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PErforM for trainers Insert presenters names and titles

PErforM for trainers Insert presenters names and titles. Workshop aim. How to involve your own people in solving manual task problems. Workshop outline. Background: statistics and legislation. PErforM approach to manual tasks risk assessment. Manual task risk factors.

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  1. PErforM for trainersInsert presenters names and titles

  2. Workshop aim How to involve your own people in solving manual task problems.

  3. Workshop outline Background: statistics and legislation. PErforM approach to manual tasks risk assessment. Manual task risk factors. Practical sessions using PErforM risk assessment tool. Implementing the program.

  4. Statistics Musculoskeletal disorders account for around 65% of non fatal workers compensation claims, of these, approximately two thirds are a result of hazardous manual tasks. Highest risk occupations: labourers, machinery operators and drivers, technicians and trades workers, community and personal workers.

  5. Musculoskeletal disorders Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are injuries of the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, or spinal discs. MSD are caused by: manual tasks slips, trips and falls at level hitting and being hit by objects.

  6. Meaning of hazardous manual task “Means a task that requires a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any person, animal or thing that involves one or more of the following: (a) repetitive or sustained force (b) high or sudden force (c) repetitive movement (d) sustained or awkward posture exposure to vibration.” [Schedule 19 - Dictionary]

  7. The legislation WHS Regulation 2011 Hazardous manual tasks, chapter 4, section 4.2. Code of practice Hazardous Manual Tasks Code of Practice 2011. Manual Tasks involving the Handling of People Code of Practice 2001.

  8. What does the regulation say? “A person conducting a business or undertaking mustmanage risks to health and safety relating to a musculoskeletal disorder associated with a hazardous manual task, under part 3.1”. [s60(1)] Part 3.1 describes using a risk management process

  9. Some ways to manage the risk Management / OHS staff identify, assess and develop controls for hazardous manual tasks (Using COP, risk assessment tools etc). Consultant to assess and assist in developing controls (ergonomics). Use workers job knowledge to identify, assess and develop controls (PErforM). Combination of the above.

  10. Whatis PErforM? Participative Ergonomics forManual tasks simplified manual task risk management program based on a participative ergonomics approach internationally recommended approach for reducing musculoskeletal disorders.

  11. PErforM elements Outcomes participation of workers and ‘others’ • team training • communication • integrated in systems • risk management • evaluation control of manual tasks risks management commitment and support improved health, productivity and safety culture site champion Adapted from P.Vink et al. (2006). Applied Ergonomics. 537-546.

  12. D VD - No sprains, big gains

  13. PErforM risk assessment tool Worksheet 1 – Manual tasks risk assessment form Date of assessment and location. Risk assessors. Task description.

  14. Worksheet 2 – Risk factor assessment Risk factors: exertion awkward posture vibration duration repetition Body map: body part PErforM risk assessment tool

  15. PErforM scale

  16. PErforMtask - worksheet 2

  17. Manual tasks related injuries Single, one off exposure: due to maximum exertion or over load incident quite rare. Repeated exposure: ongoing wear and tear variety of risk factors more common. Combination of both of the above.

  18. Risk factors: Force Greater force - greater risk. Speed and jerk. Factors that increase effort.

  19. Risk factors: Working postures Awkward. Static.

  20. Risk factors: Mechanical vibration Whole body vibration vibration is transmitted through the whole body Hand/arm vibration vibration is transferred to the hand/arm via eg use of a vibrating tool

  21. Risk factors: Repetition Short cycle time < 30 seconds.

  22. Risk factors: Duration Time taken to perform the task once or repeatedly without a break. Amount of time exposed to a risk factor. Photos: Daryl Dickenson

  23. Scenario – lifting lid on pre-heater box • Lid was: • catching on the lip of the pre-heater resulting in forceful jerky movements • heavy and awkward to lift Worker exerting force and awkward postures to lift the lid on the pre-heater.

  24. Risk Assessment - before

  25. PErforM team control measure Sun Metals reduced the forceful exertions and awkward postures by repairing the lid so that it no longer caught on the lip of the pre-heater. By putting a hinge down the middle of the lid it can easily be opened from each side. Worker opening pre-heater with lid cut in half and hinges installed. Pre-heater with lid cut in half and hinges installed.

  26. Case study - control

  27. Hierarchy of control Work teams are trained to use control the hierarchy to eliminate or reduce risk Elimination Elimination Engineering

  28. Hierarchy of control Substitution Isolation ? ?

  29. Administration Team lift • Job rotation. • Change of workflow. • Task specific training. • Preventative maintenance program. • Personal protective equipment.

  30. Why lifting technique training is not enough Evidence to date does not support lifting technique training on its own as a control for manual tasks risks. Risk factors are not changed.

  31. Work example 2 3 1 4 5 6

  32. What type of training is appropriate? Training should include information on: manual task risk management specific manual task risks and the measures in place to control them how to perform manual tasks safely, including the use of aids, tools and safe work procedures how to report a problem or maintenance issue.

  33. Identify hazardous manual tasks Ask workers, walk through observations. change: new manual task created change to existing tasks, procedures, plant or equipment. Indications something is wrong: workers report problems, increased error or decreased productivity. After an incident/injury.

  34. Psychosocial / MSD link Physical health is interconnected to a person’s mental health. Therefore, workplaces should also manage work-related psychosocial hazards. For tools and resources refer to: People at Work: http://www.peopleatworkproject.com.au/ WHSQ web site: http://www.deir.qld.gov.au/workplace/hazards/bullying-fatigue-stress-violence/index.htm

  35. Frequently asked questions

  36. Practical session Video case study. Use the PErforM risk assessment tool to: Identify risk factors (worksheet 1) Assess the risk (worksheet 2).

  37. Video practical

  38. Video practical

  39. Risk controls Developing control ideas: Link the control to the risk factor. Consult with workers and others. Look for different ways. Look at similar tasks for ideas. Find out what are others are doing. Talk to suppliers. Trial before implementation.

  40. Focus controls on sources of risk: Change design or layout of work areas. Changing the nature, size, weight or number of persons, animals and things handled. Systems of work. Work environment.

  41. Work area design/ layout Good design includes: suitable working heights adequate space frequently used items in easy reach adjustable to suit all workers.

  42. Changing the nature, size, weight or number of persons, animals and things handled Consider: load handling tools and equipment maintenance.

  43. System of work Guidelines include: control work load suitable work pace task variation maintenance schedules match task demands with workers’ capability training.

  44. Work environment Vibration exposure. Cold conditions. Heat and humidity. Windy conditions. Floors and surfaces. Lighting.

  45. Unloading shipping container Before After

  46. Video practical

  47. Video practical

  48. Prioritising for action High priority tasks: injuries have occurred serious consequences lots of complaints rated highly on risk assessment form performed by a lot of workers done a lot of the time.

  49. Monitor and review To ensure: controls are working effectively risk factors have been reduced another hazard or risk has not been created engineering certification for new designs.

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