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C.S Panchal & Co. is India's leading prominent manufacturer, supplier of optimum based Cams for Sulzer Loom, Cams for Staubli Motion and Cam for Toyota Airjet Loom.
Loom Cams Manufacturers in India • Loom Cams 1 • CircularLooms Cam 2 • SulzerMachine Cam 3 • RapierLoom 4 • Fishnet Machine Cam 5 www.loomcams.com
Loom Cams 1 Our ManufacturerofCams forAny Machineandm ainly for textile m achineries in offering to our essential patrons. Especially, ourloom s cam s are m ore sturdy innature&availablewithusatnom inalcost. firm has accom plished attainm ent as Our offered scope of Loom Cam is structured according to endearing procedure necessities as our offereditemis m adeinconsistencewithbetterquality norm s andm eets thecustom er's prerequisites inm ost idealway. www.loomcams.com
Circular Looms Cam 2 Upheld by our brilliant professionals, we are providing the Circular Loom s cam in wide ranges. Our m ade circular cam s are generally requested by roundabout loom ventures for fixing and gathering different m achines. We can offer these m achinery parts in num erous details for the accom m odation of our clients and all custom erscanpurchasetheseCircularLoom scam sin frequent sizes and determ inations as per our your requests. www.loomcams.com
Sulzer Machine Cam 3 Our com pany is highly indulged as the Camfor Sulzer ProjectileLooms Manufacturer&supplierofIndia. Our SulzerMachine Camhas beenexplicitly designed to be used in m aterial weaving m achines guarantee sm ooth andbalancedworkingas wellthis cam s arebetterforthe longtim enonstopusage. This camis requiredforchangingoverturningm ovem ent into m echanical m ovem ent so we used to provide our high quality & robust variety of Sulzer cam s to the consum ers. www.loomcams.com
Rapier Loom 4 Our specialized ranges of Rapier Loom s are broadly supplying forthe utilizations inm aterial enterprises for weaving a large quantities of yarns. Our resolute workforce produces these rapier loom s with quality m aterialsforitsexcellentfunctioning. Fortogiveadeform ityunfencedloom s atthecustom ers end, we check our themon usefulness and execution param eters. We offer this product at the cost-effective pricetotheregulars. www.loomcams.com
Fishnet Machine Cam 5 Byholding thegreatm arketstanding ofCamforFishnet Looms Manufacturer, we are distributing our Fishnet MachineCam s tothenum erous clients. OurfishnetCam s offers the least com plex and m ost m inim al approach to changem ovem entsinm aterialweavingm achines. For to fabricate this cam , our workforce follows the current advanced m ethods for its better quality and this camare available with us in various particulars, as well weofferthisCamatreasonablecoststopatrons. www.loomcams.com
CONTACT US Address: 16, Ajm eri Udhyognagar, O/S Shapur Gate, Dhobighat, Dudheshvar, Ahm edabad, Gujarat, INDIA. Em ail: info@loom cam s.com info@cspanchal.in www.loomcams.com