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http://www.louisiana.edu/Student/Counseling/. Responding to Distressed Students. Counseling & Testing Center P.O. Box 44010 Lafayette, LA 70504 Olivier Hall, Room 212 Phone: 337/482-6480 Fax: 337/482-1267 E-mail: counseling@louisiana.edu.
http://www.louisiana.edu/Student/Counseling/ Responding to Distressed Students Counseling & Testing CenterP.O. Box 44010Lafayette, LA 70504Olivier Hall, Room 212Phone: 337/482-6480Fax: 337/482-1267E-mail: counseling@louisiana.edu
Faculty and staff members are in a unique position to identify and help individuals who are in crisis. This may be particularly true for people who cannot or will not turn to family or friends.
Individuals typically encounter a great deal of stress during their university years (i.e., academic, social, family, religion, and career). While most cope successfully with the demands of college life, for some the pressures can become overwhelming and unmanageable. People may feel alone, isolated, helpless, and even hopeless. These feelings can easily disrupt their lives and may result in harmful behaviors such as substance abuse, physical threats toward others, and/or suicide.
Nationally, suicide is the ___ leading cause of death for young adults? • Number 1 • Second • Third • Fourth
1.Answer C Nationally, suicide is the third leading cause of death for young adults? Approximately 7% of students in counseling at UL report problems with suicidal ideations.
Anyone who is seen as caring and trustworthy may be a potential resource in times of trouble. Your expression of interest and concern may be a critical factor in maintaining safety and security.
2. The first episodes of Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, & Schizophrenia are typically experienced when? • During Middle School • During High School • During College • During Midlife
2. Answer : C The first episodes of Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, & Schizophrenia are typically experienced during college years. Approximately 24% of students at the UL Counseling Center are being treated for an Anxiety Related Disorder.
We encourage you to speak directly to students when you sense that they are in academic or personal distress. Openly acknowledge that you are aware of their distress, that you are sincerely concerned about their welfare and that you are willing to help them explore their options.
3. Approximately 80% of completed suicide victims? • Made previous references to suicide or death. • Experience legal difficulties. • Isolate from others. • Show a marked change in academic performance or behavior.
3. Answer: A Approximately 80% of completed suicide victims made previous references (verbally or written) to suicide or death.
WHAT YOU CAN DO • Take what they say seriously and don’t assume they are joking • Give hope by assuring the student that things can get better • Stress the importance of getting help before a situation exacerbates • Suggest Counseling & Testing as a resource • If the danger is imminent, contact University Police (337.482.6447)
4. What is the most common and lethal method of suicide? • Drug overdose • Firearm • Hanging • Carbon monoxide poisoning
4. Answer: B Firearms are the most common and lethal method of suicide. If hospitalization is not warranted, you should: (1) no-suicide contract, (2) emergency phone #s, (3) pursue no-shows & involve family, & (4) remove firearms from home.
Taking the step to assist a student can save a life...perhaps save many lives. It is a positive and life-affirming step to take.
5. Which life stressor most often precedes a completed suicide for college age individuals? • Death of grandparent • Failing a class • Living alone • Break-up with boy/girlfriend or argument with parent
5. Answer : D Interpersonal conflict most often precedes a completed suicide for college age individuals. Especially when the conflict is with a representative of their family and/or social life.
An individual who is distressed often wants help but doesn't know how to ask. You can play an essential role by expressing your concern in a caring, nonjudgmental way.
6. Approximately ___ % of people who commit suicide have had at least 1 previous attempt? • 70% • 50% • 30% • 10%
6. Answer : A Approximately 70 % of people who commit suicide have had at least 1 previous attempt. The risk for a future “successful” attempt greatly increases after several attempts or after 1 attempt requiring medical intervention.
7. Which statement is correct? • Females commit suicide more often than males. • Males attempt suicide more often than females. • Males commit suicide more often than females. • None of the above
7. Answer: C Females attempt suicide more often than males, but males complete suicide more often than females. Males are more likely to kill themselves, because they tend to use more lethal means.
8. What should you do? www.sa.psu.edu/caps/distress/distress/default.shtml
COUNSELING & TESTING OFFICE HOURS Appointments can be arranged by calling (337)482-6480 or stopping by the Center of the 2nd floor of Olivier Hall during the Center's hours (7:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.) Monday through Thursday (7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) on Friday. In case of emergencies after hours, contact University Police 482.6447.
TIPS FOR RECOGNIZING DISTRESSED INDIVIDUALS • Talking about self-harm or harm to others • Perception of being a burden • Feeling hopeless • Seeking revenge • Significant deterioration in appearance or quality of work • Sudden aggressive or confrontational behavior • Noticeable disorientation, confusion, or bizarre behaviors • Persistent sadness, low self-esteem or fearfulness • Sudden decline in attendance • Dramatic weight loss or gain • Isolation from family and friends
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