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Announcements . HW: Read Part I Chapter 20 Next Exam: Tuesday May 11 th Reflection Paper DUE Friday! Chapter 17/18 Exam b. Reflection Paper . Double Spaced/TNR 12 pt. font NO spacing in the header!

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  1. Announcements • HW: Read Part I Chapter 20 • Next Exam: Tuesday May 11th • Reflection Paper DUE Friday! • Chapter 17/18 Exam b

  2. Reflection Paper • Double Spaced/TNR 12 pt. font • NO spacing in the header! Do you think that the Church did the right thing during WWII? Why or why not? What could have the Church done better? Could the Church have done anything more? Be sure to justify your answer with examples/reason etc.

  3. Chapter 19 The Church Gives Witness in Wars and Revolutions

  4. Negative 20th c. Advancements • Legalized Abortion • Abuse of biotechnology • Clash of civilizations • Nuclear armed nations

  5. Positive 20th c. Advancements • Hunger/famine diminished • Spread of literacy • Human rights • Independent nations

  6. Pope St. Pius X (1903-1914) Part I

  7. Pope St. Pius X (1903 -1914) • First pope of the 20th c. • Restored a church/ hospital, provided for the poor • "To Restore All Things in Christ"

  8. Pope St. Pius X (1903 -1914) • Ended custom of the Holy Roman Emperor intervening in Papal Elections • Encouraged the Faithful of France not allow the government to take control of Church property • Encouraged Catholics to once again take part in the Italian elections • Code of Canon Law 1917

  9. Pope St. Pius X (1903 -1914) • Took important steps in liturgy and worship • “Pope of the Eucharist”

  10. Christian Modernists • Catholic intellectuals • France • Religion is a psychological experience rather than objective truth • Church Doctrines/structures always subject to change

  11. Christian Modernists • Bible is merely a record of its author’s religious experience • “Compendium of all heresies” (Pope Pius X)

  12. War, Revolution, and Persecution Part II

  13. Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922) • Protested barbarity of WWI • Remained impartial during WWI • Wanted to better serve peace process • Plan for peace ignored • Assisted WWI victims

  14. Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922) • Criticized the Treaty of Versailles • Supported League of Nations • Increased Holy See diplomats • Pope = “world’s moral conscience”

  15. Soviet Communism • Stalin • “Workers paradise” • 50 million opponents killed • Catholic/Orthodox churches destroyed • 54, 000 Catholic Churches reduced to less than 100 • 1 priest allowed to remain

  16. Pope Pius XI (1922-1937) • “Roman Question” • Lateran Treaty (Mussolini) • Attacked Fascism in encyclicals • Inaugurated Vatican Radio • Catholic Action

  17. Concordat of Germany • Privileges given to Catholic schools/organizations • Clergy to not resist government • To safeguard the freedom of the Church • 34 letters sent to Hitler in protest • Pope Pius XII negotiated

  18. Hitler’s Pope (1999)

  19. Cardinal Ratzinger • Hitler Youth in the Seminary • Received tuition reduction • Went only to one meeting • Once out of the seminary….never went back.

  20. Catholic Action / Opus Dei • Finding God in daily life • Lay movement • St. Josémaria • 1928: Madrid, Spain • Everyone is called to a life of Holiness

  21. Friedrich Nietzsche • “Supermen” ignoring morality to live by one’s own rules • God is dead • Life lacks a purpose (nihilism)

  22. The Encyclicals of Pius XI

  23. Quadragesimo anno • The Great Depression • Case made against totalitarianism “A community of higher order should not interfere with a community of an lower order”

  24. Casticonnubii • Reconfirmed Church’s teaching on matrimony/ family • Contraception “[Any act in matrimony that is contrary] to the natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and of nature…”

  25. Vigilanti Cura • An encyclical of motion pictures • Reminded those who created motion pictures the great good that they are capable of

  26. Dei consillio • Lay people could/should play an active role in the Church

  27. Persecution in Mexico/Spain • Civil War • Freemasons • Mexico: world’s first socialist/anti- religious republic • Thousands of priests martyred

  28. Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) • Led the Holy See to remaining officially neutral • Served as a private communicator between ant-Hitler elements in Germany and the Allies

  29. Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) • Won Rome the status of “open city” • Criticized for not speaking against Nazis • Hitler planned to assassinate the Pope Pius XII

  30. The Mystical Body of Christ • St. Paul teaching • The Church is presented as a communion • All members are united to/within Christ

  31. Inspired by the Holy Spirit • Encouraged Biblical Studies • Scholars instructed to respect the literal translation of the Bible while still making use of the historical-critical methods

  32. Mediator of God • Liturgical renewal movement endorsed • Reduced the Eucharistic fast • Gave permission for evening Masses

  33. The Human Race • Warned against the theological errors of the day that contradicted Christian Tradition

  34. Assumption of Mary • Declared infallibly to be a Dogma of Faith • Affirmed the Assumption of Mary

  35. The Church and the Communist Empire • Excommunication • “Communists is materialistic and anti-Christian and communist leaders are the enemies of God and of the Church of Christ” (Pope Pius XII)

  36. Maximilian Kolbe • Devoted to the Blessed Virgin • Arrested by the Nazis for assisting Jews/ members of the Polish underground • Sent to Auschwitz • Took the place of a married man when a group of men were sent to be executed

  37. Edith Stein (St. Teresa of the Cross) • Atheist at an early age • Read a biography of St. Teresa of Avila and converted to the Faith • Arrested by the Nazi’s and sent to Auschwitz • Killed in the gas chamber

  38. Msgr. Hugh O’Flaherty • Toured WWII prison camps to find missing prisoners • Helped POWs in Rome • Demanded German prisoners treated fairly • Signed letter that Banned Chaplet of Divine Mercy • Kapplar’s only visitor

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