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Le passé composé des verbes réfléchis. Unite 5, lecon 2 - Blanc. When we want to talk about the action of a reflexive verb occurring in the past, we will need to know how to form the passé composé of these verbs. What three things do we need to know when we put a verb in passé composé?.
Le passé composé des verbes réfléchis Unite 5, lecon 2 - Blanc
When we want to talk about the action of a reflexive verb occurring in the past, we will need to know how to form the passé composéof these verbs. What threethings do we need to know when we put a verb in passé composé?
The first is: How is the participe passé formed? The second is: Is it conjugated with “être” or with “avoir”? And finally: What happens to the reflexive pronoun?
First, the participe passé is formed as are any of the other verbs we’ve studied in the passé composé: “-er” at the end of the infinitive becomes “é”, “-ir” becomes “i” and “-re” becomes “u”. Second, ALL verbes réfléchis are conjugated with “être” in the passé composé (they are all in the “House of être”). Now we’ll have to remember to add “e” or “s”or “es”as appropriate to the end of the participe passé.
Third, the reflexive pronoun is placed just where it always is: in front of the verb (remember Mlle Pronom and M. Verbe: he always lets her go in front of him!) Regardons! se réveiller – to wake up je me suis réveillé(e) (I woke up, I did wake up, I have woken up) tu t’es réveillé(e) (you woke up, you did wake up, you have woken up) il s’est réveillé (hewoke up, he did wake up, he has woken up) elle s’est réveillée (she woke up, she did wake up, she has woken up)
nous nous sommes réveillé(e)s (we woke up, we did wake up, we have woken up) vous vous êtes réveillé(e)(s)(es) (you woke up, you did wake up, you have woken up) ils se sont réveillés elles se sont réveillées (they woke up, they did wake up, they have woken up)
******EXCEPTION!!!****** When the reflexive verb is followed by a part of the body, we do NOT add “e” or “s” to the end of the participe passé! Ex: Elle s’est lavée. BUT…. Elle s’est lavé les mains. (There is no “e” at the end of lavé!) Elles se sont lavées. BUT… Elles se sont lavé les mains. (No “es” at the end of lavé!)
Négatif? Comme normal! Jene me suis pasréveillé(e). Tune t’espasréveillé(e). Ilne s’estpasréveillé(e).(etc.)
‘ Pratiquons! Tournez à la page 304 et regardez exercice 5.