & other school staff 3. Childcare providers 4. Health professionals 5. Neighbors 6. Community Members
A - Aim for a healthy weightWhich is the most promising dietary approach to preventing childhood overweight? A. Decrease dietary fat B. Decrease sweetened beverages C. Increase fruits and vegetable D. Increase low-fat and non-fat milk E. Decrease fast food
Correct answer: B. Decrease sweetened beveragesModeling this behavior: • Choose water as your beverage most of the time. • Switch to a low-fat or non-fat milk and choose this at meals eaten with children. • Be sure fruit juices are 100% juice. Limit juice to 1 or 2 servings a day. (4-6 oz. in a serving
Helping children learn self-regulation • Have regular times for meals and snacks • Stick to these times and children will learn to trust that they will have food when they are hungry • Help children recognize when they are hungry or full • Pay attention when children say they are hungry • Listen when children say they are full
Be physically active each dayWhat is the most promising physical activity approach to preventing overweight in children & youth? A. Increase recreational physical activity B. Decrease TV time C. Increase physical education participation D. All of the above
Correct answer: D All of these approaches are very promising. Modeling this behavior: • Be physically active most days for at least 30 minutes • Participate with children in physical activities • Advocate for increased physical education requirements at your school • Limit screen time
Limiting Screen Time • Work with other community members to decrease TV viewing • Observe “TV Turn-off” week (www.tvturnoff.org) • Set limits to TV, video, computer use: - ≤ 1-2 hours of quality programs daily - No TV for children under age 2 - Read, talk, or sing to children instead of TV - Have family mealtimes with the TV turned off - Play games with children vs. watching TV
B – Build a Healthy BaseWhen is the “window of opportunity” for developing strong bones? • Throughout childhood • The teen years • Young adulthood D. All of the above
Correct answer: D All of these periods of life are opportunities to develop strong bones.Modeling this behavior: • Choose milk and other dairy products often • Include a variety of dairy products in children’s meals and snacks • Advocate for replacing soda vending machines with milk vending machines at your school and at community sites that children use • If you or a child is lactose intolerant, choose small portions of dairy products and other calcium-rich foods each day
Make half your grains whole.The health benefits of whole grains are found in all of these foods except: A. Brown Rice B. Enriched white bread C. Cheerios D. Oatmeal
Correct answer: B Although white bread is enriched with some nutrients removed during milling, it does not contain fiber.Modeling this behavior: • Read labels • Choose whole grain products with lots of fiber for these benefits for yourself & children: • Feeling of fullness with less calories • Proper bowel function • Phytochemicals that may prevent cancer and other diseases • Lower risk of heart disease
Eat more fruits and vegetables.Which of the following practices DO NOT help children learn to eat new foods: A. Rewards for trying new foods B. Allowing children to serve themselves C. Giving opportunities to see, touch, and smell a food before it is offered at a meal or snack D. 10 or more exposures to a new food
Correct answer: A When children are rewarded for trying a new food, they are less likely to try that food again. Modeling this behavior: • Provide lots of chances to experience new foods before tasting: • Gardening and going to a Farmers Market • Choosing produce at the store • Preparing new foods for meals and snacks • Allow children to serve themselves • Pair a new food with a familiar food
Keep food safe to eat. What proportion of food-borne illnesses occur in children aged 10 or younger? A. One-tenth B. One-fourth C. One-third D. One-half
Correct answer: C One-third of food borne illnesses are in children age 10 and younger. Modeling this behavior: • Let children see you keeping food safe to eat by: • Washing hands and surfaces often. • Separating raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods while shopping, preparing, and storing. • Cooking foods to a safe temperature. • Refrigerating perishable and cooked foods promptly.
C - Choose WiselyLimit intake of fats and oils high in saturated and/or trans fatsWhich of these protein choices have less than 1 gram of saturated fat in a 4 ounce serving? A. Turkey breast, no skin B. Pinto beans C. Tuna packed in water D. All of the above
Correct answer: D All of these protein choices have little or no saturated fat.Modeling this behavior: • Give children choices that limit saturated fat: • Use a meat alternative like beans, yogurt, or peanut butter • Serve smaller amounts of meat by offering combination dishes like spaghetti and meat • Use oil instead of solid fats • Choose/Serve fruit for dessert often • Limit fast food meals and choosing smaller portions when eating fast foods.
Choose beverages and foods with little added or no sugars.What percentage of toddlers drink a sweetened beverage daily? • 20% B. 30% C. 40% D. 50%
Correct answer: C 40% of toddlers drink a sweetened beverage daily. An increase in broken bones in grade school children is related to soft drinks replacing milk. Modeling this behavior: • Read beverage labels and show children what labels tell you about a food • Help children learn not to be fooled by advertising • Limit fruit juice to 1 or 2 servings daily
Choose and prepare foods with little salt.Which snack will help you cut back on the amount of salt served to children? • Crackers & cheese B. Fruit & milk C. Vegetables, dip and juice D. Pretzels and milk
Correct answer: B The fruit and milk snack has the least amount of salt. Modeling this behavior: • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables • Eat beans, nuts, and seeds • Have at 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy products daily • Eat less meat, poultry, and fish (6 oz. or less daily) • Eat whole grain foods
If you drink alcoholic beverages, be sensible, drink in moderation.What percentage of Wisconsin high school students drink alcoholic beverages? • 12% • 28% • 47% • 65%
Correct answer: 47% of High School Students reported having at least one alcoholic drink in the past 30 days. Modeling this behavior: • Adults should drink in moderation • 1 drink/day for women; 2 for men • Those who should not drink any alcohol include: • Children and adolescents • Individuals of any age who cannot restrict their drinking to moderate levels • Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant • Anyone taking medications that can interact with alcohol
Additional Resources • www.fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov • www.kidnetic.com/Parents • actionforhealthykids.org/family/ • www.bluekids.org/parentsandcaregivers