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CLASSIFICATION BOUNDARIES. 姓名 : 吳思葦 學號 :601630402 課堂教授 : 魏世杰 報告日期 :102/12/3 1. Weka’s Boundary Visualizer for OneR. Open iris.2D.arff , a 2D dataset Weka GUI Chooser : Visualization > BoundaryVisualizer Open iris.2D.arff Note: petallength on X , petalwidth on Y

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  1. CLASSIFICATION BOUNDARIES 姓名:吳思葦 學號:601630402 課堂教授:魏世杰 報告日期:102/12/31

  2. Weka’s Boundary Visualizer for OneR • Open iris.2D.arff , a 2D dataset • Weka GUI Chooser : Visualization >BoundaryVisualizer • Open iris.2D.arff • Note: petallength on X , petalwidth on Y • Choose rules > OneR • Check Plot training data • Click Start • In the Explorer , examine OneR’s rule

  3. Visualize boundaries for other schemes • Choose lazy>IBK • Plot training data ; click Start • K=5,20;note mixed colors

  4. Visualize boundaries for other schemes • Choose bayes > NaiveBayes • Set useSupervisedDiscretization to true

  5. Visualize boundaries for other schemes • Choose trees > J48 • Relate the plot to Explorer output

  6. CLASSIFICATION BOUNDARIES • Classifiers create boundaries in instance space • Different classifiers have different biases • Looked at OneR , IBK , NaiveBayes , J48 • Visualization restricted to numeric attributes , and 2D plots


  8. PREPROCESSING • Explorer可提供的資料預處理項目: • 離散化(Discretization) • 正規化(normalization) • 重新抽樣(resampling) • 屬性選擇(attribute selection) • 屬性轉換或合併(transforming and combining attributes)…

  9. Discretization • Unsupervised • weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize • equal-width (the default) • equal-frequency • Supervised • weka.filters.supervised.attribute.Discretize

  10. Attribute Selection • 屬性評估器 • 屬性子集評估器 • 單一屬性評估器 • 搜索方法 • 搜索方法 • 排序方法

  11. Attribute Selection • 屬性評估器 • 屬性子集評估器 • 單一屬性評估器 • 搜索方法 • 搜索方法 • 排序方法

  12. Attribute Selection • 兩種屬性子集選取模式 • 屬性子集評估器+搜索方法 • 單一屬性評估器+排序方法

  13. 屬性子集評估器+搜索方法 搜索方法 BestFirst ExhaustiveSearch GeneticSearch GreedyStepwise RandomSearch RankSearch • 屬性子集評估器 • CfsSubsetEval • ClassifierSubsetEval • ConsistencySubsetEval • WrapperSubsetEval

  14. 單一屬性評估器+排序方法 • 單一屬性評估器 • ChiSquaredAttributeEval • GainRationAttributeEval • InfoGainAttributeEval • OneRAttributeEval • PrincipleComponents • ReliefAttributeEval • SymmetricalUncertAttributeEval • 排序方法 • Ranker

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