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Solis Power Solution: Solar Company in Jaipur

Solis Power Solutions since its establishment in 2015 is well established organisation in solar industry providing value, commitment and superlative service and products to its valuable customers, associates, installers and EPC companies. We are a leader in offering a complete range of Solar EPC solutions, provides services with a focus on project design and engineering & managing all aspects of project execution from conceptualizing to commissioning & operationality of project<br><br>

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Solis Power Solution: Solar Company in Jaipur

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  1. HarnessingSolarEnergy SOLAR EXPERTS SOLUTIONS

  2. SOLARENERGY SYSTEMS Progress andFututeDirections ABOUTUS Solis Power Solutions since its establishment in 2015 is well established organisation in solar industry providingvalue,commitmentandsuperlativeserviceandproducts toitsvaluablecustomers,associates, installers and EPC companies. We have our office situated at Jaipur, Rajasthan with a warehouse storage capacityofover1MWsolarmodules. VISION Promotingtheuseofsolarenergyandtoguardagainsttheperilsofexcessiveuseoftheearth'snatural resourcesusedingenerationofconventionalenergy. MISSION Tohelpthesocietytogetstartedtheirsolarjourneysothattheygetbenefitsfromrenewableformof energy.Toreducecarbonfootprintsonearth,byactivelyengagingwiththehumanity. TOPLEADERSHIP Dr.KBGupta HeisanEx-IASofficerfromGovernmentof Rajasthan. He brings in his 40 years of leadership experience. He has been conferred Doctorate by Rajasthan University on his distinguished research workfocussingGST.EarlierhehasdonehisMaster's inBusinessAdministration. Mr.RohitGupta He is the founder of Solis Power Solutions. He has morethan15 years ofexperienceinmanufacturing and distribution in varied industries such as Iron & Steel, Medical & Surgical, Renewable Energy and EnergyStorage.HehasdonehisMaster'sinFinance.

  3. WHATWESTANDFOR Landtypesettingindustry. INNOVATION oremIpsumissimply dummytextoftheprinting TECHONOLOGY Lorem Ipsum hasbeen the industry'sstandard dummytext ever sincethe1500s,whenan unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a typespecimenbook.It has COMMITMENT HarnessingSolarEnergy survivednot only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. TRUST SUSTAINABILITY WHYSOLISPOWER? Endurance Efficiency Expertise Economy Evolve

  4. “ Solarpowerisgoingtobeabsolutelyessential tomeetinggrowingenergydemandswhilestaving offclimatechange.


  6. SOLISPOWERSOLUTIONS SB-10, Narayan Sagar, Narayan Vihar, HasarpuraGopalpuraBypass,AjmerRoad, Jaipur,Rajasthan302035. +91-9509054000 www.solispower.in HarnessingSolarEnergy

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