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5 Questions To Ask Before Hiring Car Accident Attorney?

At Soloff & Zervanos, P.C., they want to discuss five questions you should ask an attorney before choosing them to help with your case. If you or a family member are injured in a car accident that was caused by the negligence of another person, you may need help from a car accident attorney in Philadelphia to help recover compensation for your losses.

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5 Questions To Ask Before Hiring Car Accident Attorney?

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  1. 5 Questions To Ask Before Hiring Car Accident Attorney?

  2. If you or a family member are injured in a car accident that was caused by the negligence of another person, you may need help from a car accident attorney in Philadelphia to help recover compensation for your losses. At Soloff & Zervanos, P.C., they want to discuss five questions you should ask an attorney before choosing them to help with your case.

  3. 5 Key Questions To Ask A Prospective Car Accident Attorney Be sure to comparison shop different car accident attorneys in your area before settling on one to take your case. Ask these questions to each attorney you visit for a free consultation:

  4. Do They Specialize In Handling The Injuries You Have Sustained? The field of law is highly specialized, and some attorneys focus solely on personal injury law. You do not want someone who specializes in employment law handling your traumatic brain injury case after a car accident. Ask a prospective attorney whether they have experience handling your specific injuries.

  5. Do They Work On A Contingency Fee Basis? Most personal injury attorneys will take cases on a contingency fee basis, which means the client pays no upfront or out-of-pocket costs for the case. The attorney will only collect legal fees after a favorable settlement or verdict, and these fees will come from an agreed-upon percentage of the damages collected.

  6. How Frequently Does The Attorney Go To Trial? i mpli catio ns of whe ther or n ot an atto rney is Th is is a n impo r tan t q ue s tion b ecau s e o f the will not take the case to tr ial. Attorneys who in compens ation if th ey know your atto rney co mpanies w ill often offer mu ch less mo ney wil ling to ta ke a case the distan ce. Insur ance for a quick sett lement. Howe ver, some attorney s are just looking secure more compensatio n for your injuries. are wi lling to take cases t o trial can usually

  7. What Do They Think The Chances Of Success Are For Your Case? You want an attorney who will give you an honest assessment of your case after examining the initial evidence. While no attorney can guarantee success in the case, they will be able to tell you whether or not they are confident that your case is worth moving forward with.

  8. They Will Help Secure The Compensation You Need If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident caused by the negligence actions of another driver, seek legal assistance today. At Soloff & Zervanos, P.C., They are dedicated to helping clients secure the compensation they need in these cases. This could include:

  9. ★ All crash-related medical expenses ★ Lost wages if you are unable to work ★ Pain and suffering damages ★ Loss of personal enjoyment damages ★ Possible punitive damages in cases of gross negligence When you need a car accident attorney in Philadelphia , you can contact them at 866-597-8572. Donald Soloff

  10. Contact Soloff & Zervanos 1525 Locust Street 8th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-929-7216 https://www.soloffandzervanos.com/contact.shtml

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