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Gas Dynamics, Lecture 6 (Waves & shocks) see: astro.ru.nl/~achterb/

Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept. , IMAPP, Radboud Universiteit. Gas Dynamics, Lecture 6 (Waves & shocks) see: www.astro.ru.nl/~achterb/. Phase- and group velocity. Central concepts: Phase velocity: velocity with which surfaces of constant phase move

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Gas Dynamics, Lecture 6 (Waves & shocks) see: astro.ru.nl/~achterb/

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  1. Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept. , IMAPP, RadboudUniversiteit Gas Dynamics, Lecture 6(Waves & shocks)see: www.astro.ru.nl/~achterb/

  2. Phase- and group velocity Central concepts: Phase velocity: velocity with which surfaces of constant phasemove Group velocity: velocity with which slow modulations of the wave amplitude move

  3. Phase velocity Definition phase S

  4. Phase velocity Definition phase S Definition phase-velocity

  5. Phase velocity Definition phase S Definition phase-velocity

  6. Group velocity: the case of a “narrow” wave packet

  7. Group velocity: the case of a “narrow” wave packet

  8. Group velocity: the case of a “narrow” wave packet (cntd) This should vanish for constructive interference!

  9. Group Velocity Wave-packet, Fourier Integral

  10. Group Velocity Wave-packet, Fourier Integral Phase factor x effective amplitude

  11. Group Velocity Wave-packet, Fourier Integral Phase factor x effective amplitude Constructive interference in integral when

  12. Summary and example: sound waves in a moving fluid

  13. Summary and example: sound waves

  14. Summary and example: sound waves

  15. Application: Kelvin Ship Waves

  16. Waves in a lake of constant depth

  17. Fundamental equations: Incompressible, constant density fluid (like water!) Constant gravitational acceleration in z-direction; Fluid at rest without waves

  18. Unperturbed state without waves:

  19. Small perturbations:

  20. Equation of motion small perturbations: SAME as for SOUND WAVES!

  21. Solve for pressure perturbation first!

  22. Solution for pressure perturbation:

  23. Solve equation of motion:

  24. Solve equation of motion:

  25. There are boundary conditions: #1 At bottom (z=0)we must have az = 0:

  26. There are boundary conditions: #2 2. At water’s surface we must have P = Patm:

  27. There are boundary conditions: #2 2. At water’s surface we must have P = Patm:

  28. Dispersion relation from boundary conditions:

  29. Dispersion relation from boundary conditions:

  30. Limits of SHALLOW and DEEP lake Shallow lake: Deep lake:

  31. Universal form using dimensionless variables for frequency and wavenumber: deep lake shallow lake

  32. Finally: ship waves Situation in rest frame ship: quasi-stationary

  33. Case of a deep lake wave frequency: wave vector: Ship moves in x-direction with velocity U 1: Wave frequency should vanish in ship’s rest frame: Doppler:

  34. Case of a deep lake (2) wave frequency: wave vector: Ship moves in x-direction with velocity U 2: Wave phase should be stationary for different wavelengths in ship’s rest frame:

  35. Case of a deep lake (3) Ship moves in x-direction with velocity U

  36. Case of a deep lake (4) Ship moves in x-direction with velocity U Wave phase in ship’s frame: Wavenumber:

  37. Case of a deep lake (5) Ship moves in x-direction with velocity U Stationary phase condition for

  38. Kelvin Ship Waves Situation in rest frame ship: quasi-stationary

  39. Shocks: non-linear fluid structures Shocks occur whenever a flow hits an obstacle at a speed larger than the sound speed

  40. Shock properties • Shocks are sudden transitions in flow properties • such as density, velocity and pressure; • In shocks the kinetic energy of the flow is converted • into heat, (pressure); • Shocks are inevitable if sound waves propagate over • long distances; • Shocks always occur when a flow hits an obstacle • supersonically • In shocks, the flow speed along the shock normal • changes from supersonic to subsonic

  41. The marble-tube analogy for shocks

  42. Time between two `collisions’ `Shock speed’ = growth velocity of the stack.

  43. 1 2 Go to frame where the `shock’ is stationary: Incoming marbles: Marbles in stack:

  44. 2 1 Flux = density x velocity Incoming flux: Outgoing flux:

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