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Best Social Media Marketing in Arizona

Social media marketing in Arizona comes in the form of likes, shares, follows, and subscriptions. It initiates a conversation with your audience and can be that way without so many words. Visit us @ https://socialmedialv.com/how-it-works/

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Best Social Media Marketing in Arizona

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  1. Professional Social Media Marketing in Arizona https://socialmedialv.com/how-it-works/

  2. We are a Social Media Agency in Las Vegas, NV that caters to businesses of various sizes, from different industries.

  3. 35% of FB’s ad audience is under 25 and it’s a fallacy that the platform isn’t cool. When our team plans any Facebook advertising strategy for you, they will take into account the demographic you are targeting. While teens prefer to use Snapchat and Instagram, young adults continue to favor FB. In 2018, the number of American FB users in the 65+ age bracket touched 41% which was double of where it stood in 2012. Social media marketing in Arizona

  4. Here are some relevant usage stats that our social media agency in Las Vegas considers to be important: 66% of monthly FB users use the platform every day. Globally, 1.47B people log in every day. 74% of U.S Facebook users visit every day. A little more than 50% of these, check-in multiple times per day. Understanding social media demographics will help you fine-tune your marketing strategy and reach the right people with your message. Social media company Arizona

  5. 7060 W. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 140 Las Vegas, NV 89113

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