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The Incredible Years Parenting Programme: Efficacy in a sample of Portuguese pre-school age children with AD/HD behaviours. Andreia Azevedo Maria João Seabra Santos Maria Filomena Gaspar. [Grant number: PTDC/PSI-PED/102556/2008]. Overview of Presentation.
The Incredible Years Parenting Programme: Efficacy in a sample of Portuguese pre-school age children with AD/HD behaviours Andreia Azevedo Maria João Seabra Santos Maria Filomena Gaspar [Grant number: PTDC/PSI-PED/102556/2008]
Overview of Presentation Introduction Study Aims Methods Results Conclusions & Implications
AD/HD in Preschool Years Introduction • Symptomsofhyperactivity,impulsivityand/orinattentioncan emerge earlyinpreschoolyears • Cause impairmentfor thechild, family, school • Can bemoderatelypersistentovertime Harveyetal., 2009; Laheyetal., 2004 • Increaserisk for further negative long-termdifficultiesDuPauletal., 2001 • Predictsthedevelopmentofcomorbidproblems(ODD, CD)Beauchaineetal., 2010 • Highdevelopmentalchangesinthis age period: • Carefulstagedapproachto identification/interventionNICE, 2008; Sayaletal., 2012 • Comprehensiveandmultidisciplinaryassessment • Preschoolyears: criticalmoment for earlyidentification/interventionandprime targetofinvestment(clinicians, policies) • Preventionof negative developmentalpathways
AD/HD in Preschool Years Introduction Potential risk factors Social Environment/ Community Family • Bidirectionalandreciprocalinfluences • CoercivecyclePatterson, 2002 Child Target PARENTS inearlyeffectiveintervention
I am the mother of a naughty 4, almost 5 year old boy. In this moment I feel a bit lost because I fear a lot for my sun’s future. It’s not only attention and concentration that worry me, but also his impulsivity and non-compliance, not only towards us but also with his teacher and all the other adults. As a mother, I want to try anything to prevent my son from “getting lost”. I don’t want that my puppy reaches 6/7 years under medication. If it has to be so, it will, but I would like to try other kinds of help first.
WhytheIncredibleYearsParentingProgramme? Study Rationale
WhytheIncredibleYearsParentingProgramme? Study Rationale
Main Purposes Study Aims
Methods Study design Participants Procedures Instruments Intervention
Study Design Methods Longitudinal Study
InclusionExclusionCriteria Methods
Participants Methods
Participants Methods
Procedures Methods
Instruments Methods
Instruments Methods
Intervention – IncredibleYears Basic ParentingProgramme Methods
Pre-Post Comparison: child variables Results: Repeatedmeasures GLM; Group: between-subjects; Time: within-subjects WWPAS: p < .01, p² = .11 PKBS-O/I_home: p < .01, p² = .11 PKBS-O/I_school: p < .05, p² = .06 PKBS-SS_home: p = .052, p² = .04
Pre-Post Comparison: mother variables Results: Repeatedmeasures GLM; Group: between-subjects; Time: within-subjects PSOC: p < .05, p² = .05 PS: p < .001, p² = .19 DPICS_PP:p < .001, p² = .21 DPICS_COACH: p < .05, p² = .06
12-month effects: childvariables Results: Repeatedmeasures GLM; Time: within-subjects : WWPAS: p < .001, p² = .44 WWPAS_T2-T3: p =.536, ns PACS-HY: p <.001, p² = .35 PACS-HY_T2-T3:p = .011, p² = .12 PKBS-SS: p < .001, p² = .32 PKBS-SS: p = .111, ns
12-month effects: mothervariables Results: Repeatedmeasures GLM; Time: within-subjects : DPICS-PP: p < .001, p² = .23 DPICS-PP_T2-T3: p = .813, ns DPICS-COACH: p = .407, ns PSOC: p < .001, p² = .20 PSOC_T2-T3:p = .900, ns PS: p < .001, p² = .49 PS_T2-T3: p = .337, ns
Clinical Significant Reduction of AD/HD behaviours Results: Non-parametrictests 30% reductionofinitialbaseline scores = clinicallysignificantimprovement Axberg et al., 2007; Webster-Stratton et al., 1989 43%IYGvs11% WLG (6 monthfollow-up) [χ² (1) = 11.66; p =.003] 59% IYG (12 monthfollow-up)
Programme’sAcceptance: AttendanceandSatisfactionVariables Results: Descriptive data • Programmeattendance rate: • - High: 88% on 9 or ↑ sessions (mean:11 sessions)- Droppedout: 8% (4 mothers < 4 sessions) • Programmesatisfaction: • - IY approach to changebehavioursappropriate (29%) orveryappropriate (71%) • - Highsatisfactionwiththesessions’ contentandprogramcomponents(methods, strategies, leaders, group)
MainConclusions Discussion • Encouragingresults, suggestiveofsignificantshort-terminterventioneffects : • Children: Reductionof AD/HD behaviours (home, school) [medium ES]; marginal increaseofsocial skills(onlyathome – targetcontext) • Mothers: Improvementofpositive parenting, senseofcompetenceandlessdysfunctionalpractices[medium to large ES] • II. Maintenanceofgainsfrom 6 to 12-month afterbaseline(small ES): • CoachingeffectfadedoutandAD/HD behaviours(mothers’ interview) continued to decrease (sleepeffects?)
MainConclusions Discussion III. High acceptability of IY model Preliminaryevidenceof IY as a promising P Earlypreventiveinterventionoption for Portuguese children/motherswith similar characteristics
For Research Implications • Data replication (differentcontextsandpopulations) • Largerrandomizedsamplewithlongerfollow-upperiods: • mediators(keyingredients ?) andmoderatorsofchange(for whomandinwhat • conditions ?) Gardneretal., 2010 • Interventionintegritystudy(facilitator’sadherence to protocol) • Directlyrecruitfathers - largersamplesizes(Fabiano etal., 2012) • Compare IY with usual care: Whatis more cost-effectiveinthelongrun?; orwithother IY setofprogrammes: Additionalbenefits?
LessonsLearned: Interventionand Policies Implications • Early identification (community settings): even low-hyp children • Disseminate effective early intervention • Investment in training and supervision (fidelity process) IY BasicParentProgrammeinterventiontestedin a portuguese sample: 14 + 2 Sessions (2001 version; with some contentadjustments, tailored to AD/HD needsandcharacteristics) • Longer version (flexibility): reinforce Coaching parenting skills • Promote continuous support after the end of the programme • Monitor children with more severe problems