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Factors that impact overall quality of membership.

Factors that impact overall quality of membership. Networking. Member Benefits. Generation Gap. Organizational Support. Marketing / Communication. Older members not including newer members. LHD Director does not support. Lack of communication with membership.

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Factors that impact overall quality of membership.

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  1. Factors that impact overall quality of membership. Networking Member Benefits Generation Gap Organizational Support Marketing / Communication Older members not including newer members LHD Director does not support Lack of communication with membership Membership engagement outside annual conference Does membership impact my career path? Feeling left out of decisions Lack of DPH support Not inform about key PH issues Connect with PH professionals and partners What are the real benefits of membership? Not feeling apart of the organization Lack of commitment from LHDs Not feeling apart of the organization Build relationships and integrate with other partners Lack of training opportunities outside annual conference Average age of membership is increasing Lack of opportunity to attend the conference Lack of targeted communication Lack of members only content material Increase access to relevant products & services Feeling that KPHA is out of touch Lack of communication & collaboration with outside partners Build reputation of KPHA Don’t see the value; what’s in it for me? Advocacy work and position statements KPHA Affinity Diagram June 2012

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