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What is Bounce Rate? How to Reduce it

A higher bounce rate is not good for your website. If you are running an eCommerce store, need to focus on reducing bounce rate. Donu2019t know what is bounce rate follow this strategy that numbers down & keeps more people on your store. We are the best Shopify Experts India.

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What is Bounce Rate? How to Reduce it

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  1. AGUIDEONHOWTOOVERCOME BOUNCERATEON YOURSHOPIFYSTORE Ahigherbouncerateisscaryifarerunningane-commercestore, asithas animpactonseveralthings, includingyourorganicsearchranking. Oneof themostimportante-commercemarketingstrategiesistoovercomethe bouncerate. FortunatelyPoordesign, confusingnavigation, andinsufficient functionalitycanbeincreasingyourbouncerate. Thisleadstopoor conversionrates. What is "Bounce Rate"? Bounceratereferstothe numberofyourtotalwebsite visitorswholeavethe websiteafterseeingjustone pageanddon’tclickfurther. Difference Between "Bounce Rate and Exit Rate"? Theexitratetellsyouhowmanypercentagesofvisitors viewedorclickapageasthelastinasession. For instance, thevisitormighthavegonetoyourhomepage, blogpage, andcontactuspage. Thecontactuspageisconsideredanexitpagebecause that’sthepageonwhichthevisitoreventuallyexited yoursite, itmeansthelastoneistheexitpage. How Do I Find My Website Bounce Rate? Nowthatyou’refamiliarwithbouncerate, itisimportant toknowhowtoreallymonitoryourbouncerate, Ifyoudo notconfirmwhereyourbouncerate, SimplyuseGoogle AnalyticsaccountyoucaninstallthisintoyourShopify store. WhataretheCausesandHowtoReduce AhighBounceRateinShopifyStore? Audit your website for quality and SEO Insert helpful and strategic internal links Evaluate your content strategy and use interactive content Optimize your internal linking strategy Make sure your content more readable and accessible Open external links in a new tab Do not try to trick your users with fake content Try different and unique CTA

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