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TasP and Combined Prevention: Advancements in HIV Prevention

Explore the concept of TasP (Treatment as Prevention) and Combined Prevention in the fight against HIV. Learn about the Rakai and HPTN 052 studies, the efficacy of different prevention tools, and the importance of a comprehensive approach to HIV prevention.

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TasP and Combined Prevention: Advancements in HIV Prevention

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  1. TasP et prévention combinée Gilles PIALOUX Tenon APHP COREVIH Idf Centre Vice Président SFLS www.vih.org ASSISES de la SFLS 2011

  2. Déclaration de conflits d’intérêts , Gilles Pialoux :Membre de board, d’un conseil scientifique, ouintervenant dans un symposium d’un laboratoirepharmaceutique :Abbott, Boehringer-Ingelheim, BMS, GSK, Gilead, MSD, Pfizer, Roche, Schering-Plough, Nephrotec, Tibotec, ViiVHealthcareParts sociales ou actions dans un laboratoirepharmaceutique : Aucune

  3. TasP2000-2011* * elle fut longue la route …

  4. 2000RAKAI

  5. L’étude « Rakai »Quinn et al. N Engl J Med 2000;342:921-9 Rakai

  6. Tous Homme-Femme Femme-Homme Pas de transmission si CV « indétectable » Etude « Rakai »: Risque de transmission en fonction de la charge virale 415 couples séro-discordants héterosexuels VIH-1 – 30 mois (fin des années 90); 21.7% transmission VIH ! Quinn et al. N Engl J Med 2000;342:921-9

  7. 2011HPTN 052

  8. HPTN 052 Study Design The scaling up in TasP Stable, healthy, serodiscordant couples, sexually active CD4 count: 350 to 550 cells/mm3 HPTN 052 Randomization Immediate ART CD4 350-550 Delayed ART CD4 <250 Primary Transmission Endpoint Virally linked transmission events Primary Clinical Endpoint WHO stage 4 clinical events, pulmonary tuberculosis, severe bacterial infection and/or death Cohen, M et al. 6th IAS Conf. MOAX0102.

  9. CONFIDENTIAL – NOT FOR EXTERNAL USE 9 HPTN 052 Enrollment 10,838 Individuals Screened Major reasons for exclusion: 3058 HIV+ but CD4 count out of range 2565 HIV- but HIV+ partner ineligible 308 Seroconcordant couples 155 Ineligible due to sexual history 1763 Couples (3526 Individuals) Randomized Immediate Arm 886 Couples Delayed Arm 877 Couples Cohen, M et al. 6th IAS Conf. MOAX0102.

  10. HPTN 052 Enrollment (Total Enrollment: 1763 couples) U.S. Thailand India Americas 278 Kenya Malawi Asia 531 Brazil Zimbabwe Botswana South Africa Africa 954 Cohen, M et al. 6th IAS Conf. MOAX0102.

  11. HPTN 052 Enrollment Cohen, M et al. 6th IAS Conf. MOAX0102.

  12. HPTN 052: Baseline Characteristics Cohen, M et al. 6th IAS Conf. MOAX0102.

  13. HPTN 052: Baseline Characteristics Cohen, M et al. 6th IAS Conf. MOAX0102.

  14. “The Board recommends that the results of the trial be announced as soon as possible” HPTN 052 continues to follow couples, but all HIV-infected participants are being offered ART CONFIDENTIAL – NOT FOR EXTERNAL USE 14 DSMB Recommendation April 28, 2011 Cohen, M et al. 6th IAS Conf. MOAX0102.

  15. HPTN 052: HIV-1 Transmission Total HIV-1 Transmission Events: 39 Linked Transmissions: 28 Unlinked or TBD Transmissions: 11 • 18/28 (64%) transmissions from infected participants with CD4 >350 cells/mm3 • 23/28 (82%) transmissions in sub-Saharan Africa • 18/28 (64%) transmissions from female to male partners !? Immediate Arm: 1 Delayed Arm: 27 p < 0.001 Cohen, M et al. 6th IAS Conf. MOAX0102.

  16. Multivariate Analysis – Linked Transmission 96 % de réduction du risque de transmission hétérosexuelle si traitement anti-VIH du partenaire VIH+ Cohen, M et al. 6th IAS Conf. MOAX0102.

  17. All Primary Clinical Events (N = 129) CONFIDENTIAL – NOT FOR EXTERNAL USE 17 17 subjects experienced >1 primary clinical event … et en plus le traitement précoce diminue la morbidité * Extrapulmonary crypto, HIV-related encephalopathy, lymphoma, PCP, septicemia (recurrent) Grinsztejn, B et al. 6th IAS Conf. MOAX0105.

  18. Prévention combinée « Sida: 12 millions d’infections évitables avec une prévention combinée» (AFP 6/8/2008)

  19. Efficacité des outils de Prevention vihEssais randomisés Study Effect Size, % (95% CI) préservatif ART for prevention; HPTN 052, Africa, Asia, Americas 96 (73-99) - 80 % [35,4 - 94,2%] PrEP for discordant couples;Partners PrEP, Uganda, Kenya 73 (49-85) PrEP for heterosexual men and women; TDF2, Botswana 63 (21-84) Medical male circumcision; Orange Farm, Rakai, Kisumu 54 (38-66) PrEP for MSMs; iPrEX, Americas, Thailand, South Africa 44 (15-63) Sexually transmitted diseases treatment; Mwanza, Tanzania 42 (21-58) Microbicide;CAPRISA 004, South Africa 39 (6-60) HIV vaccine;RV144, Thailand 31 (1-51) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Efficacy (%) Abdool Karim SS, et al. Lancet. 2011

  20. Qu’est ce que la prévention combinée ? 2 1 4 3 Coates et al., Lancet 2008

  21. Pathway to reversing the epidemic Seeing prevention research/funding as a continuum Circumcision Treatment as prevention ARV PrEP (oral, microbicide) Partially effective vaccine HIV incidence highly effective vaccine Behavioral and structural interventions Robin Shattock IAS Roma 2011 et Science. 2011;333:42-3

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