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Solacity Inc. An Ottawa Solar Power company that provides engineering, procurement and installation services for the Ontario MicroFIT program, Ontario FIT program and off-grid solar power energy systems for homes, cottages, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings in Ottawa and surrounding area.
MicroFIT - Turn Sunlight Into Money “ Our customers are treated how we expect to be treated” Phone: (613) 686-4618 Fax: (613) 686-4622 www.solacity.comInfo@solacity.com Generate Green Income With Your Rooftop The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) pays 54.9 cents for every kilo-Watt-hour (kWh) of energy made from sun-light that you sell to the Ontario grid, with a 20-year fixed-price guaranteed contract. That means you can generate steady income from sunlight! A MicroFIT system (FIT stands for “feed-in-tariff”) is a solar photovol-taic system of 10 kW or less. It can be installed on the rooftop, or it can be mounted on the ground (the latter pays 44.5 cents per kWh). All the electric-ity that is generated is sold back to the electrical grid. The resulting revenue pays for the system in 8 – 10 years, the remainder of the 20-year contract is profit. When the 20 years are up, the solar panels will still work just fine, and can then be used to offset your own elec-tricity use through net-metering. Qual-ity modules have a 25-year warranty and a life-span of 30 years or more. So How Much Money Can I Make? In the Ottawa area, for solar modules facing south at the proper angle, a 10 kW solar system will produce around 11,400 kWh per year. This is a conservative estimate, taking real-world efficiencies into account. Using 11,400 kWh per year and the payment of 54.9 cents per kWh for rooftop solar PV, this 10 kW sys-tem will generate $6,260 of income per year. This makes a total income of $125,200 over the entire 20-year con-tract term. Solacity charges $39,700 to install a 10 kW turn-key system, all expenses are included except for HST (which is refundable). That means you walk away with a profit of $85,500 at the end of the contract! Using these numbers, the simple payback is 6.3 years, while the Return- On-Investment is 10.8% an-nually. These are realistic, conservative numbers. What About the CRA? The CRA views Mi-croFIT as a small business that is selling electricity, and MicroFIT income is taxable. All related expenses are deductible and you get your HST back though! The entire installation cost, insurance, financing (if applica-ble), maintenance, and hydro fees are deductible. Your MPAC assessment should not change. up to 10.8% ROI www.Solacity.com Call toll-free (877) PV-PWR-4-U for your Solar Site Survey
The Solacity Difference • With so many offering PV installation services it is important to compare apples to apples. Solacity is all about quality, and while we are not the cheapest we strive to be the best! Here is why our work is a step above the rest: • We help you beginning-to-end: We help fill out all the ‘paperwork’ with the OPA, we take care of permits and engineering, so you have peace of mind. • Our prices include everything, except HST (which is refundable): The ex-pensive meter fee, building permit, and engineering fees. Be sure to ask other installers for hidden expenses. • We use top-quality racking made out of aluminum and stainless steel. It will look the same in 20 years as it does today. • We use flashing to seal all roof penetrations. We prefer the extra peace of mind of a leak-free roof. The ‘industry standard’ is for installers to use just a little caulking, without any flashing. • Only well-known, top-quality brands who stand behind their warranties are used in our installations. All solar module makers offer 25-year warranties, ours will still be around if you ever need them. • Solacity is honest about energy production, revenue, payback time, and Return-On-Investment. Unfortunately many installers greatly exaggerate these numbers. Keep in mind that ROI becomes meaningless once financ-ing gets involved. Ask yourself, what else are they not telling you? • Our installations are Ontario “domestic content” compliant, and we will be happy to provide written proof. Always ask your installer for this. • Solacity offers in-house financing through TD Bank and TD Financial; Both secured and unsecured loans are available. Great rates! • Links & More Information • There are several good Web links that provide more information about MicroFIT, including our own: • The Solacity Inc. web site: • http://www.Solacity.com/PVInstall. htm • The official OPA web site: • http://microfit.powerauthority.on.ca/ • Green Power Talk forum: • www.greenpowertalk.org/showthread. php?t=10455 • Switch Ontario, much info: http://switchkingston.ca/wiki/doku. php?id=microfit:calculator • Solar potential in the Ottawa area: http://pv.nrcan.gc.ca/index. php?n=1408&m=u&lang=e • Our Prices, Payback Time, and ROI • You can find Solacity’s prices up-front and clear-ly stated on our Web site. Everything is included ex-cept HST, there are no hidden costs. Here are some sample (installed) numbers: • Around 75 sq. ft. of roof space is required for every kW of solar panels. • The graph on the right shows the installed price per Watt, payback time, and return-on-investment for all our MicroFIT rooftop solar array sizes. • www.Solacity.com • Call toll-free (877) PV-PWR-4-U for your Solar Site Survey • Rev. 8