2. Vision
“Where there is no vision the people perish.”
Proverbs 29:18
3. Perish
“Cast off restraint.”
“Run wild”
“Do not accept divine guidance”
“Are without order”
Proverbs 29:18
4. Definition of Vision
“Vision is a clear mental image of a preferable future imparted by God to His chosen servants and is based upon an accurate understanding of God, self, and circumstances.” - George Barna
5. Nehemiah’s Vision
Became aware of the need (1:1-3)
Sought a vision from God
By fasting and praying (1:4-5)
Interceding for the people (1:6-10)
Asking for God’s blessing (1:11)
Caught a vision and was willing to sacrifice (2:1-10)
6. Nehemiah’s Vision
Caught a vision and was willing to sacrifice (2:1-10)
Shared the need with the King
Asked for a leave
Had an idea about the time frame
Had an idea about the resources that were needed
Asked for letters for the governors
Departed for Jerusalem 2:11
Made an onsite assessment 2:12-17
7. Nehemiah’s Vision
Shared the vision (2:18)
Got a commitment (2:18) “Let us arise and build”
Developed a strategy that demanded unity and cooperation (4:15-23)
8. Nehemiah’s Vision
Worked to overcome obstacles:
Internal (5:1-19)
External ( 4:1-3; 6:1-4) Ridicule, Deception
Response “I am doing a great work” (6:3)
Accomplishment & Celebration
9. Ministers’ Vision
Form a mental picture of the end product - The Church
God said to Abraham “Look into the heavens and count the stars” (Gen. 15:5)
Have a futuristic view
Not what is but what can be
Have a compelling picture
Paul: “I was not disobedient…” (Acts 26:19)
10. Significance of Vision
Provides a clear sense of direction
Helps to enlist workers
Enhances unity
11. Attainment of a Vision
Study the Bible
Pray and reflect
Know the target group
Dialogue with other vision driven ministers
Formulate vision statement
Develop a slogan
12. Communicate the Vision With Your Team
One on one
Retreat settings
Informational meetings
Prayer walks
13. Communicate the Vision With Church Members
Live the vision
Preach and teach the vision
Communicate it repeatedly & creatively
Videos, newsletters, skits, dramas, songs, testimonies, bulletins
Communicate it with passion
14. Vision and Passion
Vision needs to be related
to a significant, eternal purpose
if it is to appeal to people.
15. Vision & Mission
Vision focuses on end product: “What will the new church look like in 5, 10, 15, 20 years?”
Mission focuses on purpose
What does God want us to accomplish?
Whom does God want us to reach?
Why does God want us to do this?
16. The Great Commission
What? -- Make Disciples
Whom? -- All people groups
Why? -- To glorify the exalted Christ
“The mission statement is a re-statement of the Great Commission.”
17. What is vision? A clear and compelling image of what could be
18. What we aim for is very often what we achieve.
19. What is your vision?