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HYBRID IMAGING. HYBRID IMAGING. Combination Nuclear medicine Radiology PET/CT Positron emission tomography Computed tomography SPECT/CT Single photon emission tomography Computed tomography PET/MRI. Beta plus decay. Nucleus reach of protons Proton is transformed to neutron

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  2. HYBRID IMAGING • Combination • Nuclearmedicine • Radiology • PET/CT • Positron emissiontomography • Computedtomography • SPECT/CT • Single photonemissiontomography • Computedtomography • PET/MRI

  3. Beta plus decay Nucleusreachofprotons Proton istransformed to neutron Emissionof positron and neutrino Periodical table shift to theleft by onesite 18F to18O Positron islivingonlyfewms Annihilationofthematter Interactionofelectronand positron Gammarays 2 quanta E – 511 keV Uniqueenergy Angle180o n g 18F 511 keV e+ 180 e- g 511 keV

  4. PET/CT scanner

  5. Radiopharmaceuticals • 18F halftime110 min • 18FDG – fluorodeoxyglucose • 18FLT – fluorothymidine • Na18F • 18F-Estradiol, 18F-methionin, 18F-DOPA, 18F-cholin • 68Ga halftime 68 min • DOTA derivates • somatostatineanaloga • 11C halftime 20 min • 11C-acetate, 11C-cholin • 13N (9 min), 15O (123 s), 82Rb (78 s)

  6. Imagingtechnique Applicationof radiofarmaka Oral preparation 1000 ml 2,5% manitol CT data acquisition PET data acquisition 7 positions per 3 min

  7. Oral preparation 2,5% mannitol

  8. Postprocessingfusion CT + PET Multiple colorectalcancer

  9. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose plasma cell glucose glucose glucose-6-P glycolysis 18F-FDG 18F-FDG 18F-FDG-6-P transport phosphorylation glycolysis

  10. 18FDG-PET/CT • Increaseduptake • Tumoroustissueswithincreasedglycolyticactivity • Inflammatoryreaction • Physiologicaluptake • brain • Brown fattytissue • Strippedmuscles • Kidneys • Sallivaryglands

  11. staging Bronchogeniccarcinoma Headandnecktumours Lymfoma Melanoblastoma

  12. BRCA

  13. BRCA

  14. Cerebrallymphoma

  15. Hodgkindisease

  16. Therapystrategy SarcomatendinisAchill. Leiomyosarkoma Synovialsarcoma

  17. Restaging Therapy response effect Definitive In themiddlebetweencycles

  18. Oropharyngealcancer 18 months after

  19. Earlyaftersurgery 3 monthslater

  20. Cervicalcancer myom myom Ca Ca Beforeth Afterth

  21. Grading theassesmentofthebiologicactivity More dedifferenciated – higher FDG uptake

  22. Low-grade astrocytoma

  23. Anaplasticoligodendroglioma

  24. Feverofunknownorigin M. Hodgkin

  25. Blasticturnoveroftheosteomyelofibrosis

  26. Microscopicpolyarteritis

  27. 18F-fluorothymidine replication DNA = cellularproliferation Fastdividingcells Tumors Bone marrow Germinativezonesoflymphnodes Therapy monitoring – RT, CHT

  28. indications

  29. 18F-natriumfluoride Bone turnover fluoroapatite Osteoblasticactivity Osteoplastic bone metastases Ca prostate Ca breast Ca lungs Bony tumors

  30. Indications

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